
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Give Me a Beet!

Hee hee, I'm so clever with my titles and puns. So this past Sunday was a lovely fall day and since I love me some beets almost as much as I love me some Miss Jackson (hence my title - Nasty - check it), I decided to make a lovely fall soup. Apple and beet with horseradish cream soup, specifically. And since my efforts to make an actual meal complete with the chopping, boiling and processing of ingredients is somewhat of a rarity, I decided to document to whole thing and share it with you fine folks (I hope you're interested in it). 

The recipe came from Better Homes and Gardens via one my besties, whose awesomely adorned arms are featured prominently below. No, I did not make this special soup all by my lonesome. It was a joint project that yielded some pretty delicious results, if I might brag.

We began first, with bestie chopping the the main ingredient, whole beets, down below. 

So pretty and fuchsia. We loved the color of the beets so much we decided not wear gloves and stain our hands like the poor-woman's version henna...not really, it just didn't occur to us to wear gloves. Again, we're not frequent chefs.

Chop- chop for the beets, dice-dice for the yellow onion and lone potato.

Add some cayanne pepper, salt and regular pepper; dump into the stock pot to boil; then simma (not be confused with simmer) for about 25 minutes. 

Set cool for five minutes then halve, and unload into the blender to process, courtesy of bestie's bejeweled arm once again. And no, that's not the blender shaking, that's my hand while snapping this photo, hence it's slightly blurry image. Sorry! 

The good part: low or full fat sour cream and a bottle of horseradish. Maybe less than a bottle, but we like it spicy. Add a dollop on top or stir into the beet mixture and voila! Apple and beet soup with horseradish cream!

It looks less bloody and more beautifully fuchsia in real life. 

Serve with your choice of fancy-looking loaf of bread. We choose a whole wheat, multi-seed carb concoction to be healthy and proceeded to eat an entire half. Though it did compliment the soup wonderfully. If you're interested in making the soup yourself, I highly recommend it. You can find the recipe here at Better Homes and Gardens website:  Yes, their photos are a bit prettier but mine had more love in it.

Now, what should I make next? Recommendations anyone?

Linking to this week:


  1. You had me at "horseradish." Always unique!

  2. Based on the color, it could be Dracula Soup!

  3. Wow! I have not tried this before...thanks for the inspiration to try something new for the season! :)


  4. I love beets, so it sounds good to me! Nice photos, and I LOVE your bracelets!! lol

  5. Love the photos and cooking with a friend. You've inspired me!


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.