
Monday, August 12, 2013

Backyard Relaxation

Summer is the perfect time for relaxing in the backyard.  You just need a comfy spot, a cool drink and a pretty setting. My hubby the Cottage Guy claims I really never sit down for more than a few minutes. I pop up to pull a weed, deadhead a plant or water a drooping plant. 

Here I'm all ready to sit down and flip thru my magazines, hum I forgot my ice tea, oh there is my camera I'll just snap a few photos…. About 45 minutes later I finally sit down. So here is a look at my pretty setting. 

I got this lounge chair last year at an antique show, it was black and didn't really fit in with the rest of the colors back here. Nothing a little painting wouldn't fix. Don't you like the curvy detail in the wheels?

I love these bright pink hydrangeas, I believe they are called Burning Embers.

This is my view when I do finally sit down, a beautiful row of Endless Summer hydrangeas.

We can cosy up to a fire at night.

Next week, I'll take you around the corner of the house and show you my newest garden area.

And yes I do need a blanket, it has still been in the high 60's or low 70's, plus it gets cold under the shade of our big trees. Wouldn't you like to come and sit with me for a bit? 

Linking to this week:

Amaze Me Monday


  1. Love your backyard! Beautiful hydrangeas and I love the Adirondack chairs around the firepit! I could spend all night out there!

  2. Love, love your hydrangeas and your gorgeous back yard. Your chaise looks like the perfect place for an afternoon nap.

  3. Yes! I'd love to sit, chat, drink tea and browse the pages of a magazine in such gorgeous surroundings! Your hydrangeas are so pretty.

  4. The green chairs and pink flowers pop in that gorgeous setting. I can't believe you need a blanket-it's so hot here. xo, olive

  5. Enjoying all the pretty pinks in your lovely backyard. Your hydrangeas are gorgeous!

  6. You hydrangeas took my breath away!

    I love your backyard- it's gorgeous.

    Glad you finally sat down to truly relax and enjoy it.

    Not too cool here yet, think I am getting ready, though.

  7. Cozy seating (with your feet up!) and a nice view. I like the fire pit where you can sit around at night and roast marshmallows.

  8. Love your fire pit and all the hydrangeas. I have never been able to grow them for some reason. Yours are beautiful.

  9. Oh Lura those hydrangeas are spectacular, I'm green with envy. I'm in love your lounge, I can picture myself curled up with a good book and a lemonade. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Laura,
    Your backyard looks so dreamy. It is green and groomed and pretty with all the flowers. So many of my blog friends have the hydrangeas around their homes. That chair is cool, I like the design. I think I could sit and dream in your backyard for awhile.


  11. You have a beautiful backyard and I love your patio furniture. Thank you for visiting my blog!

  12. WOW! Those hydrangeas are amazing!! I am like you, I sit down for a minute in the yard thinking I will relax....just as soon as I pull that weed, etc etc! What a lovely yard you have. hope you will take the time to enjoy it! Stopping by from Mosaic Monday

  13. Laura- I absolutely LOVE your backyard. It is as warm and welcoming as a big, bright family room. It is just perfect. Wish I could come hang out there with you! xo Diana

  14. You have a lovely sitting area in your yard. The hydrangea is beautiful, I love the pretty color. Enjoy your week ahead!

  15. Yes, a really lovely atmosphere!
    Come on, we both drink a coffee and enjoy the cozy beautiful place.
    of Rosine

  16. For some reason, the flower in the mineral water bottle strikes a familiar chord. It brings back memories of using 7-UP and Coke bottles for make-shift vases at "the lake."

  17. Lovely garden and such a fabulous place to relax. I would be in that chaise for sure. Thanks for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  18. Looks like a perfect haven! And heaven! The hydrangea is a stunner. I won't get back north till the weekend after next and the way the weather has been, I fear it will be cold... wonder how I'll cope in September!

    Really, I could just fall into your yard right now and just "be." It would be absolutely lovely!

  19. Gorgeous backyard wow!!! I would love to take a nice nap there!!!

  20. Your backyard is beautiful! Oh, how I use we had highs in the 70's! Our high's are in the mid 90's and the lows in the upper 70's! I'm so ready for Fall!

  21. It looks lovely. I'd love to come sit with you awhile. Thanks for sharing with us at our Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop.
    Angel @

    Also new GFC follower

  22. lovely backyard. Definitely the right place to sit down and relax

  23. A beautiful backyard - definitely hard not to relax!

  24. What a delightful place to take a the shady area...and those pink flowers are sooo beautiful.
    Over from Mrs. Olson's

  25. A perfect place to sit and relax and enjoy the cool weather. We have not started that in Texas as yet.

  26. Beautiful yard. Such a relaxing area. Blessings, Debbie

  27. What a beautiful backyard you have. Love the hydrangeas. xo Laura

  28. Those pink hydrangeas are breathtaking. It's hard to imagine the need for a blanket anywhere, here in Florida it's a sauna.

  29. Your backyard looks positively devine - cozy and comfy. Save me a glass of tea!

  30. Gorgeous Backyard Relaxation!
    Have a nice sunday!

  31. I would love to sit with you a while in that lovely yard or read a book in that fabulous lounge chair. Oh, my!!

  32. To be able to sit in your yard and enjoy the summer!

    Great to have you at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  33. So very pretty! You are one of the features today at the Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Pop on over and grab a feature button for your blog. Hope to see your prettiness again at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  34. Oh, Wow, what a beautiful garden you have! I love your hydrangeas!

  35. I am so jealous of your hydrangeas and of that chaise lounge.

  36. Laura, you sound just like me. lol! I am the same way, always hopping up to do something. Love your beautiful relaxing garden. The Hydrangeas are gorgeous and I am coveting your lounger. I saw a vintage one at a shop and wanted it quite badly. It had a price tag of $150 so I decided to pass. Love the curves! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  37. I featured your pretty backyard today at Mod Vintage Life.

  38. I highlighted your beautiful backyard onnCenterpiece Wednesday tonight :)


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.