
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Pre - Valentine's Day Luncheon

Valentine's Day what a pretty day to celebrate. Hearts, flowers, pink, red and sending greetings to loved ones what a wonderful day. I had an early Valentine's Day lunch for a group of my friends.  I painted little heart boxes, roughed up the sides for a shabby chic look, added a pretty paper heart and filled it with chocolates. It was served up in a pink champagne glass.

Homemade tomato soup and salad was on the menu for lunch.

The table was set with a mix of my favorite plates patterns, Johnson Brothers Strawberry Fair and Rose Chintz.

I made cutout sugar cookies for one of the desserts.  Hearts with pink frosting and pink sprinkles so sweet, maybe too sweet.

Wish you could have joined us!

Two tips this week from my photography class:

If you are taking outdoor pictures of people and it is sunny, turn your flash on. The flash balances out the bright sun light and helps to prevent dark owl eyes on your favorite people.

Second tip, when editing people or animals do not cut them off at their joints, they will end up looking dismembered. Yikes!


  1. Pretty dishes, pretty table, love the cookies. Thanks for the tips! xo

  2. Your table is so pretty. The Johnson Bros. china is gorgeous and your cookies are almost too good looking too eat.

  3. Laura,
    Sounds like you are learning alot in your photography class, and these pictures are great! That was so nice for you to make a lunch for friends. Those cookies look delicious. Your dishes are pretty too, and with the pink roses, it is a day filled with Valentine magic. Happy Valentine's Day to you both.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  4. I do ever so much enjoy your photography.. you are certainly becoming a professional.
    Your Valentine's day lunch table is divine.. sheer indulgence,you put such effort into your decoration Laura.... wish i was there.
    Thanks for the tip about the flash on when taking photos in the sun.. that i did not know..
    I will be making a cake for some girlfriends ..

  5. How sweet this all is! I like the china! I would have liked to join you but I did not know... ;o) Have a relaxing weekend! Christa

  6. What a wonderful luncheon! Your transfer looking plate are stunning! So much thought went into it all and it looks perfect. I wish we all could have been there too!

  7. Hi Laura,
    What a beautiful Valentine's table!
    Happy Valentine's Day to you and Andrea too!
    Love the heart shaped cookies and the beautiful china...
    Both are very sweet!!
    All the Best,

  8. Thanks for those photography tips! I can use all the help I can get. Your table is gorgeous and I love your china patterns. And those cookies look like they could jump off the computer screen and into my mouth!

  9. I see you are gifted in more ways than one. You have an eye for photography, table settings and crafts.

    Thank you for visiting my blog and your following. Your sidebar is loaded with awesome photos!!

    God bless and keep you safe.

  10. Your table is lovely. The Strawberry Fair, Rose Chintz, and pink glassware are perfect together! Your friends must have felt very special indeed.

  11. Thanks for the photography tips. I never thought about turning the flash on. If we ever SEE sun again here in Kansas City, I'll try that! (It has been so gloomy and it is about to turn excruciatingly cold here overnight.) Beautiful table and beautiful cookies!!! I like the way you took the time to neatly stack them. It looks so pretty in the photos. Your dish patterns are gorgeous! That must have been one heck of a luncheon! Have a Happy V-Day!

  12. How pretty this is. Love your mixture of the transferware. A lovley Valentine's setting.

  13. Well, I am loving your table all set with your gorgeous china! Being a Rose Chintz gal, you have caught me swooning over your table! Very romantic and girly. Perfect for Valentines Day and your cookies are oh so pretty too! Thanks for sharing and have a lovely Valentines Pink Saturday weekend.


  14. Lovely post, love all the china and the cookies look scrumptious! Thanks for sharing. Happy Valentine Pink Saturday!! ~Lorraine ♥♥♥

  15. Everything is just gorgeous, (and so yum!)I love that pattern and have some on my wall. Thanks for linking with us at WIW. We can't wait to see what you share next week!

  16. Hi Laura, you have a beautiful blog and I'm so glad you found me:) Your elegant table looks sooo pretty with the crystal and gorgeous roses. I love JB rose chintz pattern and they make a wonderful focal point at your table as well those pretty, delicious looking heart cookies. Loved your previous post as well! Would love to know how you made those heart shaped sugar cubes... so pretty!Thanks for following me! Have a great weekend!Happily following you back!~Poppy

  17. LOVE,LOVE,LOVE those plates.I am now following you on Linky Follower. I would love it if you followed me back.I always enjoy meeting new Bloggers.

  18. Beautiful photography and tablescape! Happy Pink Saturday! ~Diane (I am #16)

  19. Just stopping by from the Linky Party Hop. I hope you will visit and follow back.


  20. Hi Laura, I love your dishes! Perfect for a Valentines luncheon. Your little heart box gift was sweet. So cute to place it in a pink champagne glass. Now as far as the sugar cookies being too sweet, NEVER! At least as far as I'm concerned. They are my favorite cookies. I made some a couple of weeks ago for a Mother/Daughter activity. Been craving them ever since. lol! Thanks for two more photo tips. Somehow I had heard about the dismembering one. Try not to do that. Have a wonderful weekend!

  21. Excited to find you via the Linky Blog Hop! I'm a new follower! Hope you can come visit mine: - Tera

  22. What a lovely table you set. Those dishes are so pretty and are perfect for Valentine's Day. I hope you have a great day on Tuesday celebrating.

  23. Hi Laura! What a fun party! LOVE that china pattern!!! I wanted to come thank you for the nice comment and following me at Simplify. I am off to paint, but will be back later for a better look/see. Nice to meet you!
    : ) Kris

  24. I've always loved that dish pattern. And your cookies look so yummy! I found you at the Linky hop and am now following. Would love for you to come visit me & follow, too, if you like. :)

  25. What a lovely blog! I am a new follower. Patsy

  26. simply gorgeous! your! and the yummy cookies too!
    I am your newest link follower..pls follow back if you can!

  27. Love your post and your china mix! I just posted a party link on French Country Cottage about a Valentines Day Luncheon, and there are some amazing similarities between our posts! Rose Chintz China and champagne glasses... Hope you will check it out when you have a chance!

  28. Laura, your table looks fabulous! I hope you had a fantastic time with your friends. I've been setting pink tables but haven't been able to post yet. Soon.. I hope.

  29. Ladies, for as beautiful the photos are, they simply do not do justice to how incredible everything was in real life. Laura's tomato soup was the best I have ever eaten. Plus you didn't get to see the rest of the decorations. I don't have adequate words to describe the Valentine's Party, except it just lovely in all aspects.

  30. Love your dishes! Your table looks beautiful and your heart cookies...well, yum!!!

  31. The dishes are pretty-the cookies are divine!! I'm your newest linky follower-stop by fora visit!

  32. You made everything so special for your guests, Laura! I'm sure they appreciated the care you took to treat them with such beautiful surroundings.

    Thanks for linking to Time Travel Thursday each week.

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.