
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Super Succulents

Over the last few years I have planted lots for pot of hens and chick. They are easy to grow and care for but the best thing about them is they are heat tolerant. With this summer being so hot that is a very good thing. I have them lining my south facing, hot brick walkway leading to our side door. I don't have to worry about watering them on a regular basis. However, I did snapped some of these photos after a brief rain shower.

Hens and chicks are a low growing evergreen succulent that look sort of like rubbery little roses. The original rose or rosette are the "Hens" and the little rosette offshoots are the "Chicks".

The Latin name for hens and chicks is Sempervivum tectorum, Sempervivum meaning "always live" and tectorum means "on roofs".  Hummm… "on roofs" where did that come from.  

Well hens and chick originally came from Europe where they were planted in thatched roofs. Forklore claimed that they protected again fires. Since they are drought tolerant they were thought to be fire resistant and would slow down a fire in a thatched roof. It makes me wish I had a thatched roof to plant them in, wouldn't that be charming!

A few days later these buds bloomed.

I have planted them in strawberry pots, old boots and hypertufa planters. Next year I'd really like to try making a succulent wreath. A gardener always has to have a plan or a dream for next year……..


  1. I have begun planting more succulents this year as I am striving for a very Florida friendly yard....they really stand up to the heat. Love your shots here...many times they are a bit difficult to shoot up close but you did a marvelous job in capturing their beauty.

  2. I've got succulents poked in all kinds of places around the yard. Colanders, an old wagon, rusty pots, I just love them. Your pictures are stunning!

  3. You know, Laura, I don't have any of those. My mother had a whole wall of them that she watched over...and then filled another big old tub with them when the wall was covered. I love the looks of them- xo diana

  4. My husband has always loved these--so I leave the planting of these to him. Yours looks great! Love the wreath idea.

  5. I've never planted succulents, but after seeing the sweet flowering variety I'll add these to my list of plants for next year's garden!

  6. I've got lot's of Hen's and chicks, too. I keep moving and adding them around the garden. The photos are great.

  7. Since we are moving from a VERY wooded place to a FULL SUN house I will be able to ahve some succulents too. I am really looking forward to it. XO, Pinky

  8. Great idea, love the hens and chicks. I haven't had any in a long time. Think I'll try them again. Thanks, beautiful pics.

  9. Beautiful hens and chicks. I haven't had any in a long time but my daughter and I had just been talking about them. Good ideas and yours look perfect and great pics.

  10. Fun to see what you've planted. I've just started to try my hand at growing succulents.

  11. These are so pretty! I am happy I came by. Always a joy to see such lovely plants and flowers!

  12. Happy Pink Saturday, Laura.

    Your hens and chicks are so pretty. I've always wanted to plant some, but never have.

    How do they hold up during the winter?

  13. Gorgeous hen and chicks collection, Laura. I love them too, but my they're my husband's absolute favorite. We have (had) them filling nearly every crevice in our rock walls. Then, a few weeks ago, I noticed that nearly all of them are gone! The only thing I can figure out is that the raccoons dug them out when they were looking for grubs. But, there wasn't even any hen and chick debris around! Go figure.

  14. Succulents are becomming more prevalent in my garden the last few years. My grandmother always had hens and chicks which I love. Your succulents are gorgeous. Love the purple-ish ones. Great photos, too.

  15. oh my gosh! I have never heard of, or seen these. they are so spectaular when they bloom! how very pretty! I am happy when i discover something new.

  16. Hi Laura, I've been using this thick-leafed plants, no luck.
    I always give them too much water.
    But I find it pretty already!

    Have a great week!

    All the best
    the Rosine

  17. i love these and what great photos!

  18. Beautiful and great photos! Great to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  19. Beautiful shots of these gorgeous succulents!

  20. This is the first time I'm seeing their gorgeous blooms!

  21. A wreath sounds like a beautiful idea. I wonder if they'd grow on a mossy roof?

  22. They're beautiful. I love succulents. They would make a beautiful wreath.

  23. Beautiful, Laura! I haven't planted these in a long time so I appreciate the reminder. They are good for these Texas summers.


  24. Very nice pictures. Makes me want some (and a thatched roof to put them on) too! Thanks for the tidbit of lore also. I've seen them on trendy "green roofs" a lot lately, but didn't realize the idea was so old that that's where the latin name came from!

  25. I love succulents and especially when they's rare and welcome.

  26. One of my favorites! They grow in anything that holds a little dirt!

  27. Such beautiful shots Laura. I love the colour and the texture. Your macros are fabulous!

  28. Those succulents look so juicy! Sweetlly succulent! I really like the image of the one with the sprinkled water...we need rain so badly!

  29. they're beautiful! i need to plant more of them! thanks for the inspiration!


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