
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Vintage Thanksgiving Postcards

Thanksgiving is almost upon us..... I'm sure most of you are busy making cranberries, cutting the bread for stuffing, pulling out your dishes and generally just going crazy. I am not hosting Thanksgiving this year but I'm still cooking my own turkey and making the Broome half of this blog's favorite things. Yes, my blogging partner and darling daughter Andrea is coming home from the big city!!!!!!!!! 

Luckily there is not a lot of decorating that needs to be done for Thanksgiving but I love to pull out my vintage postcards. These cards from long ago make me smile with their greetings from Thanksgivings of old.

This one is a fan favorite!

I love to read the messages from the past, I thought this one was strange, no city listed, just City Hospital. Then I looked at the post mark and it is from Charlevoix, home of the Cottage! I really had no idea this card was from our little town. Check out the post mark, 1929. 

And how sweet is the message.... Hope you have a pleasant day and enjoy your first Thanksgiving dinner. So to Richard Leroy Edwards, Happy Birthday he would be 83 this year!

Vintage turkey vase, love this guy.

These turkeys look like they are standing at attention and ready to salute you! So, as they might say gobble, gobble...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, enjoy the time with your families.

Linking to this week:


  1. I love your vintage Thanksgiving cards! Thank you for sharing them. Enjoy Thanksgiving with your daughter! Hugs,

  2. Beautiful vintage cards and a neat treat for this history enthusiast! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  3. Laura,
    The cards are beautiful! Isn't it funny to see just the simplest addresses and yet they were delivered perfectly fine. Now, we have all the technology in the world and barely get an item from Point A to B without delays and costing a fortune. :-)

    I'm so far behind in reading blogs but wanted to stop by and wish you both the happiest Thanksgiving ever!


  4. Your post card collection is fabulous. It makes today even more special. Happy Thanksgiving!


  5. Love vintage - and am hearting those cute postcards! Thanks for following me and am now following you too!

  6. Hello there, Laura!

    Thank you for coming by to visit!! Yes, those blocks you mentioned are made by a great blogger pal out in England. She is a HOOT! Fee is her name and her site is called CHIPPER NELLY. She truly is gifted in presenting her wares in such fun ways.

    LOVE THE VINTAGE CARDS and especially the messages written!


  7. I had to click on this post, visting you from Costal Charm. I just bought my first old Tday postcards this year and displayed them! But yours are just gorgeous!! They really are heartwarming, aren't they? I loved reading the messages on mine, all dated from 100 years ago~1910!

  8. LOVE all your turkey images from years past!!!!!

  9. I LOVE these vintage cards!!! They are awesome! Thank you so much for sharing!

  10. Those vintage post cards are so special. You know, I still have the post card that my husband sent me in the mail before we even met. Whenever I see a post card, I always smile. Thanks for sharing these.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  11. Great images. Hope your Thanksgiving was a great one.

  12. Laura, thanks for visiting me once again and leaving a comment. Your blog is stunning. Your post on vintage Thanksgiving postcards is beautiful and inspiring. highpointcircle

  13. I love vintage postcards -- I have a few, but don't have quite the collection you do! This is such a unique and fun display. :)

  14. These are great! Thanks for sharing. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

    Thanks for visiting my blog,


  15. Great post...I am loving your vintage post cards. I will go back over some of your other posts since I am new to your blog.

  16. These are gorgeous! I may have to print them off, thanks!

  17. I just found your site and subscribed as your newest follower. I also collect vintage holiday postcards and have been posting one a week on my blog. Would love to have you stop by some time and say hello.

    Merry Christmas!



We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.