
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Mid-Summer Lake Michigan Sunset

 I can't believe it is mid-summer and I haven't posted any Lake Michigan sunsets pictures yet. I really never tire of walking the beach at sunset, everyday it is a different view and almost always beautiful. These were all snapped in one evening…...

At the height of the summer the sun doesn't set until 10:00 PM. We are at the very western edge of the eastern time zone. It makes for lots of outdoor time.

Clouds help to make a glorious sunset.

Almost done for the day.

I always feel like I have to give a weather report when we are having unusual weather. We are still experiencing fall here, mid 60's and low 70's if we are lucky. This kind of weather makes for chilly swimming in the lake! Everyone is hoping that summer returns before fall arrives….

Linking to this week:


  1. I grew up on an island of Lake Erie - with the lake in the backyard.

    This just made me horribly horribly homesick.

    Loved those lake sunsets, you are blessed to still be able to enjoy it where you are.

    Thank you for the gift of sharing this beauty with us.

  2. Such pretty pics. I am back to wearing pants and long sleeves. We are having some crazy Michigan weather.

  3. I think you have said before but---where are you along the Michigan coast? Are you up close to the Mackinaw area? xo Diana

  4. these are beautiful photos! My husband is from the UP. We plan to retire in the Traverse city area. thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite things hop xo

  5. What beautiful photos! Gorgeous sunset.


  6. Beautiful photo's of Lake Michigan! To me it looks a lot like the sea. It's so wide!

    Have a good Sunday!

    Madelief x

  7. Such stunning pictures.....That's exactly where I'd be every night!

    Thanks for sharing it :-)


  8. Sunsets over the water are spectacular! We haven't had our kayaks out much this year, but I hope to get out a bit over the next 2 weeks. I hope we can enjoy at least one sunset on a lake!

    Gorgeous photos!

  9. Gorgeous sunset and photos.I think we all are having unusual weather this year. Here in Georgia, we're just thankful to not have another year of triple digit temps. I'll take 80 degrees and lower humidity,anytime.
    Have a great Sunday.
    xo Babs

  10. Thank you for posting these glorious pictures!!!! My BIL and his wife just moved from Mi. back to Fl. They were in Fife Lake, near Traverse City. When we visited them in the summer I was AMAZED that it stayed light til 10PM!!!!!!!!! That was awesome! Happy Sunday! XO, Pinky

  11. Just gorgeous. I can well see why you never tire of them.

    Great to have you at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  12. I love watching the sun drop below the horizon. Your sunset views are spectacular! Thanks for sharing them!

  13. Amazing sunsets...we don't see them like that in my corner.

  14. Hi, I'm Mildred visiting from GA. Your photos are gorgeous. My husband is from MI. Glad to hear you are enjoying some cooler temps. Our heat/humidity are terrible here.
    Have a nice week.

  15. Gorgeous sunsets. We're having the same type of temperatures in Ontario and I'm hoping we're not into an early autumn already.

  16. Amazing sunsets - photos!
    Nice day, R & S


  17. Absolutely gorgeous, Laura. It was nippy up there this weekend, wasn't it? But Friday's sunset was perfect at Otsego!

  18. Found your link through Coastal Charm Link up. Absolutely beautiful sunset...enjoyed these photos!New follower. Come on by and follow me too!

  19. One of my favorite things to do, watch the sunset over the water. Lovely images. Have a happy day!

  20. Wow,your pics belong in a magazine. Thanks for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  21. These sunsets are so pretty, Laura, and the clouds make them more beautiful.

    It is hotter here in California, but enjoying the summer days, as they won't last for too long.


  22. Love your sunset, your pictures are beautiful. Hopefully the weather will get back to the 80's today or tomorrow as I'm not ready for fall yet. Thanks for sharing your shore.

  23. There's nothing that thrills me as much as watching a beautiful sunset. It's like God is just painting a lovely picture just for us...each one unique!

  24. For several years we lived on the shores of Lake Ontario, and long ago I worked on the shores of Lake Superior. I've never seen Lake Michigan, but your photos are beautiful - I'd love to see that Great Lake!

  25. Lake Michigan is one of my most favorite places to be in the summer. You captured the sunset PERFECTLY!

  26. We have friends who are lucky like you to have access to Lake Michigan and the beautiful sunsets there.
    Your photos are wonderful!
    Wishing you a wonderful day!

  27. those are gorgeous skies and sunsets wow!

    I'm inviting you to come join us also For Travel Photo MOndays, it runs all week starting Mondays, come link up with us :)

  28. Lovely sunset shots! Such beautiful colors.

  29. Gorgeous pics!!
    Thanks for stopping by!
    Have a Lovely wekeend

  30. Hi Laura,
    what beautiful pictures!
    Greetings ♥♥♥ Rosine

  31. beautiful, I just shared your photos with my Michigander hubby. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop xo

  32. wow- what incredible pics- so glad I found your blog!


  33. Sunset over the water is always so beautiful, you never get tired of it. You made gorgeous pictures!

  34. Such a lovely sunset! I am a new follower!
    Have a great Sunday!

  35. I love Michigan's long summer days and I love lake Michigan. Lovely pictures and great post!

  36. Beautiful sight indeed Laura. Nothing quite like the stunning reds and yellows of the sunset! We are having extra hot temps here. Upper 90's. Although you can sure feel a touch of Fall in the mornings. Thanks for sharing these lovely shots with SYC.


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.