
Monday, July 2, 2012

Getting Ready for the 4th of July

I do love to the 4th of July! Flags are flying, the grass is green, the flowers are blooming and the sun is out, could it get any better? Just a few days away but having it on Wednesday this year seems to be throwing some people off. Harder to combine into a long weekend I guess. I was sitting out back having a cup of tea and planning the menu for the big day, ribs, chicken, salad and brownies, along with a few other side and appetizers. Nothing fancy but perfect summer food.

These chairs are one of my favorite spots to sit in the back yard.

This is our little shed that provides extra storage.

I'll have to take you on a tour inside of shed one day soon. It does provide storage but I had to make it cute inside too.


  1. Your little shed is adorable--I could live there! It is cute enough anyway:)

    I think Wednesday is throwing off the 4th. We aren't planning anything--and we usually do! We will just sit at home and watch our neighbors shoot off illegal fireworks and make sure our house doesn't catch on fire from them!

  2. I love this post! I love the pink chairs and the flags and most of all the shed. If its half as cute on the inside as it is on the outside, I can't wait to see it! Please share that soon! Love, love love this post!

  3. Laura, I love your shed. I could live in there, I think! I can't wait for the 'tour'. You decorate so beautifully for the 4th. Have a wonderful day. xo

  4. Laura, that shed is charming with it's flowers, chairs, and flags. Love it. Have a safe and happy 4th. Olive

  5. Your little shed is so darling! I just love all these views. Happy Fourth!

  6. Your garden looks amazing! Happy Fourth of July!

    Madelief x

  7. Love your shed, as apparently everyone else does! We are not doing much at all, as we had a family get-together this past week-end, and will have just my kids this coming week-end, so the fourth will be just a regular Wednesday. (Except for some fireworks in the neighborhood which will drive my doggies crazy).

  8. you have photographed my dream!

  9. I just want to wiggle my nose and transport your garden shed to my yard! Fabulous!

  10. Beautiful pictures of your back yard. I will be checking back for a tour of that adorable shed. My 6 year old would love to make it into a playhouse! Happy 4th. Enjoy your guests.

  11. What a perfect spot to relax and enjoy. I love those pink chairs. You should share this with us for Pink Saturday this weekend.

    Enjoy your holiday.

  12. Your shed is wonderful! I can't wait to see the inside tour. I can see why you like to sit there in your lovely chairs. I hope you have a fabulous holiday!

  13. Laura I love your yard. I want a shed like yours!! The only plans we have is to take our new to us fur babies(Reagan and Ryleigh-Jack Russells) to the dog park early. I hope to spend the day at home playing with my dishes. Happy 4th!

  14. that is the cutest shed, i think i have ever seen! happy 4th :)

  15. I love, love, love your shed. It looks so cute. It looks like you're going to have a great 4th of July party. Thanks for sharing at the All Star Block Party!


  16. Your little shed looks like a heavenly retreat or large cubby house. Very cute yet large enough to be useful. The flowers and chairs add a very welcoming touch.

  17. Hello you, it looks like a picture book or in a glossy magazine!

    Have a nice day!

    Rosine ♥♥♥

  18. Your little shed is charming!I can't wait for the tour. It seems as if you have the perfect spot to sit back and watch the fireworks fly. Thanks for linking and happy fourth of July!

  19. Hi! That is an amazingly cute and cozy shed. Love the pink chairs and flags for the 4th. I would love to walk the beach today, what a great idea..will be with you in spirit! The tour of the shed sounds inviting. Nice post! Smiles, Maria from Seattle.

  20. Hi Laura, I live in Germany, in Schleswig-Holstein, in a small town called Ratzeburg. It is located 60 minutes from Hamburg. Perhaps you've heard that name before? Ratzeburg is surrounded by three lakes. However, in terms of size can not be compared with Michigan.
    I am pleased with your comment.

    Have it nice!

