
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Vintage Valentines and a Before and After

I love the little vintage Valentines they have such a sweetness to them. I can't resist the cards when I run across them at vintage stores. I have some of my collection displayed in a holder that I found at a thrift shop and made over.

I found this at a thrift shop for $3.00, it is not old but a vintage style. Notice the ugly tan knobs on the right, half of them were missing so a picked off the rest. A little bit of white paint and I have a whole new look!
Before and After

So sweet, I like the dark haired children, they remind me of my daughter.

I'm sending out my own Valentines. I love the new Valentine's Day stamps the post office is offering.

Are you sending out Valentine cards this week? Do you save the cards that you receive? At one point I had carefully saved most of the cards I had received but stored them in the basement. We had a mouse that found my cards a wonderful meal, needless to say they had to go. I was not happy! I'm now storing my favorite cards in a safer place.

Have a Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. How pretty !
    I don't send out Valentine's day cards but you're making me think maybe I'll start - what a fun idea!

  2. Dear Laura, your hanging holder transformation is lovely. Much better in white. I have not sent Valentines cards in years. I do have some vintage ones. Somewhere. blessings, olive

  3. You did a great job, and the stamps are very pretty too in their as well!! xx

  4. How adorable, love the old valentines too, Francine.

  5. I love your vintage valentines and I'm so impressed with the makeover! An entirely different and far more lovely piece.

    Aren't the valentine stamps great? I did make a bunch of valentines this year and sending them our. How they make me smile, just knowing a little bit of love is going in the mail!

  6. How very, very sweet. I am dropping a couple of Valentines off for my kids but too much going on here and I didn't get any other ones out! xo Diana

  7. That is so cute. I remember when I was a kid and our kids were little gettting cards.

  8. A clever find! And such a neat way to display your old valentines.

  9. Laura,
    Oh my gosh, I just went to the store and they didn't have the Valentine stamps at the time. They are so cute. I love your vintage cards and card holder. You did a great job fixing it up. My sister first introduced me to vintage cards many years ago, and ever since then, I was hooked.

    I hope your Valentine's Day is filled with happiness and love.


  10. Oh, that little dark haired girl is so sweet. :~)

  11. I love your little cards. I keep all mine. , my little grandsons sent me valentine cards this year,they addressed them to, deer gramal I loved them xoxoox

    So glad to hear from you again. happy Valentines Week


  12. Cute!
    Thanks for dropping by me!
    Blessings :-)

  13. Hi Laura!! I had hoped to send cards but there was not enough planning or time.
    Love your display!

  14. What a creative transformation! Lovely and useful :)

  15. Laura you are a creative awesome SOUL my friend. I love the creative transformation . JUST PRESH

  16. Beautiful! I love the transformation. and love vintage Valentines. Visiting from Make it Pretty Monday party.

  17. What an adorable collection!

    Great to have you at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper


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