
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Frozen Lake Michigan

 We recently went up to the cottage in Northern Michigan to see what a 100 inches of snow looked like and to see the very frozen Lake Michigan. This winter the Great Lakes are 90 percent frozen for the first time in over 50 years. It seemed so strange to see the lake that hosts so many summer activities frozen for miles and miles. People are walking out on the lake near the Charlevoix lighthouse.

In the summer a ferry boat runs 26 miles out to Beaver Island to deliver people, supplies and mail. This winter they been running snowmobiles all the way out there for mail delivery. Hard to imagine the lake is frozen that far out.

Looking out from the beach. 

This is the same view at sunset in the summer.

We drove down to a spot along Lake Michigan to see if we could get a better view of the lake. We hiked down this long road to get to the lake. It was a beautiful day, the sun was out but it was only 10 degrees, as they say up north it was a little "fresh" outside!

This was the view we were greeted with snow, ice and frozen water as far as you could see. You can see the people walking out on the lake. Once we got down there we realized those folks were friends of ours so they helped us with a few photos.

If you read our blog on a regular basis you might have noticed we rarely post pictures of ourselves. I've made an exception here, I feel like I am in my winter disguise! My hubby and I are standing in front of frozen waves.

The frozen waves.

I'm standing in front of an ice tunnel that was formed from the motion of the waves. In some sections of Lake Michigan the waves have created ice caves.

More frozen waves.

Michigan truly is the Winter Wonderland! We feel like we may have seen a once in a lifetime event created by mother nature.


  1. I have heard about this, of course, but your photos are just amazing! It must be stunning for even you old hands of the frozen north! Strangely beautiful.

  2. It is really beautiful. I saw the big caves on TV and they are amazing. At least this winter has been beautiful even if it's never ending.

  3. It is awesome, isn't it? We have the same thing here along Lake Michigan and we usually go up to Lake Superior at least once or twice during the winter. I find it almost scary to think it has been cold enough long enough to freeze the great lakes over like it has. I hope we don't have another winter like this for a LONG time! xo Diana

  4. What a beautiful day to see this wonderful act of nature! I enjoyed seeing a photo of your and your husband bundled up for the trek. I wonder if the lake will ever thaw!

  5. Wow - your pictures are stunning. Mother Nature at her finest. Thanks for reminding me how glad I am that I now live in Florida (at least until it is 100 degrees with 100% humidity at which time I will need to re-look at your photos.

  6. Your pictures are so beautiful and amazing Laura.

  7. Although, this winter-lover is "done with it " & heading to FL beaches to escape the bone-chilling arctic air on this side of the Lake, I truly enjoyed your photos! Great examples of the awe-inspiring beauty of creation! I did spend some time reveling in the beauty of you sidebar floral beauties, as I always do ;-).

  8. I live in Traverse City in Michigan. It has been a very long winter and I am so ready for it to be over, It's beautiful alright but now with last night at minus 11 when I went to bed I am over it,

  9. Ahh you were up in my neck of the woods! I'm in Traverse City. Those ice caves really made the news. There were some up in the Leland area that everyone was flocking to. It's already changed and they broke apart when the ice broke up and moved things. Isn't it cool to see the difference with the view in the winter vs summer! Looks like you were outfitted well! Gotta keep that skin protected at those temps.

  10. It is a once in a lifetime winter that is for sure. I saw snow rollers for the first time in my life this winter - a rather rare occurance. Your photos are stunning. I've seen Lake Erie frozen, but nothing like what you've shown.

  11. Ahh Laura, you don't know how much I appreciated this post and your pictures! They are magnificent and still won't change my (our) mind when we move up to Michigan. I was in the Manistee area during the whole month of January and I survived the two polar vortex'. We are trying to sell our house here in Virginia first before we move up to UP MI. If we get the house we want, it will only be a few blocks from Lake MI. Thanks again for sharing your frozen adventures, I can't wait to show these to my hubby :) -Bev (a soon to be Michigander)

  12. Brrrr! I don't miss my 'growing up' days outside Chicago but your photos are just wonderful!

  13. Such beautiful photos! I really like the red lighthouse against the white snow and blue sky.

  14. Beautiful winter pictures! I am originally from London, even though I have lived in London the last 15 years. Seeing your photos made me think of winter in Norway :-) I don’t really miss the cold winters, but it was nice seeing your pictures!

  15. Thank you so much for sharing these amazing photos, I enjoyed them so
    much, what a marvel........
    Just amazing that the whole lake could freeze like that. I am from Florida and it looks like an ocean shot we have with the sunset, and
    then to see it all frozen is just
    mind blowing!

    Loved seeing this,
    blessings, Nellie

  16. Sorry, I can see my post went off a bit in a hurry!
    I meant to say: I am originally from Norway :-)

  17. Frozen waves? I don't even know how that could happen, but they are beautiful.

  18. Thank you so much for visiting and your kind comment. Your photos of the ice and snow on Lake Michigan are amazing! It really is beautiful with the brilliant blue sky and the red lighthouse. And those are lovely photos of you and your husband too. :) Have a great weekend. Pamela

  19. Laura,
    These are some very cool pictures of Lake Michigan. I loved them all, especially the last few. And there you are - you look so cute in your darling hat! This is such a nice picture of you and your husband. The red tower against the white snow makes a great picture. You have really captured so much beauty here, and I loved to see the comparison of the lake at summer time. Thanks for giving me a bit of your snow today. Such beautiful pictures.


  20. Truly amazing! The photos are stunning and you are beautiful. I've missed many computer problems, sad days and lately helping my daughter & s-i-l pack and move. I'm totally exhausted!


  21. These are amazing photos. I have never seen any lake frozen quite like this one. Just heard more about it on the news today. Thanks for the pictures!

  22. Wonderfull landscape and cottage.

  23. My goodness Laura, you could be in the arctic if I didn't see the trees int he background. That's some spectacular cold you've got going on. :)

  24. The pics are magazine worthy my friend. Loved them all and to see the snowy beach is just amazing. That light house is just beautiful . LOVED it all. Sherry

  25. Laura, love these Michigan photos! Can't wait to show them to my husband!

  26. I enjoyed seeing these photos. My hubby is from Michigan and he loves to see the frozen lake. Thank you for sharing your sweet blog at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop ♥


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.