
Monday, February 13, 2012

Sending Valentines

Like many of you I love vintage cards and postcards, they are simple and the graphs are, oh, so sweet. This was the little display that I used for the Valentine luncheon I hosted last week.

Can't you see this little guy riding around delivering valentines. I love the pink mailbox!

  I picked out a few of my favorite ones to feature. The ones with the little dark haired girls, they remind me of my own darling dark haired daughter.

Some of the valentines have such sweet messages in them….

Come back to me
Send me a line
It's you I want 
My Valentine

 A valentine tucked in a vintage ice bucket.

Later this week I will be taking off visit my blogging partner daughter in her home town
New York City. That is the best valentines gift of all to be able to send time with Andrea. Hopeful we will be visiting some new places to share with you.

What will you be doing to make your Valentine's Day special?

Did I mention it is also our wedding anniversary on the 14th? So it is a very special day for us.  


  1. Sweet, sweet, and sweet Laura. The pink mailbox is darling. Happy Anniversary, olive

  2. So happy Valentine's day and happy Anniversary! I do absolutely admire and love your cards! What a wonderful idea! Enjoy your day and NYC. I have never been there! x Christa

  3. Beautiful Valentine's and yes, the images are so sweet. Hard to resist these cute little Valentine' any of them say on the back Whitney Made Worcester Mass? Happy Anniversary..

  4. So simple and sweet. And I didn't see anything electronic! Have a great time in NYC. I'm so jealous. I will make it there someday, I'm sure. Got tickets for the "Book of Morman?"

  5. I forgot! Happy Anniversary you romantic thrill seekers.

  6. Your Valentines are lovely! Enjoy your visit with your daughter.


  7. Love your cards, what a beautiful collection. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Happy Anniversary Laura..
    Wishing you a wonderful time in the big Apple.
    I simply love New York. A city full of vibes.
    Your valentine cards are just adorable.
    Enjoy your time with Andrea..
    best wishes

    val's alentejo.

  9. Happy Anniversary, a romantic day to be married on.
    I can't believe the number of bloggers that have these fabulous collections of antique VD cards.
    Thanks for sharing yours.

  10. So the artwork on those valentine's :)

  11. Darn, it was girls only party! The house looked amazing, and at least I got to have some leftover soup, salad and a cookie! Happy Anniversary and Valentines Day!!

  12. Happy Anniversary, Laura and Happy Valentines Day! What a romantic day to get married!
    Love all your sweet valentines and thank you for sharing them with us today.


  13. So glad I found your lovely blog. I'm following you with the new Linky tool, straight from the Linky blog hop. I look forward to getting to know you better, Lori

  14. oh, i love your silver card holder, but it's all lovely, laura! hope your anniversary was wonderful and that you enjoy nyc!

  15. What a beautiful collection of cards. Thank you for sharing them with us!

  16. You sure have a sweet collection! I love old valentines!

  17. Happy Anniversary! Your cards are so sweet. I love that little mail delivery guy, too. :)

  18. I was first introduced to the vintage holiday cards by my sister, and once I saw them, I was hooked. The vintage card with the red roses is so pretty. I hope you had a sweet time with your daughter, and I look forward to seeing more pictures of your fun day.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  19. I'm your newest Linky follower! I love your blog! What a treasure to discover!

  20. I adore vintage Valentine's and yours are the best I've enjoyed for quite a while. Thanks for sharing.

  21. Charming collection you have here...thank you for sharing it.


  22. So unique and inspiring, glad I dropped by. Greeting from Australia.

  23. That is truly a wonderful collection of vintage Valentine's cards. I have a handful of oldies, but no where near the number you have.

    Thanks for linking to Time Travel Thursday with this holiday cheer.

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.