
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Let it Snow!!!!

When you live in a cold weather state (Michigan) one of the things you hope for is snow during the holiday season. I think it should be our reward for the putting up with the cold, sleet and icy roads in the winter. Well, we finally got a few inches of snow so I am holding out hope that we will have snow for the holiday. Nothing more beautiful than the white fluffy snow. 

Doesn't this guy look happy it snowed?

 He is watching over the garden until spring.

I'm ready, let it snow, let it snow!

Do you have winter garden art or decorate outside for the winter months?

Linking to this week:

Metamorphous Monday


  1. I'm truly laughing at your post - not because it is funny (although the photos are lovely), but because my post for tomorrow is the opposite sentiment!


  2. Cute, cute! It's supposed to be 20 here the next two mornings. It was really cold today w/the wind. I am remembering the 110' last summer! :-)


  3. He looks very happy:-) We don't have any snow yet here in the south of Sweden but I still hope we get some to Christmas.


  4. I agree -if it's going to be cold there might as well be snow. Of course that's kind of rare around here. I am now following.That is the cutest snowman!!

  5. Thanks for stopping by Swinging on a Star Creations! I enjoyed your comment. For not being photographers, your photography really looks great.

  6. My idea of the perfect winter would be snow Christmas Eve and day, and never again until the next Christmas -- haha! Fat chance of that in Chicago! I love your garden and the things you added -- makes it all look so much more cheery than dreary!

  7. So cute! Your snow really is pretty - I love snow until March, then I've had it! :)

  8. We live in Michigan too and the kids (and adults)are desperate to have snow so they can be in the Christmas spirit, but we don't have any yet. I've lived here my entire life and there was only one green (brown) Christmas. I was about 8 or 10 and it didn't snow until Christmas night. I was so sad. I'm glad you have snow for your sweet snowman!

  9. Hi Laura, your pictures are wonderful. Just magical!!

    Barb ♥

  10. I love living in the south, but do wish we would have snow for Christmas. We rarely do. Last year was a complete surprise when we got enough snow to actually play in it on Christmas day! It was heaven! It may never happen again. Looks like your garden is being sprinkled with the pretty white stuff. If you get tired of it, please send it further south. We love it!

  11. Laura,

    Candy Mizga just posted in FB that she can't get "in the Christmas mood" because there's no snow! Is your snow in the city or country? Denver has lots of it already but it will be in the 50's this weekend. Your snowman looks happy that another layer of rust is forming. Good insulation!



  12. Oh, you're so lucky it is snowing around your house. I haven't seen the snow in years. It looks beautiful. Love your little garden friend.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  13. How cute is he! I love snowmen, Laura, so I would enjoy looking out and seeing this guy!

  14. The snow is so lovely...looks very much like our snow here in Minnesota! Thanks so much for stopping by and following- I'm a new follower, too!

  15. Laura,
    I like to look at snow in beautiful pictures like yours. We had our first snow on Tuesday. People here in the desert don't know how to drive in the snow. We haven't decorated outside in years. I miss it but just not possible right now. Thanks for sharing!

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We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.