
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Perfect Winter Activity - Knitting

What to do on cold snowy days, knit, knit, knit! I'm not the best knitter in the world but I like the process, I find knitting relaxing and rather meditative. My sister is a beautiful knitter, making sweaters that actual fit the intended recipient. Several years ago she make me a beautiful icelandic style sweater that I keep up at the cottage and wear on cold days. 

Every year my sister finds us a charity looking for knit items, this year it was the Red Scarf Project. The handmade red scarves go into Valentine's Day care packages to foster care students as they move towards graduation and out of foster care.  Click for more information on the Red Scarf  Project.

Here is my favorite knitting chair…..

Notice how I even managed to find a bag that coordinates with the fabric on the chair, not planned but sometimes things just fall in place. The red yarn even goes with the bag!

 One of the things I love about this yarn is that it is made in Michigan! It comes from Stonehedge Fiber Mill in East Jordan, Michigan. Click on their link Stonehedge Fiber Mill for information about their farm and mill. I'm using one of their Shepherd's wools, which is soft and knitting up beautifully.

Grab some needles and knit up something for yourself, a loved one, or a person in need, it is a wonderful way to fill these winter days. If you are knitting I'd love to hear what you are working on...

Thank you to the ladies over at  Centerpiece Wednesday and Share your Cup Thursdays for featuring my post last week and no-knead bread baking. Please stop by and visit them their links are listed below.


  1. Yes, knitting away the cold winter months is wonderful, love the red.....great charity, Blessings Francine.

  2. I love love what your doing for others. I always promised GOD if I was blessed enough to win the lotto I would buy an old house with four or five rooms and have a home for kids that transition out of foster care . They are often sent to the streets once the family does not receive funding. GOD bless you for every stitch you do my friend.

  3. Oh, how I wished I knew how to knit.
    the color of that yarn is gorgeous.

  4. Your scarf is beautiful and for such a worthy cause! I've been knitting up mittens that actually fit the little hands they're meant for. And now I've got requests for slippers, so I've been searching for a pattern I like. I'm keeping a project in the car for the many hours we spend on the road to visit our daughters and their families. Knitting in the car makes the trip seem so much shorter!

    Your photos are gorgeous, too, Laura!

  5. What a beautiful, nubby scarf, and I love the floral tote bag! I haven't knitted since I was in high school--I should pick it up again.

  6. You are so sweet to be making that beautiful scarf for charity.

  7. Hi Laura! I learned to knit at age 12 and then never pursued at 56 I started again when I joined a Prayer Shawl ministry that my good friend Bonnie started. We knit shawls that are prayed over and then give them to people in hospice, or who are ill or chronically ill. They are always received with tears! I blogged about it here if you want to check it out...
    I am getting bored with just straight knitting! I love the pattern on your scarf....what is it called? Visiting from Be Inspired...

  8. Stonehedge Fiber Mill and Shepherd's Wool are two of my favorites. It almost feels like it has cashmere in it, it's so soft. I can't count the number of things I've made with it -- it felts like a dream, too.

    I love the pattern of your scarf. I've been working on one that is a bit of a nemesis. I think I only have a couple of inches to go -- but the downside of that is that it is knit horizontally, so a row is 450 stitches! I'm I'm lucky I can do a couple of rows a night before the arthritis kicks in! Your chair looks like it has good support, too.

    Very, very nice!

  9. That is awfully sweet of you. CC apparently has learned to knit while in South Korea.

  10. Your knitting chair is beautiful! I love the texture of the yarn with the pattern you are using for the scarf. Really nice.

  11. Your knitting chair is beautiful and so is your knitting. I love that you are using Michigan yarn. From your description it sounds like it feels wonderful.

  12. What a beautiful color and pattern. What is the stitch called?

  13. Laura,
    Your knitting chair looks so comfy. The red scarf project sounds like a great one. I love Valentine's Day, and a red scarf during the cold winter months would be so nice. I have always thought it was such a talent when one could knit or crochet.

    Keep knitting, my friend. It's a wonderful thing to do.


  14. Hi, So nice to meet you. Love your scarf pattern and the wool is lovely and shaded. Pretty.


  15. Oh my Laura, the chair, bag, and yarn look picture perfect indeed! I love the floral and the colors. Just naturally attracted to it I'm sure. Wish I knew how to knit. Love the pretty red yarn! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  16. Hi Laura-
    I am trying so hard to learn to knit.
    I can crochet, but I have never knitted.
    What a wonderful idea to fin a charity for your knitting!

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