
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Winter Garden vs. Summer Garden

This really does seem to be the never ending winter. I walked outside today in the snow yet again. Up at the cottage in northern Michigan the cold and snow is still in full force. I'm longing for my garden up there and for winter to be over. Thought I'd share some winter garden pictures and the garden that I hope survived this winter.

You can see the top of my garden bench sticking out, it is buried in about 3 feet of snow pack. That is not even drifted snow, just a solid blanket.

This is what I hope to restore the garden to this summer.

Winter vs. Summer
  This was a new part of the garden last year. I added lots of hydrangeas, climbing roses, clematis, petunias, snap dragons and alyssum to name a few.

Here is a winter view of the fire pit. What you can't see the fire pit? Yes it is buried under snow.

I'm hoping to sit back there again soon!

I've been invited to participate in our town's garden walk this summer so I anxious about getting the garden back in shape after this long, long winter. The frost line this winter is about 5 ft down, really extreme even for northern Michigan. I just hope the snow is gone and the ground thawed by Memorial Day, so the official planting season can begin!

Linking to this week:

Friday, March 7, 2014

Vintage Crochet Shirt

Sometimes decorating ideas start from a small or unusual item. I this case mine started with a vintage hanger. When I was in Arizona last month I had a chance to visit a wonderful antique show called Sweet Salvage. I picked up this great wire hanger, once home the question was, what to do with the hanger besides hang it in the closet?????

I remembered I had a crocheted shirt that my grandmother made for my mom back in probably the late 60's. I never remember my mom wearing it and to be honest I can't imagine it fitting her it is tiny! That is the problem with trying to wear vintage clothes, they are soooo small. Anyway out of the box it came and on to the hanger.

I then hung them from a ribbon in front of the window in my office/studio/craft room.

Details of the crocheting…..

I feel this looks like a lacy collage, it blended well with the lace already hanging in the window.

The pictures came to come out very sepia looking even though I took them on a bright sunny day. I like the look it seems to go with the vintage lacy feel.

I'm trying to get things I like or love out of boxes, the basement or where ever I have them hidden and display them so I can enjoy them daily. This has made my "studio" jammed with beautiful things. In this room less is not more…..

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