
Monday, August 19, 2013

Garden Before and After

Last week I mentioned I'd share the new garden area that I planted this year. I wanted to add more flowers to the side of the house, reduce the lawn a little more and add an arbor.

This is the arbor in the early spring before the garden was planted around it.


This is the new addition and as you can see it is quite a difference.
This is the view coming from the front of the house.

 If you go to the backyard and round the corner you get a different view, both pretty I think.

The larger hydrangeas were planted on a previous garden improvement project. 

One the right side I added Pink Diamond Hydrangeas, delphinium, daisies, coneflowers, petunias, snapdragons and alyssum. On the left side I planted more Endless Summer Hydrangeas, astilbe, violas and lobelia. The arbor will hold a climbing rose and clematis.

I like rabbits and have them in several spots in the garden. This guy looks a little grumpy, how could he be grumpy among all theses flowers?

This is the climbing rose called Angel Face. I've managed to get a few blooms, my nemesis the deer have been eating them. I love the soft pink color, they are fragrant and smell wonderful.

I like the combination of hydrangeas and astilbe.

 I think it is hard to take photos of the expanded view of the garden. You are fighting sunlight or shade, making it difficult to capture the true beauty. The area is really prettier than I have been able to capture. Anyway, I look forward to next year and having the new garden area fill in a little more.

A big thanks to Kathryn at Make It Pretty Monday for featuring our garden from last week!

Linking to this week:

Amaze Me Monday


  1. OMG can you say heaven. Your garden is gorgeous. Love your flower beads. My favorites are your pink Hydrangeas, can't grow them in Miami. But I did planted 4 in my sister's garden in Alabama last year. I think the acid in the soil makes them pink?? Hope hers are pink. Your trellis is gorgeous now, I can only imagine with the roses. God has blessed your garden, what a pleasure, and your work paid off.

  2. Hi Laura,

    What a beautiful garden you have! I like the way you changed your garden, creating rooms. The flowers you chose are very pretty!

    Madelief x

  3. Dazzling gorgeous! I can't believe all this happened in a year -- adore hydrangeas, but I've never seen them grow so fast! What a sweet-smelling haven you must have out there!

  4. gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!Wow you have some powerful soil! thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop. Big Hugs and Happy Monday!

  5. Laura,
    I think that's one of the prettiest pink roses I've seen. Your garden is so charming. I love the little rabbit amongst all the pink flowers.

    I think I could sit and dream awhile in your back yard.


  6. Laura,
    I also wanted to tell you that it looks like you've worked very hard on your garden area to make it what it is today. Your hard work has paid off, because it truly is a beautiful area.


  7. Wow it sure did fill in nicely. Looks like a lot of work but well worth it. Everything is beautiful

  8. Now I call this a success story! Simply gorgeous! Really gave me a lift!

  9. Your yard/arbor are gorgeous. I love the colors you feature. Have a wonderful week.

  10. I have to say WOW! I love the makeover with the arbor and your lovely flowers. The colors are all beautiful and blend well. Your photos are lovely, thanks for sharing.

  11. OMGoodnes, Laura! This is as pretty as anything I have seen anywhere. I could just carry a chair out there with a cup of coffee and a book and just BE! It is absolutely stunning-looks magical! xo Diana

  12. It looks so beautiful. To look at it one might think it took years to get it to be so flourishing and full. You have knocked my socks off.

  13. Amazing! Just so beautiful; your garden talent with flowers and shrubs are breath-taking, gorgeous!

  14. Your garden is just stunningly beautiful!

  15. Just breathtaking Laura, I can only imagine how many hours of work you have into your beautiful gardens. I'm a lover of all things bunnies too.

  16. Your garden is so lovely and I just adore the rabbit.

  17. OMGoodness, this is gORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!! I am saving this cause it is my inspiration for here. We just moved here in Oct. so are just starting over with our gardens. We have planted over 60 bushes and 3 trees so far. Your gardens are amazing. Thanks SO much for sharing this. XO, Pinky

  18. The garden is beautiful, Laura!
    Greetings from, RW & SK

  19. Wow, it looks fantastic!
    What's your astilbe secret? Mine never do much. Do you have them in quite a bit of sun? They're gorgeous!

  20. WOW! You give "green thumb" a whole new meaning! The garden is beautiful, Laura. Very classy, just like everything you do. Love the rabbit also.

  21. Your new garden is amazing! What a beautiful difference it made on that side of the house. Everything filled in so nicely around that simple and elegant arbor. Thank you for sharing, Laura.

