
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Busy Life - Still Life

We have been missing in action… has been busy and blogging was on a back burner.
I had 4 weeks of back to back company visiting the cottage at the end of the summer and into the fall. I love visitors any time of the year but normally our visitors arrive early to mid-summer when the garden is prettier and the cottage a little more spiffy. So the late visitors have thrown me off schedule a little and jumped right into a busy fall.

I retuned back home to load up the car and head to New York City to attend a family wedding and to visit Andrea the "Broome" half of this blog. We haven't driven to NYC in several years, it is a long drive from Michigan, 10 to 12 hours depending on the dreaded road construction. But we had a few pieces of furniture to deliver to Andrea. The visit was great and the wedding beautiful. Now I am trying to transit back home after spending the summer at the cottage, never an easy process for me.

These photos seemed like the the perfect way to wrap up the summer by Lake Michigan.  Lake Michigan is always a source of beauty and amazement to me. The lake is different every day. It can be dark with crashing waves or it can be peaceful like I experienced recently. We had a few days of the rain and when it cleared out it left Lake Michigan still and clam with hardly a ripple.

During a walk down the beach I discovered a love note of sorts that someone left behind. A beautiful heart out of collected stones. You can see the rain pelted the sand around the heart.

The heart kind of sums up the end to a wonderful summer. I love my summers by the lake and it is always a little sad packing up the yard furniture and putting the garden to bed for the winter. But the seasons move on and the holidays will be here before we all know it!

Linking to this week:

Amaze Me Monday


  1. I know just how you feel, Laura. I was editing lake photos tonight and feeling more than a little sad that the days on the water are behind us already. Although we don't have a place on a lake, taking our kayaks out on the water is a great escape from the pressures of everyday life. And you're right, the holidays are just around the corner!

    Happy fall!

  2. Your images are beautiful! I love the water and am sad to see Summer end in many ways. We live on the Bay and I love the way it is ever changing. It is a blessing to me- xo Diana

  3. Beautiful are the photos!
    Have a nice day! RW & SK

  4. Love these pictures! The water over the pebbles brings back fond memories--I don't get out enough anymore. Thanks so much for sharing these!

  5. Laura,
    How fun that you visited New York City and spent time with Andrea. Me and Jess were just talking about that the other day, and we want to take a trip there someday. Lake Michigan is so pretty, and I love the heart rock, especially because it was left behind for all to see.

    Your pictures are so nice today. Happy October!


  6. That's so pretty with the stones -- and you're right about it being the right thing for the end of summer. When I was north last week, I went to Empire and we went to the big lake -- smooth as glass. Sigh. There may be another visit before winter sets in. Or not. But I know the one I had was worth waiting for.

  7. Oh how pretty and clever. Thanks so much for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  8. I am so blessed to of seen this post. I just kind of left it up on my screen for awhile. IT is so peaceful and somehow I felt like I was there. Thank you so much for blessing me with this post today. I just needed to see the BEACH my friend. HUGS

  9. I imagine it must be hard to leave at the end of summer. Our family has a close connection to Lake Michigan too. We have gone there almost every Friday afternoon for the past 22 years since our first child was born. It is also were we camp. It refuels my husband's soul after a hard week. I love the heart you found. A couple of visits ago our youngest son took pictures of a message spelled out in stones on the sand. It said "MISS YOU". It was beautiful and heartbreaking to see as summer ends. You can't help but wonder what the story is behind the message. Your pictures are beautiful.

  10. Hi Laura! I'm doing some catch up too! Your heart rocks and lake pictures are lovely. Do you think that the shore brings out soft emotions in almost everyone? It was a wonderful thing for someone to leave behind. I would find it really hard to have two places to live. I hope you're transitioning well!

  11. Your pictures remind me of Lake Erie. I want to take all of the pretty round stones home . . .


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.