
Friday, March 7, 2014

Vintage Crochet Shirt

Sometimes decorating ideas start from a small or unusual item. I this case mine started with a vintage hanger. When I was in Arizona last month I had a chance to visit a wonderful antique show called Sweet Salvage. I picked up this great wire hanger, once home the question was, what to do with the hanger besides hang it in the closet?????

I remembered I had a crocheted shirt that my grandmother made for my mom back in probably the late 60's. I never remember my mom wearing it and to be honest I can't imagine it fitting her it is tiny! That is the problem with trying to wear vintage clothes, they are soooo small. Anyway out of the box it came and on to the hanger.

I then hung them from a ribbon in front of the window in my office/studio/craft room.

Details of the crocheting…..

I feel this looks like a lacy collage, it blended well with the lace already hanging in the window.

The pictures came to come out very sepia looking even though I took them on a bright sunny day. I like the look it seems to go with the vintage lacy feel.

I'm trying to get things I like or love out of boxes, the basement or where ever I have them hidden and display them so I can enjoy them daily. This has made my "studio" jammed with beautiful things. In this room less is not more…..


  1. So pretty, Laura! I've got something similar tucked away somewhere and now I'm going to have to find it.

    *My daughter has vintage children's clothing hung from our granddaughter's curtain rod, just like you've done. One day her 3 year old came downstairs wearing one of the dresses. She placed a chair on top of a desk and climbed up and got the dress front of her second story window. Yikes!!!!

  2. That is a gorgeous piece of crochet work. All the more beautiful because your grandmother crocheted it. Lucky you!

  3. What a great way to display both hanger and crochet!! It looks very pretty. xx

  4. Just beautiful. I loved every singly thing .>xoxox Hugs

  5. It's a beauty! How sweet to have fond memories out for all to see.

  6. It looks beautiful. I love lace and crochet things. They are so romantic.

  7. "Jammed with beautiful things" sounds quite lovely to me! And this is simply exquisite!

  8. Hi Laura..the hanger is so great & you found the perfect thing to do with it for sure. I love the lace top & how it looks in the window. Beautiful treasure to display!
    Hope you are having a great Pink Saturday...
    :) Tami

  9. Hi Laura,
    I love this crochet shirt! In my header, you can see a crocheted jacket in a very similar style! :o)
    Hugs from Austria and happy P.S.,

  10. Wow. That crocheted top is really lovely. You might as well have it out to be seen and enjoyed.


  11. the hanger...I have never seen one look like that and the top is gorgeous and more precious because it was made my family. HPS Michelle

  12. the crocheted top is so beautiful! what a lot of work that must have been. I love how you have it displayed, and I agree, we should use or display our treasures!

  13. How beautiful, and so special because your Grandmother made it. Love how you have displayed it where you can enjoy it. ~Lorraine

  14. That is beautiful. I think if I had something similar that fit, I'd probably wear it, ruin it, and it would not be so beautiful any more.

  15. How pretty. I'd wear it, too!

    The top looks pretty with the shade…a pretty vignette for your window!


  16. I like this post and seeing how you put together the hanger and your mother's sweater. And if you ever wanted to wear it, brown is your color!

  17. Thanks for bringing your creativity to Seasonal Sundays.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  18. What a great idea to display that crochet top like you did. Super cute!

  19. Such a beautiful piece of clothing! Your grandmother was very talented! It looks especially lovely placed where you will enjoy its beauty daily.

  20. So pretty and very true. Often when out looking in antique shops, I'm amazed at how tiny the shoes and clothes tiny! Thanks so much for sharing at Amaze Me Monday...

  21. Gorgeous Laura! I love the vintage hanger and the crochet work on this shirt is beautiful! Thanks for sharing it with SYC.

  22. Hi Laura, the shirt is beautiful and you are right, vintage clothes are so small - ladies must have been miniatures, LOL I'm just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. I have been having trouble with GFC and if I am already following you, and you following me, please forgive me. If not, please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  23. It's all beautiful. I love that you are getting out all your beautiful things. You have inspired me!

  24. A nice piece.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  25. Oh, look at that vintage hanger! The crocheted shirt that your grandmother made is so special. I really like the design on it. My sister knits and crochets, and I've always thought it was such a talent. I love items that are handed down to us from loved ones. I bet your mom's crocheted shirt is a treasure for you.



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