
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Cards from Holidays Past

If you saved all your holidays cards from the last few years, how much would they weight??? I know it is a strange question to ask but the answer is…. mine weight about 7 pounds. I have a beautiful green vintage scale that I pile mine up on. I can't bare to part with them, the old holiday cards have cute pictures of our friends kids, updates on their lives and the cards are just beautiful cards. 

I love the vintage holiday hankies from the 50's and 60's, I like to embellish with them.

 I think there is nothing more special than getting a beautiful card in the mail, I love the stamps too. Do you still send out holidays card?

Linking to this week:


  1. what a fun idea! I have no idea how much they would weigh. I am guilty of throwing away the cards. I get ever so many, but they are beautiful!

    The Joyful Thrifter

  2. This was a great post. Yes we do send cards out. I do not send a lot but paint all of my cards with acrylics and write in them personal messages. I save a lot of my cards for art work. Blessings this Christmas. Joy to you and yours.

  3. That's cute. I'll have to weigh mine. I send out cards every year, but have yet to put mine together. I'd better get on the ball. Love your scale!

  4. Your scale is so nice! I love the color and patina. And how clever to display your old cards on it. Great idea. Your vignettes are lovely. I'm your newest follower and I hope you can pop over to Cottage and Creek and follow back. Love your style.

  5. Wow, I love those old scales!! The wrapping paper looks great in the boots too!
    I love your blog - stop by anytime and see me in Australia.

  6. Seven pounds of love that's what that is and yes we send cards.

  7. Love the idea and your vignette is fab!

  8. I love this! I want an old scale! Love the look.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. This is a great display. We do send out a few cards.

  10. Wow - I love your old scale! I do still send them out, yes, although not as many as I used to and I don't receive as many either. But, you're right - nothing like receiving a beautiful card in the mail! Thanks for stopping by tonight and your sweet message! I'm feeling much better! Sunshine always helps! Hugs,

  11. I love old cards and hankies. I recycle my old cards into new art by cutting them into strips and making mosaic ornaments out of them.

  12. Oh my gosh! I figured out what I'm going to do with my scale! Thanks for the inspiration. Very cute! And, thanks for the follow! I'm following you right back!

  13. A really cute idea! I like the hankies on the scale. Yes, receiving a card with a handwritten greeting is so very wonderful! Love your photos!

  14. Delightful -- love the colors, the textures, the whole thought of Christmas.

  15. I love that old scale, a beautiful composition in these photos.

  16. How lovely that you have saved them and it must be fun to peek into them and see the older photos and compare to present ones. Love the vintage scale. I have a white one that is similar.

  17. Cute idea! I love the way you displayed the cards and hankies! I think it's sad that people don't send mail in general any more. I do still send cards :)

  18. Love your scale! I send a few cards by mail, but don't save the ones I receive.Did I tell you I really love your scale?lol!

  19. of course I save my cards - I love getting them and after an acceptable period of appreciative time has passed, they move into my paper crafting supply chain.

    and yes, I send cards too. which reminds me I should get going on that!

    Love your collection all gathered together in the vintage scale - absolutely charming!

  20. Most of my family don't send cards anymore, and that is rather sad.

    I have three or four of these vintage scales scattered about my house. I love them too. :)

  21. Love the vintage scales. So pretty how you decorated with it. And, yes I still send cards. And yes, it is so hard to just toss them. New follower!

  22. Yes, I am still one to send out hand written cards every year, and I agree with you - there's nothing like getting a beautiful card in the mail OR sending one out. I think it is so special that you keep all your cards. I usually keep just the pictures because I would have too many saved. But I know what you mean...some of the cards are unique and precious.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  23. Laura, you know I'm smiling! What a wonderful post!

  24. Good evening Laura!

    Thank you so much for coming by with a comment! And how lovely are your vintage wares...what is it about old things that just make our hearts swoon?

    ENJOY DECORATING and finding the magic! Anita

  25. What great images!
    Thank you for popping by my place!
    Kerry at HouseTalkN

  26. I also love cards but I really LOVE your scale!

  27. What a beautiful scale! I don't get as many Christmas cards as I used to, but then I don't send them either. I cut mine up and use them to make either gift tags or note cards. Makes me feel good to know I'm recycling them.

  28. The perfect amount of rust! I just threw away a stack of cards from the last several years. If I had a cool rusty scale like yours I think I would have kept them! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  29. Love your idea to display your pile of cards. The scale is just so perfect. Thanks for sharing the idea.
    Audrey Z.

  30. I am featuring you tonight!Thank you so much for linking up your lovely project at Get Schooled Saturday. We will be open for business again Friday night-Sunday night!
    Kim @ Too Much Time

  31. Adorable display idea! Thanks for your comment at
    I appreciate you stopping by.


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