
Monday, January 30, 2012

Tea and Sweetheart Sugar

Like many of you I have spent way too much time on Pinterest pinning all kinds of wonderful decorating, gardening, travel, craft and food ideas. One of the ideas that really caught my attention was creating your own heart shaped sugar cubes. Really how sweet is that!!! So I ran out and got a heart shaped candy mold and off I went…

Cindy at Skip To My Lou had great, easy, step by step instructions, pop over there for her how to. Cindy recommends using food coloring gel, I didn't have any gel so I just used regular food coloring.

I loved how they turned out, now every morning I can have a pretty little lump of sweetness.

The teapot, cup and plate are all mismatched but the gold and the pink seems to tie them all together, they make a perfect mixed set.


Pinertest has so many beautiful photos it is tempting to pin and post. However, since beginning our blog I discovered I like photography. So, in my quest to take better pictures I'm taking an eight week photography class at one of the local community colleges. 

A few tips from the first class: Tip one, move in closer to the item you are photographing than you think you should be, ok did that. Tip two, don't use the flash, natural lighting is better, however that can be challenging in Michigan during the winter because it is so dreary. But I did manage to catch one hour of sunshine. Tip three, turn off the automatic setting and shoot in manual, humm. Ok I did not do that because the pictures were coming out blurry. Hope I will learn how to shoot in the manual setting over the next few weeks. 

So how are my pictures this week, any better? Trying hard to apply what I'm learning and have photos that are Pin worthy! If anyone has other photography tips I'd love to hear about them. 

Linking to this week:


  1. The sugar hearts are almost too pretty to use. The tea set is beautiful and I never concern myself with matching anything. hugs, olive

  2. Lovely photos and china! So nice to meet you. If you stop by my place you will find some tea parties you might like. Your photos would be such an addition. I am looking forward to perusing your older posts during my tea and coffee breaks.

  3. Your sugar cubes are beautiful! I like your photo tips. I hope you keep sharing them. I have always liked your photos.

  4. What a pretty idea...I must try it!


  5. Love your photo's.
    I will follow you so I can see and learn more.
    Love Annette

  6. I love how your heart sugar cubes turned out, and the tea set is beautiful. xo

  7. Oh my gosh, I have to just say that I love your mismatched pieces. They are truly gorgeous and a marriage made in heaven. Thank you so much for sharing, Maureen

  8. I am now happy to be a new follower...... Maureen

  9. Hi Laura,
    There is something oh so charming about mismatched china pieces and your marriage of them is delightful! I think your photos are wonderful and everything looks lovely. The little sugar hearts are too cute, almost too cute to use. Thanks so much for sharing this with us today. Enjoy your day.


  10. What a gorgeous teapot and teacup...oh boy, I could swear they were a set! Perfect together. I love the hearts lumps of sugar, I'll try them too for Valentines at least as I use artificial sugar, lol...Hugs,

  11. I was admiring the quality of the pics and the clarity of color as I am on a quest to improve my own (it seems there are a lot of us)..great tips..thank you!

  12. Now this is serious charming! Who wouldn't love to sit down to little heart sugar cubes!

  13. Lovely photos! The sugar cubes are so much fun! Love your teapot and teacup ... pink and roses perfect for Valentine's Day! Happy Tea Day!

  14. Laura,
    Your photos turned out beautifully. I would love to have that tea cup!! That is one of the prettiest I've seen. I took a Photography class years ago and got to develop my own pictures. To see them being created right before my eyes was a thrill for me. You will love your class, I'm sure. Let me know how it's going from time to time.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  15. So pretty, I would hate to use them! But what a nice valentines day sweet. I love the china.

  16. Love all the mis-matched tea pieces. Very pretty.

  17. Your heart-shaped sugar cubes are adorable, but your mismatched china is to die for! And, your photos are excellent. I have the same issue with natural light here in Nebraska during the winter. And, working all day leaves only the weekend for me to photograph in natural light this time of year. Oh, well. The days are getting longer.

