
Monday, February 3, 2014

Arizona Botanical Gardens

I just returned from a trip to Arizona, the land of blue skies, sunshine and warm weather. While there a had a chance to go to the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix. I love visiting there when in Arizona, the gardens are so different from I'm used to in the midwest. That is the wonderful thing about traveling, experiencing something different! The Botanical Garden was featuring an installation from extraordinary glassworker Dale Chihuly. This is the second time Chihuly's work has been featured at this center.

Fortunately or unforunatly depending on your point of view, I couldn't resist taking lots of pictures! 

This was one of my favorite pictures.

These cactus looked like star fish to me.

This boat filled with glass was floating on a pond. I love the reflection of the glass on the water.

I'd hate to fall into these prickly cactus.

This lavendar coordinates with the glass spikes below.

It is truly amazing how these glass sculptures are assembled.

I hope this was not like watching someones travel slides but as a garden enthusiast I loved being able visit this garden and sharing it with you. But sadly I am back in the cold, we have about 2 to 3 feet of snow on the ground back here in Michigan.  Luckily I missed the minus 13 degree temperatures while I was gone. I went snowshoeing today, a far cry from strolling in a desert garden!

Linking to this week:


  1. Hello, I am new to your blog, but I am looking forward to reading more. I love your pictures of the Botanical Gardens, and especially the Chihuly sculptures, I think they are amazing and I hope to see some of his work in person one day. Lovely to get to see it here in the meantime though. xx

  2. Wow - those sculptures were amazing and very different from anything I have seen before. Thanks for sharing the pictures with us. Stay warm!

  3. Your Photos of it all are exquisite... I was there while they were still installing his Work so I have to go back this Month to see it all now that it's completely installed. I Love the Gardens and spend a lot of time there since we are Members. Ironically I just posted a pix of me there and mentioned this Exhibit! Your coverage makes me impatient to get out there now! *Smiles* Glad you enjoyed your visit.

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  4. Your photos are fabulous and I truly enjoyed looking at them...twice! What an amazing backdrop for Chihulys's breathtaking art. I have viewed his work here in Chcago, at the Garfield Park Conservatory and in Indianapolis at the Children's Museum. I am fascinated by his work, and the fam axing feat of transporting and installing it on site!
    We're in for more snow here tomorrow night into Wed, and again Fri & Sat. I guess I'm crazy, but I love it! I even sled with my lgrandson!

  5. Oh my, what gorgeous shots. I cannot imagine how beautiful that must have been in person and it's glass! Amazing!
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!

  6. Wow -- magnificent photos! What an experience! Did you see the Chihuly outdoor installation at Meijer garden a few years ago? Some of the same pieces. It was lovely, but I think even better in the environment you visited because it added to the interest and abstraction of the art. It was art in itself, brought alive by the color of the glass. Stunning.

  7. Wow!!
    Your photos are FABULOUS!!
    I truly enjoyed looking at the glass sculptures. I can't pick a favorite they are all so unique,but I loved the one that looks like hot air balloons. I would love, to go there and visit one day.
    That was a nice break from the frigid weather.
    xo Marissa.

  8. Such awe- inspiring pics!
    Thanks for sharing your link list :-)

  9. I've seen this and wow, it really is amazing. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  10. Wow - those sculptures were amazing and very different from anything I have seen before. Thanks for sharing the pictures with us. Stay warm!
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  11. This post struck two chords with me. First, I grew up on that desert! I am a Mesa girl and I love those gardens! If you take the time to look closely, cacti are beautiful, amazing plants! I miss my AZ home on these cold, snowy winter days in Utah. :(
    Second, for 8.5 gray, rainy years my husband and I lived in Tacoma Washington, Dale Chihuly's home. He even attended the high school where my husband taught. His work is so amazing! What a great combination to put those colors and shapes in the Botanical Gardens! Too bad you can't see the gardens in April when the plants are all in bloom!

  12. I love everything about this garden. My favorite is the boat filled with colorful glass.
    Thank you for sharing!

  13. Speechless here! :-) :-) :-) LOVE.
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  14. What a colossal number of sculptures! I've never seen so much of his work in one place. And who knew they would work so well in a natural setting. These were truly amazing pictures - thanks for sharing.

  15. Absolutely stunning shots of the glass sculptures. The colours really bring out the surrounding landscape. From a new follower x

  16. I'm amazed they can do all that with glass. Stunning photos.

  17. Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog which led me to your blog! I have never seen anything like those glass sculptures...and the cactus! The pictures are beautiful! I could have looked at more! Can't wait to read more of your blog!

  18. I made a trip to Arizona last winter, my first time, and can see I missed an amazing place.


  19. Wowwww
    I'm quite amazed! These are spectacular photos !!

  20. I lived in Arizona for many years, and I find the desert beautiful. But now I see that it is even more so with those fabulous Chihuly creations! Gorgeous photos! Happy Pink Saturday!! ~Lorraine ♥♥♥

  21. What a spectacular garden. I am sitting here reading this and it's snowing like crazy outside, so this hit the spot. I like the colored stakes they've used throughout--that is something that could easily be duplicated in a home garden.

  22. Beautiful pictures! I love Dale Chihuly's art; first saw some at a museum in London.
    Nice that you were able to go south during some cold weather.

  23. Wow. wow and wow! These are just amazing works of art. I'm not into modern but I do admire glass art and these ones actually 'growing' in the dessert are just gorgeous. I think the first blue one is my favourite as it looks like a globe thistle bloom. Your photos are beautiful. Wonderful post. Thank you for your visit and kind comment. Pamela (playingwithmycamera)

  24. Laura,
    The Arizona Botanical Gardens is fascinating. All the glass sculptures are so pretty. I love all the blue ones. And the cactus star fish is so unique. Glad you got to experience this wonderful place. I can see why you took so many pictures.

    Have a fun weekend. It is raining raining raining here, and much needed.


  25. Spectacular photos, Laura. Isn't Chihuly's work amazing? When I lived in Columbus, OH I saw a Chihuly exhibit at Franklin Conservatory. Also, I visited the botanical garden in Phoenix several times when I lived there. That was a long time ago. The desert in bloom is really breathtaking. The starfish shaped cactus in one of your photos looks like it's trimmed with rhinestones. A fascinating capture.

  26. Really fascinating. Both the live ones and the glass ones.

  27. Okay, after seeing your wonderful desert photographs I need to add this Botanical Garden to my "bucket list."
    JM Illinois

  28. The glass sculptures are beautiful. I've never seen them before.

  29. The glass sculptures are absolutely beautiful and you've captured their beauty for us to enjoy, too, Laura! The natural elements are lovely also. Thanks so much for sharing your photos with us!

  30. Holy smokes! Lucky for you to have Chihuly come visit your botanical garden. I always go to RBG Kew on my birthday and a couple years ago they had a Chihuly exhibit there. I always feel close to home when I see his work no matter how far away from the Pacific Northwest I am.

  31. Hi Laura,
    Hubby and I took a trip to AZ a few years ago to visit our youngest daughter and sil. While there the 4 of us went to the Botanical Gardens. It really was breathtaking! Great way to forget about the snow for a while, right? Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  32. So cool!

    Thanks for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper


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