
Monday, June 4, 2012

Clematis Crazy

It is a good thing I took some of these pictures last week, we had two days of pounding rain and temperatures back in the low 40's. Had to close all the windows and my heat came on!! Seems like we are getting a cold wet spring now that it is June. But we really needed the rain and now all the lawns are lush and green.

One of my favorite flowers are clematises. The varieties, colors and the centers of the flowers are just spectacular. Unfortunately I have not recorded the names of the varieties I have planted, I really need to start doing that.

These blooms are lined up all in a row…..

This guy is the keeper of the clematis.

 I'm hoping for a nice sunny week so I can get back out into the garden. Hope you have something fun planned for this week. Also if you have any guesses as to the variety of any of my clematises I'd love to know. Thanks...


Julie Marie said...

Your Clematis are just beautiful!... such gorgeous colors... I have two, one Fireworks and one Jackmanii... not sure which yours are but they are stunning... you are like me... I take a thousand photos of mine, they just keep luring me to do so... xoxo Julie Marie

Amy Burzese said...

They are beautiful! I bought my first one this year so I don't have blooms yet. Thanks for sharing yours.

carol l mckenna said...

This is one of my favorite flowers ~ Awesome photography ~ thanks, ^_^

Babs said...

Your photos of your clematis are gorgeous. I have two kinds, but they finished blooming a couple of months ago.
Isn't this weather crazy? I can't complain though, since we had extremely hot and dry summers the last few years, we're thankful for the rain...just not the storms.

Cecilia Artista said...

Stunning shots of the beautiful clematis!

Kris Yackel said...

Beautiful morning burst of color! Love the Keeper of the Clematis. Gives me some ideas as I work in the clay this week.

Emilie's daughter said...

I am besotted by your photos and your clematises! Very beautiful. They are such wonderful flowers and pleases one's heart and soul to the utmost. I hope the sun comes out again - here it is rather chilly and rainy too. But as you mentioned everything is lush and green which is fantastic too. Christa

cairncottage said...

I LOVE Clematis! I have 2 different kinds in my garden. The intricate detail of these flowers in your photos just amazes me!! The wood carving is very unique, too! I have an uncle who does carvings like that...did one of you carve it? Also, thanks for stopping over at my blog and leaving a sweet comment for me!

In His Lo♥e, Ann

EMily said...

Those are so pretty! Ours finally decided to bloom this year!

Leah H. said...

Beautiful and lovely flowers, great shots:)

Visiting for Favorite Photo Monday- hope you can stop by:)

Cassey said...

Lovely colors, beautiful flowers..

Visiting for Favorite Photo Monday- hope you can stop by:)

Unknown said...

Your macros of these clematis are stunning! Like the way you present yourself in your profile:):) Thanks for the follow and have a great week!

Olive said...

The photos could comprise a book Laura. I have one wee vine emerging from a plant I got at Costco half off. I am cheering it on and hope it makes it. I planted it about four weeks late.

Dee ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ said...

Your clematis are gorgeous! Spring sure has been rainy. I'm in N.J.


Linda@Coastal Charm said... pretty!!!


Pinky at Designs by Pinky said...

Your clematis are gorgeous!!! The pictures are amazing too. What beautiful colors. XO, Pinky

In My Wild Eden said...

Such beautiful pictures! Your weather is exactly the same as ours (I wonder how close we live to each other in this great state!). The rain battered my clematis and peonies. I cut some of the peonies that made it through and my house smells so good! I hope you have a beautiful day!

Ingmarie We said...

Lovely clematis and also lovely photos of them. The first clematis could be Kakio (Pink Champagne). The second Ville de Lyon. The fourth: Dr Ruppel? Nelly Moser? Have a nice week.

Anonymous said...

Your photography is superb. Hugs. -Amanda

Kaye Swain - SandwichINK for the Sandwich Generation said...

Oh what lovely flowers! Great shots for this Sweet Shot Tuesday. I'm afraid I have never grown those, but I may have to think of doing it one of these days. Are they fairly easy to grow? They surely do make you want to use your digital camera to snap their photos. :) My grandkids have some lovely bulbs growing that someone decades before planted, so I don't know their names either - tho I do think they are day lilies, but beyond that, I don't know. It's a delightful mystery. Thanks for a lovely visit.

Nancy said...

What a variety you have! I have a couple of Jackmanii's I planted a few years ago and they are doing well this year. :)

Thoroughly Modern Me said...

Such an amazing variety of colors you have in your garden. I am a bit of a hydrangea fan these days. Lots of colors available there as well. I'm so glad you found my blog and like my vintage bait buckets. I made my husband clean them out very well after he put his eels in them!!

