
Friday, March 30, 2012

Spring Flowers - Round Two

The wonderful thing about gardening is you get multiple rounds of flowers, something glorious is always popping up. This week in my garden it is daffodils…… I don't use much yellow in my garden, so I try to keep the yellows soft and closer to white.

The flowers below were a grocery store find, way brighter than I'd have in my garden but still very pretty. Bunnies and daffodils seem to go hand in hand for spring.

The bunny is Andrea's from when she was young. I think the bunny looks a little sad she did not make the cut to move to her NYC apartment. Trust me no room, Andrea's apartment is tiny!


This week our temperatures are back to being very chilly, in the low 40's. It seems cruel after having summer like weather for the last two weeks with it being in the 70's and 80's.  Luckily we have not had a hard frost. Looking forward to the next round of blooms, what is blooming in your area?

A thank you goes out to Patti and Paula at Ivy and Elephants for featuring our post about Chocolate Gingerbread Cookies. Patti and Paula host a linky party called What's it Wednesday. These two friends have the most amazing collections of vintage and beautiful items. If you have not visited their blog you are missing out!!!!


  1. Great pics, enjoying the daffodils here in NJ as well. The cold temps do feel unfair after the past few weeks. Have a great weekend!

  2. I love daffodils. Mine have yet to open up. Too cold and I dont blame them one bit! brrr..I wonder why so many folks stay away from yellow? I read once, if there is a color that does not mix with your other flowers, then plant a seperate garden to enjoy that specific color. Just keep the yellows seperate and I bet you would be loving the color yellow!
    Happy Spring,

  3. Lovely yellow daffodils.. Great photos.
    The cutest easter bunny.
    Thank you Laura.
    happy friday

  4. your daffodils look great and I would suppose the white centers do dim the yellow a bit! I find them so cheery but they did not last long here this year with all the heat. Have a nice weekend!

  5. I love daffodils, your photos are beautiful. And the bunny is cute. Happy Spring.!

  6. I love daffodils! I just picked up a bunch today :)

  7. So pretty--I don't have any white daffodils-I need to get some!

  8. i love seeing the daffodils popping out, that burst of yellow in the spring is a warm welcome sign that winter is about to be over. i agree the bunny does go with daffodils.

  9. Your daffodil photos are wonderful! They certainly are the trumpets of spring, aren't they!?! I think the sweet little bunny has a look of anticipation of the approaching spring and summer weather and flowers to come.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. Your little bunny is so very cute! I must apologise I thought I was already a follower. I am always so excited to find and follow new special places. I will follow on my way out because I am sure I will enjoy engaging and supporting your special place now I have found you. I hope you will find some time to come visit me soon. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  11. Daffodils are sunny flowers that makes you happy. The rabbit is so cute! To be able to pick up flowers from his garden is happiness. I wish you a nice weekend! Zinnia

  12. The bunny is so pretty not like the ones you find nowadays. They now look evil. Love the flowers. I don't see them often hear. The roses are blooming here. The oleanders (sp?) used to bloom but most are barely growing back from the hard freeze we had a year ago. Have a great weekend.

  13. Thank you for visiting.
    Your daffodils are so beautiful ! I am looking forward to their blooms.
    We have common interests. I also love flea market and I love beautiful porcelain dishes :).

    Have a nice weekend !


  14. Beautiful and lovely pictures!
    Have a nice weekend! Lena (Lenas Trädgårdsrum)

  15. Your photos are gorgeous! So bright and spring-like - a welcome sight, as it's grey, cloudy and cold today! Suppose to be back up to 71 tomorrow, though! I love your soft white and yellow daffs!
    Hugs, Cindy

  16. Very pretty!

    My Pink, you might want to link up with my Color Connection meme as well.

  17. Your little bunny looks very happy sitting next to those lovely daffodils ~ so cute!

  18. I have never seen the white daffodils with the white line around the outside of the trumpet like that -- really beautiful!!

  19. Love your daffodils, the colors are absolutely gorgeous! Have a great week, Nan

  20. The white daffodils are so pretty, as are the yellow ones from the store. Really, are there any ugly flowers? I don't think so. And how fun to mark the seasons by what's currently blooming in your garden.

  21. Gorgeous daffs! LOve the white with the little bit of yellow. SO pretty! XO, Pinky

  22. Your daffodils are glorious! I love the white with the yellow centers too. The yellow daffs are so lovely too, and look perfect with the sad bunny. Have a lovely Easter.


  23. Absolutely beautiful flowers! Your pictures are great.

  24. Love your Daffodils. It's not something that can ever grow here, but we do get bunches of them in our supermarkets sometimes. Your mosaics are fabulous.

  25. Your daffodils are very beautiful. I've never seen this variety before. Wonderful photos. And that bunny is so adorable.

  26. I was reading about your weather and thinking "Wow! that's just like us!" and then I remembered, we both live in the same place! Thank you for the encouraging comments about the boys. You all helped me feel much better.

  27. Bunny does look a little sad, but then he knows he shouldn't eat the flowers. Or maybe he did eat some and is feeling a little ill. Sweet vignette and cheery flowers.

  28. Dropping by from Macro Monday!

    I am enjoying my daffodils this year, they opened in mid March and are hanging in considering they had a covering of snow on Friday.

  29. Spring is definitely here. Awesome arrangement. Thanks for the visit.

    Jelly Beans

  30. Beautiful daffodils! They always cheer me up immensely!

    Happy new week,

    Madelief x

  31. So very, very pretty! Happy Easter season~


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