
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fall Sunsets

It is interesting how the Fall changes the light and position of the sunsets and moves more southwest. At the height of the summer, the sun does not set until almost 10:00, now it sets around 7:00, so sad. But as promised, Charlevoix's fall sunset ....

This is my favorite picture, don't you think it should be a postcard?

You can see the stars starting to come out.... 

Linking to this week:
Nick of Time Tuesday
Share the Joy Thursday
Good Life Wednesday
Watery Wednesday
Time Travel Thursday
Potpourri Friday


d e l i g h t said...

Absolutely beautiful! Yes, it should be on a postcard!!!

Bonnie said...

Wow! You captured God at work beautifully.

Geneva said...

Beautiful Photographs! I especially like that you can see the stars coming out... Stunning! Thank you for sharing! Also thank you for the sweet comment you left on my blog... I'm your newest follower as well.

Tamera Beardsley said...

Stunning photos my dear...and thank you so much for visiting me today!!

rebecca said...

you are speaking straight to my ocean loving heart!

My name is Riet said...

Thank youfor your visit.Your photo's are beautiful. I love love the red sky in the sunset.Wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures you have taken. I have never seen anything like that before.


Leovi said...

Wonderful series. Beautiful color and light, evocative evening.

KP said...

Spectacular.....wish I would have been there to see it!

Vickie @ Ranger 911 said...

Oh, those photos are breathtaking!

Dawn Elliott said...

A person wouldn't know that you're not a professional photographer! Your pictures are totally awesome!!
Thank you for your recent visit to my site and your kind words.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


Thank you dearest, for coming to visit this morning! It is so lovely here and chilly...perfect for my day off. Anita

Anonymous said...

I do indeed think these images should be postcards...the way the lighthouse light echos the color of the setting sun.

just stunning!

Unknown said...

Makes me want to get my watercolors out and paint. Absolutely beautiful. I love the idea of mother and daughter blogging together. Blessings

Madelief said...

What an amazing sunset. All those colours and the stars. It looks magical!

Lieve groet, Madelief

Kim Mailhot said...

What beautiful light ! Thank you for shairng your evening joy !

Honey at 2805 said...

An absolutely beautiful sunset and wonderful image!

Thank you for linking this fabulous post to Potpourri Friday! Your participation is appreciated!

Deb said...

breath taking shots...thanks for stopping by to visit....

Rebecca said...

You captured it amazingly!

Laurel@ChippingwithCharm said...

So very, very beautiful!! Thanks for the visit and sweet comment :) Laurel@chippingwithcharm

Babs said...

Gorgeous sunset and photos. I hope it's warmer tomorrow. Thanks for visiting.

Reena said...

These are just awesome photos! All would make great postcards! Glad you stopped by and I discovered you!

Deborah March said...

BEAUTIFUL photographs. They remind me of life right here in Nova Scotia!

Rajesh said...

Spectacular sunset shots.

Shirley @ The Gardening LIfe said...

All these shots are incredibly stunning. My favourite is that of the boat coming in to dock with the lighthouse guiding its safe passage. Spectacular!

Micupoftea said...

BEYOND gorgeous...TFS! You should frame it~

Monica @ Happily Playing with Dishes said...

Fantastic photos as always. I love the ones of the lighthouse. Thanks for sharing.

NatureFootstep said...

beautiful shots of your lighthouse. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for coming by and your sweet words about my Dreamy Chandelier!!! I absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I want to be there this weekend!!! I'm your newest follower and hope you'll "follow" me on your next visit!

Aimee @ ItsOverflowing

Cindy Adkins said...

Simply gorgeous! Yes, postcard perfect! The skyline looks like it's on fire in a couple of those. Also, I'm glad you found the fab giveaway from Jennifer Rizzo I posted on my blog!

Red Rose Alley said...

Your sunset photos are wonderful. You really captured the beauty of the sky.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

lvroftiques said...

Sooooo beautiful!! Vanna

a2susan said...

beautiful sunset, great photography. Hope you're having a good week and got all your gardening finished.

marieDee said...

Beautiful! Glad I came over from the recommendation of Confessions of a Craigslist Junkie!

Connie said...

The pictures are heavenly. Don't you just love the water ? I enjoyed this.

Unknown said...

There is something magical about sunsets and yes - any of your pictures are postcard worthy.
Cheers Kylie

Tina´s PicStory said...

fantastic serie! they are all worth a postcard, every single one :)

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