    Rosine ♥♥♥

  21. Best backyard ever!!!! Can I come and live in your shed???

  22. I Love your little shed it is so cute. And really Love the pink Adairondack chairs in front with all of the flags. Hope you had a Happy 4th of July.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

  23. Oh I love your shed....absolutely adorable!

  24. Love your shed, beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing on Simple & Sweet Fridays!


  25. Your shed looks cuter than my home!
    And those chairs are amazing -
    Your newest follower - would love to have you visit and follow back when you can

  26. Just a shed? I would have that little cutie as a retreat!! LOVE it!!

  27. Great looking shed and so inviting to set in the pink chairs.

  28. Oh my.... your garden shed and pink chairs are a dream! (So is that menu) Hope you had a fabulous fourth! :)

  29. That shed and your backyard sitting spot is so enviable! Love that you have a spot outside you can enjoy. The blooms on the shed porch and the screen door make it so chic. You make me wish, long and dream of finding a way to create such a storage space.

  30. Love the tiny shed it is so cute! I would be happy in it! Love the pink chairs. Happy Pink Saturday

  31. I love that little shed! I would snag it for a personal studio! Wowee! All your decorations and yard are so festive and pretty! I had a huge family gathering with lots of food and water balloons. No open fires here in Colorado this year.
    Bless you,

  32. Your yard is truly gorgeous. I would love living in that adorable little "shed".

  33. quaint, precious, adorable, special, wonderful - all describe that backyard setting of yours! Love everything about it! Hope you have a fun Pink Saturday!

  34. Oh my goodness, I could just move right in there! How cute that little shed is! And your pink chairs just make the whole spot extra cozy. Thanks for sharing and Happy Pink weekend.


  35. I love that! I would be delighted to have that setup in my back yard! Hope your 4th was great and not too hot. enjoy the rest of your summer!

  36. Stopped by from My Romantic Home Show & Tell, and I just had to say I love your little shed! I'm now a follower so I can be sure to see the post when you show the inside!

  37. That looks like such a wonderful spot to sit and read! I love a good, comfy chair like that. Everything is so green and peaceful. What a wonderful place to sit and rest. No wonder it's one of your favorites! =)

  38. Oh, Laura!!

    I ADORE your sweet little shed cottage!

    It just screams "Make me a little Shabby Chic Girlie Tea House!"

    It is wonderful, can't wait to see the inside - love your outside with its pink Adirondack chairs and pretty colourful flowers!!!!

  39. Oh everything looks so pretty!! Your shed is just adorable!

  40. Thanks for coming by and leaving me your thoughts on my finds. Well, I did get myself over to the consignment store and the dishes are there! I am going to post about that soon, I hope. So glad you stopped by!

  41. Laura, I saw this featured at (I think) Country French Cottage a few days ago. This is just precious! I would never ever have put the red white and blue with pink chairs but boy was I wrong to think that...this looks absolutely so adorable, festive and inviting. I LOVE it! What a great mix. Wish I could've spent my 4th right there!


  42. Perfectly charming! Everything is adorable. I love how you used all of the little flags, very effectively.

  43. Your pink chairs and cottage shed are beautiful. I love your festive decor for Fourth of July! Sounds like you had a wonderful time.

  44. This is SO FREAKING WONDERFUL!!! I love the pink with the red white and blue. I so wish I had some room to put a shed in my yard. I'm going to remeasure and see what I can come up with! Hope you had a great holiday! Would LOVE for you to link this up with our Hot Fun In the Summertime party. 5 of us are hosting every Friday in July.

  45. Congratulations! I featured your beautiful backyard on my All Star Block Party Features post today.

    Shasta @InTheOldRoad

  46. This is like a fairytale! I'd love to sit in those pink chairs all day long sipping lemonade. You really know how to show off your 4th of July spirit. Love the bunch of flags in the watering can!

    Pinning this - I think I really need a couple of pink chairs for my yard (think my hubs would mind)!?

  47. OMGOSH- What a sweet blog. I just found you through Nita's blog! You just have the most darling it. I am your newest follower so I be around bugging you daily...or whenever you post- xo Diana

  48. Loving every bit of this post and featuring it on Share the Love Wednesday this week!

  49. Laura, I don't know which I love more--the chairs or the shed. Just lovely.

  50. Soooo pretty! I can imagine having a little craft room and "getaway" space out there. So glad you enjoy the area ~ it's perfect for being outside.


  51. Hi Laura!

    What a wonderful setting for those PINK chairs! Just love them. You certainly you patriotism showing with all those little flags. I need to make some pillows like yours...

    I can't wait to see inside that cute little 'shed'.

    Thanks for sharing at my party :)

    xoxo Bunny Jean
    Wednesdays Bunny Hoop Party!


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.