Meg said...

Pretty, pretty, pretty! I planted a Clematis earlier this Spring and I thought I had killed it somehow. Got a bit of a rocky start. But, it's picking back up and lots of new green vines! Mine is the purple variety. Do they come back every year? I planted it without even knowing!


karen@somewhatquirky said...

Laura, I think that 2nd one (starting in row 9) is Clematis 'Ville de Lyon'.
I have one and kept the tag. here's a little info - They are considered Group 3 which refers to when they bloom and when you should prune them. Blooms in early summer and often again in autum. large, early summer flowers will appear on wood formed the previous year. If you wish for flowers late in the season, prune in early spring, before growth starts, to shorten vines to the first pair of strong buds, about 12" above the ground.

Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

You have lovely varieties whatever they're called! You captured them beautifully!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Good morning Laura,
You've captured your Clematis so beautifully! I really like your collages. Thanks for sharing and enjoy your day. Hope the sun is shining!


Gypsy Heart said...

Just gorgeous, Laura! Thanks for sharing such beauty.


Bunny Jean said...

Hi Laura!

You have a beautiful variety clematis and I just love your photography! I am just now finding you and will have to visit more of your blog.

I am visiting via Jann's Share You Cup Thursday where I also shared about my little garden friends.

xoxo Bunny Jean

Katie @ Wildwood Creek said...

Beautiful photos! I love clematis.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Fabulous macros!!!

momto8blog said...

gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous your pictures capture the beauty!!
I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
enjoy your flowers!

Liz @ Sit With Me In My Garden said...

Great pictures and beautiful clematis! I need to find a sunny spot for some, but then I wouldn't be able to choose which one I like best!
I see your pictures on the side...your are as addicted to flowers as I am!
Hope you have a beautiful weekend in NY! We're expecting some rain here in Michigan so I imagine it's coming your way! We had 2 weekends of rain which yielded 5 inches all total! Our lawns are looking good for now too!

Helen's Decor said...

Laura, I know what you mean about the rains beating the flowers. I'm struggling with my deckboxes and pots, too. Your flowers look great.
Thanks, Helen

Tina´s PicStory said...

lovely flowers! :)

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

WOW Laura your pictures are stunning! I also love Clematis! I have four, but want More, More, More! lol! I have a couple of the same ones as you. I have saved my tags. I will get them out and let you know this weekend which ones they are. You have some real beauties! Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup!

Barbwire Pretty said...

WOW!!! I had no idea there were so many beautiful, different ones. I planted one last year and posted it last week on my blog. I'm so proud of it, so I can imagine how you must feel.Thanks for sharing.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Happy Pink Saturday, Laura! Thank you for your nice comment about my magazine feature. Hope you're having a lovely weekend.


Full Circle Creations said...

Beautiful pictures of your Clematis! We could use some of that rain, we've only had 1/2 inch in over a month. The crops are starting to struggle. Thanks so much for linking up to the All Star Block Party!


LifeLessOrdinary said...

Clematis is a favorite of mine. Your pictures are stunning! Thank you for linking up these beauties at the All Star Block Party. I'm a new follower too :)

Shasta @InTheOldRoad

Rose Garden Malevik said...

What a great post..Lovley Photos :)
and do not miss......




it is FUN :)
HÃ¥kan (The Roseman)

Rose Garden Malevik said...

sorry Laura......didin´t see that it was YOU :)
I say it again -just LOVELY Photos......
and thank´s for linking :)
Hugs from Sweden

LANA said...

Gorgeous photos! I have always thought those flowers were beautiful but have never planted them. I must try now, after looking at your beautiful pictures!

Laura Quaglia (Fun With This and That) said...

Nice post of flowers.
Hope you have a Happy PS

Anonymous said...

Your clematis is GORGEOUS!!!! How I wish mine looked that good... and I love the "man" guarding it... that is too cool...

thanks for sharing it with us at the ALL STARS BLOCK PARTY... hope to see you next week too.. =)


Katherines Corner said...

absolutely beautiful photos of the clementis. Sadly mine dies we had a cold spell a while back. So happy I could enjoy yours . Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop. xo

Ivy and Elephants said...

Your clematis are gorgeous! But your photographs are just amazing. Better Homes and Gardens needs you!
Have a great week!

The Tablescaper said...

Such gorgeous photos and clematis.

- The Tablescaper

Geneva said...

Congratulations on your feature at Bunny Jeans ... your photographs are stunning!

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