  22. Your hydrangea's are so beautiful! I just cannot seem to get them to grow well in my yard!

  23. 🌺🌺🌸🌸🌷🌷 just beautiful!! I wish the fairies would come and make my garden look like that !!!

  24. Amazing, your garden is stunning. Great pics too. Thanks for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  25. Your garden is so beautiful. Do you hire out?

  26. Hi Laura,

    What side of the house are the hydrangeas planted on?? I think we are in the same garden zone and I have trouble growing hydrangeas. Are they getting morning or afternoon sun?
    Thank you.

  27. Wow, that looks great for a new garden! Your arbor is a nice accent and you've done a great job on your plants. Perhaps that's Peter Rabbit and Mr. McGregor has locked him out of the garden! Your hydrangeas look awesome!

  28. Laura, the before and after photos say it all. Wow! You certainly have a green thumb and a lovely sense of design. This garden is spectacular. I have several bunnies sitting about in our garden too. My favorite, Peter Rabbit disappeared some years ago. Made me sad, and I still miss him. He had been a gift from one of my first grade students. She had so enjoyed our literature study of Petter Rabbit, that she left Petter Rabbit on my front porch as a surprise. I still have the memory of this thoughtfulness, and that's what is important. '-)
    I agree about taking photos of one's garden. You did a great job of getting wide shots. I don't have much success with such photos.

  29. What a beautiful garden! The blues, pinks and lavender colors are so peaceful and inviting. I could sit there for hours.

  30. This is really, really pretty! I love how you mixed the astilbe with the hydrangeas. We're going to be re-planning one of our front garden areas for next year, and I may have to borrow this idea from you!

  31. Your yard is incredibly beautiful. The trees are so large and the shade is wonderful. It is clear to me that you live somewhere cooler than Texas. :) We have pretty yards too but in a different way.

  32. How could any rabbit be grumpy in a garden that is so beautiful. I love it all. xo Laura

  33. Could not help becoming a new follower of yours, love your wonderful yard, just the perfect combination of grass and flowers, wow your flowers are beautiful...I will be back again to see more of those beauties...

  34. Beautiful new additions to your garden. Can't believe how beautiful your hydrangeas are. I'm jealous. Hydrangeas just don't grow like that in Utah.

  35. Oh, how gorgeous! You have a beautiful garden, Laura, from whatever angle you look at it. What a pleasure it must be for you to see this every day. I love the astilbe and hydrangeas together too; breath-taking! Thank you so much for sharing and you are more than welcome to link this up to my HOME party. Have a lovely rest of your week.


  36. SOOOOO beautiful! It's hard to imagine all this grew in such a short time. I love the color choices as well. When the roses cover the arbor, it's going to be even more amazing! Gorgeous!

  37. Any secrets on your beautiful hydrangeas we would love to know!!!!Lori

  38. Happy...Happy...Happy Pink Saturday!
    God bless and strengthen you in all things!

  39. What a lovely place to spend a summer's day! All your hard work certainly paid off.

    Wishing you a Happy Pink Saturday!
    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  40. Soooo beautiful! I have a soft spot for one that is not doing well but your beauties make me want to add more!
    Be blessed, Lorena

  41. Oh my gosh, what a difference Laura! It is breathtaking! It really gave the area a whole new look. I have a few bunnies in my garden also. I think this guy is just a tad serious. He needs to lighten up. lol! I wish Hydrangeas grew like that here. I love Astilbes in my shade garden! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  42. Laura, this is just beautiful. It sure filled in, in a short amount of time. Your pictures show it off beautifully. I truly love it..Happy Sunday..Judy

  43. I'm over from Rooted in Thyme party and this has just made my morning! I can't stand it! how beautiful it is. that first picture is comical next to the "afters" LOL....hydrangeas are amazing and they combine beautifully with the astilbe and all the rest! Wish I could have such flowers down here. Gorgeous!!!

  44. Wow! What a difference the arbor and plants made! Truly beautiful!

  45. Hi I have just found your lovely Blog , what a amazing garden you have it is so very pretty.

  46. You are such a talented gardener. Your flowers are so beautiful and your list of what you have planted reminds me how much I love their names. Wonderful!

  47. Wow!!! Talk about beuitful, your yard is amazing. You certainly do not live in our area of the country. It takes more humidity than we have to grow a garden so lovely as yours. It is absolutely breath-taking. Do you dry some of your hydrangeas for winter bouquets?
    Thanks for letting we stroll through your garden . . . I truly enjoyed myself.
    Your blogging sister,
    Connie :)

  48. wow! I love your garden and you did such a beautiful job of mixing the plants. The new arbour area looks so pretty! thanks for visiting me today. take care, maryann


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