
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Bread Baking and Freezing Weather

What to do when your car won't start because it was 13 degrees below zero this morning, bake bread! First can I complain about the weather? During the holidays we were in northern Michigan at the cottage, there was 2 feet of snow and zero temps. We came home from the cottage early because a major storm was hitting back down state and we wanted to get home. Now at home there is more than 2 feet of snow and sub zero weather! There seems to be no escaping the snow and cold this winter! Schools are closed for the second day thru out the area. All I can say is yikes!

A few snow pictures first… One of these might be my holiday card for next year!

Now on to the bread baking…….

This is a no knead bread baking method from Jim Lahey's book, my bread The Revolutionary No-work, No-knead Method. The bread is baked in a metal dutch oven at a high temperature. The loaves come out with a hard crust, they are like a rustic artisan loaf you get at the bakery. Yummy with butter or dipped in oil olive. Not hard to made you just need to let it proof for over 12 hours, I started this process yesterday.

If you want to try your hand at this bread here is a link to the recipe.

What could be better on a cold day then fresh baked bread. I guess some chicken or tomato soup would so good with this, I'd better get busy. I'm still waiting for someone to come a jump start my car.


  1. It's cold here too Laura. -13 degrees is very cold!!!

    Your bread looks yummy. I love your outdoor decor. Stay warm!

  2. Yummy! What a perfect way to spend a cold winter day, it looks delicious. That would be such a fun Christmas card. You may not have any snow next December.

  3. Laura,
    Your snow is so beautiful to me! I know it is causing so much trouble with many of my blog friends, but I don't see it much where I live, so it always makes my heart sing when I do. This could definitely be a holiday card next year. Your bread looks so good - I haven't had homemade bread in such a long time. Dipped in butter or olive oil.....YUMMY!

    I hope the new year is treating you good.


  4. Oh my goodness … we are hearing just how cold it is in the US. We are getting the end of the weather from New York but it has turned to wind and lots of rain.
    ….. but, what could be better to cheer yourself up than a freshly baked loaf !!
    Keep warm and take care. XXXX

  5. your snow is pretty but makes me shiver.
    The bread looks wonderful and nothing tastes much better than homemade bread baking in the oven and smells soooooooo good as well.
    Been having freezing temperatures here in Texas but it's to get up to 60 deg today with chance of rain showers.

  6. The bread looks wonderful. Yeast scares me but maybe I could try. It is even cold here in the south and my heater is not keeping up. I made a big pot of vegetable soup last night. xo, olive

  7. Good Morning, found your blog on dear Roxie's and fell in love with the name of your blog, I had to visit you. Enjoyed your posts, so nice to meet you, I am a new follower now, Blessings Francine.

  8. This bread certainly is perfect for the deep freeze we're all experiencing! With a bowl of homemade soup...yummy!!
    Mary Alice

  9. Wow -- I'm copying that bread recipe. Rick got into yeast and has been baking bread like a crazy boy. I got a new Dutch oven for Christmas -- this sounds perfect!

    The up-north pix are wonderful. And now, you see the same here!

    Sending you wonderful Happy New Year wishes!

  10. Beautiful bread! Perfect for this crazy weather. Jesse got two extra days of vacation which we all loved! Fire, games, books, movies- It was wonderful, but now they are all out there in the cold. I have a beautiful view from the window and I can hardly believe it but the sun is out! I hope you enjoyed your holidays. Thank you for thinking of us and leaving such a kind comment.

  11. perfect solution for a shut in day. the bread lots yummy. my niece is in Ann Arbor, and has been sending us pictures. unbelievably cold. stay in make soup today.

  12. Holy cow, wouldn't this be good with a bowl of hot soup on a winter's day!

  13. HI Laura,
    The bread looks delicious-I'm afraid I'd keep running back for one more slice until I ate the whole loaf :)
    Stay warm!

  14. You've got the right idea Laura! I'm off today and I'm going to do a little baking myself. Our kitchen is the coldest room in our house in this weather, so when I bake, it's toasty warm. Your bread looks delish!!

    Your outdoor photos would be perfect for a Christmas card. I love the rusty snowman!

  15. My hubby is a joking! He has hinted for me to BAKE him some bread....this was obviously meant for me to read! Thanks for the DOES look quite delish! We are having a heat wave over the next week! YEAH! Blessings~~~and thanks for the sweet comments....the next 6-8 months renovating the cottage is going to be interesting! Roxie

  16. Your bread looks BEAUTIFUL!!! I love baking bread, and this one looks amazing!!!! Love the snow pictures too! It's still really cold here in Maryland, but we don't have any snow left now.

  17. yum

    this looks like
    that crusty
    chewy bread
    you get at fancy eateries

    i've brought back
    Fridays Unfolded for 2014
    and would love for you
    to stop by and share!

    Nancherrow (formerly Stuff and Nonsense)

  18. Looks greats. Off to check the recipe now. See you next time at SYC!

  19. Yum, Yum...Oh my it looks so the smell of baked bread!

  20. Hi Laura. New follower here. This is definitely bread baking time. I love the smell of fresh baked bread in my kitchen, and this rustic bread looks like a great recipe to try. I'd love it if you'd share it at Every Room In The House. It's a month-long blog party at A Joyful Cottage. Since we're partying in The Kitchen this month, recipes are welcome. Here's the link:
    Do hope you'll join us. Stay warm, Nancy

  21. Way too cold for me! :) The bread looks absolutely wonderful! I will have to try this method soon.

    I finally got a new computer so I can visit now. Have missed you!


  22. we are cold and snowy here too my friend. Oh this bread is divine. I love bread and yours looks amazing. Thank you so much for helping to make the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop so much fun Hugs!

  23. We have snow here, but nothing like that. Wowzer! I have heard of this bread and have wanted to try it. Yours looks delish! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  24. There is nothing better than fresh baked bread and yours looks YUMMY. I used to have a batch of friendship bread in the fridge, the kind you had to feed daily and bake at least every few days. It was soooo good, but my behind was getting sooo big...I had to discontinue the friendship bread. I do love bread. Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY, stay warm!

  25. Hi Laura, just hopping by to let you know that I will be featuring you at SYC later today.

  26. Beautiful bread!!
    I can almost smell the wonderful aroma :)
    It's very tasty, I know. I've been making this recipe for quite some time now, adding pine-nuts

  27. That bread looks incredible. I must try this recipe!


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.