
Monday, July 9, 2012

Dresser Do Over

Once the garden is planted and underway I turn my attention to some of my painting projects. I wish I had been blogging 8 years ago when we bought the cottage, I would have had tons of furniture make overs projects to show.  I've painted dressers, tables, bookcases, hutches, and lots of chairs. Most of the inside furniture has been painted a creamy white or soft green. But my latest project for Andrea's closet is a bright pink. 

This dresser was a trash pick from the end of  last summer that I didn't have time to paint. Yes, someone left this cute little dress on the street. It had been spray painted black (never a good thing). The dresser is probably from the 60's when the white with gold trim French Provençal was all the rage.

It is bad when you start decorating the closets, but what the heck, why not.

I liked the drawer pulls that came with the dresser but they were had a gold cast to them and did not look good with the pink. The pink turned out a little brighten than I thought it would. It kind of glows in that white closet.

Since this is Andrea's closet I added some vintage New York City postcards.

I already had the mirrors, tray and postcards so the only thing I purchased was an 8 oz. jar of sample paints you see at the big box stores and the drawer pulls. It cost me only a little over $20.00! Don't you love those kind of projects…

Tell me about your favorite trash pick.

We feel honor that three blogs featured our post from last week:

A thank you to Nita at Mod Vintage Life for featuring our post last week on her Mod Mix Monday!

Also a thank you to the four wonderful bloggers over at All Star Block Party:

New House

Thank you to Mary at Very Merry Vintage Style on Share the Love Wednesday!

Please click on their links below to visit their great sites:


  1. Wow I love the pop of color you have certainly added interest to your space!

  2. I love the pink! And I like it that it glows! You got really great pics in a closet. I redid a closet and really want to post about it but I can't get a good picture to save my soul!

  3. a great 'do-over' and your photo history of the project is fantastic!

  4. That is a totally cool makeover! Love it!

  5. Oh my goodness - it's so much prettier now - great job!!

    Jan ♥

  6. Coud you pease tell us what the name of the color you used? It's fab!

  7. this is so pretty--i showed it to my daughter, who has been thinking of painting one of her dressers :)

  8. That is a sexy closet. I hope I can say that here.

  9. To the anonymous blogger that wanted to know what paint I used…

    It was Valspar (color sample size) Hint of Cherry #386769 from Lowe's.

    Would you believe that 8 oz sample was enough for two coats of paint on the dresser, but I had to prime it first to cover the black.

    Thanks, Laura

  10. Love the new color! I'm so jealous! That is exactly the size dresser I need for my bedroom and I haven't found it yet. Hopefully I will soon.

  11. Now that's a stylish closet if I ever saw one!

  12. Hello Laura, what color is so mind! Unbelievable!
    Like so much my chest very well!
    Sincerely, the Rosine ♥♥♥

  13. Nobody ever gives away anything around here. Love that dresser pink!

  14. Bela decoração...Espectacular....

  15. The closet decorating is an idea whose time has come and you have ushered it right in with aplumb! Why would anyone choose a plain boring closet when they can linger and love it. Wonderful way to make the most of each and every moment.

  16. Hi Laura, I hope that sow the snapdragons and foxglove in my garden itself.
    Come on always look forward to your blog!


  17. Ooh, love that color. Great job.

    What? I thought closets were for decorating. ;-) ♥

  18. If you are crazy for decorating a closet, I guess I am too. I'm making a sewing room out of my big walk in closet. Needed a spot for my sewing table and fabric, and that was the only space I had I could close the door to when it got messy.

    Love the bold but pretty color choice for the dresser.

  19. Now that is one good looking closet! I like the idea of decorating it. The chest is amazing especially considering how it looked before. Wish my closet was that clean and pretty! I need to get to work on it! --------- Shannon

  20. I love how it turned out! The color and drawer pulls are fabulous...


  21. Laura, it's just beautiful! The color looks "happy" to me and if you have space in a closet, I say go for it! I so wish I did...I'd do the same.

    You are very talented with a paint brush my friend. Wanna come down & help me?


  22. Good Job Dear! i enjoyed seeing it,


    If you have a minute, please check out my blog and follow me if you liked it. I'll appreciate it so much! Thanks!

    Blow a Rainbow

  23. this is just beautiful! wish I had a closet big enough to do this with
    happily your newest follower, would love to have you visit and follow back:)

  24. Love the color, handles you put on the dresser and the little nook it sits in! Bravo!

  25. How great! I love the way that dresser turned out :)

    New follower from the Blog Hop
    My Wonderfully Dysfunctional Blog

  26. If the closet is bare and you have a spare piece of furniture ... why not decorate? A happier space + something being used and not stored are great things. Love the pink, glowing or not, its a great shade. I've been trying to figure out how to put a piece of furniture in my closet actually, so I'm envious that you have the space to do so.


  27. It's like a hot pink kiss in the closet! So cool and funky!

  28. just lovely I came over from Brambleberry

  29. Hi Laura: I love that color--it made me smile! My favorite trash project was an old beat-up desk that my hubby found on the sidewalk--he cut it down and turned into a great makeup vanity for me--I love it. Take care--have a fantastic weekend!

  30. Love that color! It's a fabulous piece!

    Thank you for sharing your creativity at Potpourri Friday!

  31. Hi Laura!

    This is sure to brighten any room... or closet. Love the old postcards and tray.

    I have an old secretary desk in my close that I use as my makeup table. I have always put furniture in my closets when they are big enough.

    Thanks for sharing at my party!

    xoxo Bunny Jean
    Wednesdays Bunny Hop Party!

  32. Ooo...I'm jealous! It's so cute! Pink is my favorite color. It's just marvelous.

  33. I want this in my room!
    It looks so beautiful!

  34. Love the dresser. And the vintage postcards are great. Thanks for sharing at the All Star Block Party!


  35. Wow! That would certainly brighten up a closet! Love the shape of it; very cute! I bet Laura loves it. Happy Pinks! Thank you for stopping by and have a lovely weekend.


  36. How beautiful! Visiting from Pink Saturday.

    Polka Dot Pink
    Have a great weekend.

  37. It really amazes me the things that people set out in the trash in this day an age of recycling and being green. Fabulous job on the treasure, such a great find! Love those vintage postcards too. Hope you have a fun pink saturday!

  38. I love pink in any shade, I don't think it is to bright at all...It's adorable! thank you for stopping by my guest post on the doggy bags.


  39. Oh so pretty! Happy Pink Saturday!

    Yard Sale Find is my PINK share this week. Come and see.

  40. Love the remake! Many wouldn't be so brave to use this color...and I think it's way cool that you are.

  41. This is really lovely! I have a few pieces of my old bedroom furniture which was French Provencial! I think I may need to refinish them!

  42. My daughter will like that dresser because it is PINK:)

    Visiting for PF- hope you can stop by..

  43. Great color. Love the shape of those old white and gold pieces--so curvy! Thanks for linking up to Share the Love Wednesday!

  44. Fantastic. Love the colors, I have made many furniture makeovers also

  45. Love the colour!!! What a great addition to this closet.

    Thanks for sharing at the All Star Block Party.

  46. The color is just so sensual! Love it. Found you on the Must Love Junk linky party. :-) Sue


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.