
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Wrapping and Rolling

Cottage and Broome were in town together over the weekend to celebrate the day of turkey! As you may or may not have noticed throughout your readings of this blog, we have a penchant for shopping when together, be it vintage, handmade or brand spankin' new. Though wont as we are to shop, patiently waiting in lines and shouldering our way through crowds isn't really our jam. So. Instead of heading out to bargain hunt on Black Friday, we decided to stay in and take care of few things we'd already purchased. 

For the last few years our family has tried to bring holiday cheer to other families nearby by participating in an Adopt-A-Family, a program that enables us to provide practical gifts and fun goodies to those who may have a hard time affording to do so on their own. With a four-year-old little girl and her hardworking mom in mind, we wrapped our pre-Black Friday purchased gifts with love.

 Toys and clothes for the little one!

 A note from the Mom half of the blog….this family tradition is one of the highlights of the holiday season for me, what better way to spend time with my daughter than helping another family. What will you be doing this holiday season to support or help those who may need a little assistance?

You may have noticed while were together we made a few improvements to your blog, added a grab button, contact button, provided links to some fun places in NYC and a few other improvements…couldn't you hear our frustration throughout blogger land???

Linking to this week:


  1. Hello... I am partying as well with Patti and Paula and popped over from Ivy and Elephants... love all the pretty packaged gifts for those in need... we always "adopt" a grandma and grandpa and also take gifts to our vet so all the little animals in need have a special Christmas too... thanks for sharing... xoxo Julie Marie

  2. What a lovely way to spend the day helping someone else who is is need. Every year, I participate in a fundraiser that provides clothes for children, and it is a wonderful day for us all. I hope you have many special moments this holiday season.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  3. What a fabulous and personal way to make a difference. Sometimes we can't do big things so we forget that what's small to us might mean the world to someone else. I'm sure you've put the sparkle in the eyes of that family. I ask a very special blessing for you and your acts of kindness.
    Thank you also for linking to our "What's It Wednesdays". Hope to see you back each week.
    Patti and Paula

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Looks like we have some common interests. Love those vintage turkey cards in your previous post. I'm now a follower.

  5. You are to be commended for thinking of others and helping them. The packages are so pretty! Thank you for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. I don't brave those black Friday crowds either.That is not for me. I think you have really captured the spirit of the season with your generosity,bless you for that.Thanks for visiting and following, following you as well.

  7. Hi Laura, no better way of celebrating Christmas than thinking and helping others. How beautiful your packages look all wrapped in such pretty papers. What a smile you'll receive from a little four-year girl! What a gift for you.........Thanks for sharing your story.
    Beautiful time spent together with mother and daughter.

    The French Hutch

  8. It's always nice to help others. Your gift wrap is so pretty.


  9. What a wonderful thing to do for Christmas! It makes the season so much more meaningful. Our town has a similar program, only the gifts are just for the children - not the whole family. Your wrapping looks very festive! I also like your new blog button and other features!
    Hugs, Cindy

  10. So nice of you and beautiful gifts. We don't have this in Sweden but we help in other ways.
    Welcome to my wednesday show off tomorrow.


  11. Thanks for helping set the mood for the next few weeks. It seems to go by so fast. Love the "Adopt-A-Family" idea. I was on the Thanksgiving Company Party committee and tried to get them to donate our entire budget to the Food Bank but they settled on taking cash donations for the food bank at the event. We took in lots of money and comments about how the giving opportunity made the event even more meaningful.

  12. You may be the giver but you will definitely be the receiver with love and kindness towards others. A fabulous gift on it's own. Have a wonderful day. xo

  13. Kudos to you both for sharing generosity in the true spirit of St. Nicholas. hugs, Diane

  14. Helping others is a big part of Christmas. You and your daughter are really on the ball to have all of your gifts bought and wrapped. My homeroom at school is has an angel from the YMCA Christmas tree. The kids are really excited to buy gifts for our angel!

  15. Just wanted to stop by and let you know I appreciate your sweet comment and I will be anxious to see more of what you have to share! I will be by again as a follower of your blog! Take care and hope to see you again!


  16. Aren't we lucky to be able to brighten the holidays for those who may be less fortunate? Tis the season.

  17. Very lovely and so thoughtful! I also wanted to let you know that I picked you to receive a blog award. You can check it out here:


  18. And a shout out to Cottage guy who gets up extra early to deliver the beautiful gifts to the donation center. Thanks for bringing this meaningful tradition to our family!

  19. What a heart warming post! Christmas is all about giving to others, and those in need are especially thankful for anything we can do for them. Bless you and thank you for stopping by.


  20. beautiful. It so fun to get a nicely wrapped gift!

  21. Love the red gift wrap and the vignette with the vintage scales!

  22. This is such an awesome idea, and we usually do the angel tree gifts for Christmas. Those gifts go to the children of parents who are in prison, and might not be getting anything else. It's a wonderful ministry. I am a new follower. Great job!!

  23. How pretty this is! Thanks for your sweet visit.....I do still send Christmas cards...I do love them.


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.