  18. Laura, I just love everything about this post! Your sugar hearts are precious and your china is adorable. :) I am so excited to read about your photography lesson. Well done you, as your photos are stunning. I have been playing with the manual setting lately too.. Hang in there, you will get it. You Tube is a great place for quick instructions too. Looking forward to seeing your results . You are very talented!
    Jeanne xx

  19. These sugar hearts are really sweet! The photos are great! I also never use the flash (best is natural light) and I go close to the objects. What cam are you using? I think I should get a new one and also attend a class! Looking forward to your next photos! Christa

  20. This post is just outstanding! Your photos are excellent. And thanks for sharing the tips you've learned. I have been using my small pocket camera but I did buy my sisters Canon Rebel when she upgraded but I haven't learned to use it yet. You've inspired me!! The tea cups and of course, the darling little sugar hearts, are delightful. And if your interested, I'm having my first ever Choose Joy Giveaway and I love for you to pop over to Cottage and Creek and enter to win. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures. I enjoyed my visit :)

  21. Hello Laura,

    I think the heart sugar cubes are very sweet and planned to make some with my granddaughters. The first thing they ask for when visiting is tea with sugar cubes :)

    Your post is so beautiful. The photos and the tea cups are lovely! A joy stopping by to visit with you!

    Kindly, Lorraine

  22. These are adorable!! I went to her site and am definitely going to try this -- your tea set is stunning and I think your photography is too!

  23. Sort of wish I put sugar in my coffee.....great job on the photos!

  24. This coocoo momma loves your pics! Great job. I'm following now.

  25. Sweet~ Beautiful, vibrant photos.... Thanks for sharing, I hope you'll stop by for a visit too~

  26. Those little sugar hearts are so so sweet! Now I have to figure out how to make them! Look so sweet with your gorgeous tea set :)

  27. every bit of this post is lovely. my husband just installed cabinets so I can show off some tea sets that my friend has given to me!

  28. I love your sugar hearts & your mismatched tea service is gorgeous. Your photography is wonderful.

  29. Before I even got to the end I was thinking how fabulous your pictures were. I so need a photo class. This old gir tries, but coming up a bit short. lol! Hubby has three books and keeps saying "have you read them yet?" Heck, who has time to read, I'm too busy taking (not wonderful) pictures. Going to write those three tips down. We'll see if I do any better. I love the heart sugar cubes. So far I have held back from doing pinterest. Figured I spent enough time on the comp just bloghopping. Boy, you are tempting me girl. I'm sure I'll cave before long. Happy Pink Saturday!

  30. Love your heart shaped sugar cubes, soooo delicious and pretty,
    Well I think your lesson are paying off, your pic's are just gorgeous .....

    Wishing you a very happy pinky pink Saturday.

  31. Love this! It makes me think that springtime is getting closer! So yummy and inviting!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  32. Beautiful china! The sugar hearts are lovely! Thank you for sharing your wonderful postt at Potpourri Friday!

  33. I love your Sugar Hearts!! Happy Pink Saturday Grace

  34. Your sugar hearts are so sweet..oh sorry, didn't mean to make a pun. Love your pretty china pieces and your photos are great. I'm headed over to Cindy's to get the recipe.Thanks for the link.

  35. So pretty! And your china is lovely! :) Happy Early Valentines Day!

  36. I saw your post on My Romantic Home Link party.

    I saw some heart shaped cubes too, pinterest is about as addictive as blogging ☺

    I love your post and the beautiful china you have featured. I have to make some of these to show off some of the china I have collected from my mother.

    Do you mind if I ask where you got your bold from please?

    I will have to spend some more time visiting your blog.


  37. A lovely blog. Your photos are really great.
    Keep up the good work.
    I too am learning.
    The sugar hearts are divine..they make the table
    Thanks for the tips.
    Enjoy your photographic course.. you will be a proffessional soon.
    Enjoy your weekend
    look forward to seeing you.

  38. Hi, I just found your blog while visitng Sheri at Red Rose Alley. You are doing well. Your photographs are stunning. I bought a nice camera last year and have mostly been shooting with the automatic settings. I'm playing around with manual a little bit. You are right, it's best to use natural light unless you have a light meter and a external flash that can bounce light off of the walls.

    I'll be back for a visit but right now I have to go help my hubby work on our kitchen. He needs me to hand him tools. Hope you'll come by for a visit.


  39. How clever! Now another thing for me to buy! LOL!

  40. Your pictures look incredible! I also have trouble taking the advice of turning the flash off because I'm rarely home when it is light.

    Your heart sugars would be a hit at most any party. They really are attractive.

  41. Looks like your off to a fabulous start! Your photos are fantastic :)

    Looking forward to hearing how the class goes, thanks for sharing!

  42. OMG-osh those are so sweet!! Love your tea set too!! Great shots!! =)

  43. Love your composition! Your china and the hearts.. so valentine-y!! Lovely!

    Please visit us @
    Light Trigger: OUR ENTRY

  44. Oh, I love the heart-shaped sugar. What a wonderful way to serve up the sweet stuff.

    Your photography is beautiful, Laura...crystal clear and engaging. ;)

    Thanks for joining the fun every week at Time Travel Thursday.

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.