
Friday, September 30, 2011

Shops Revealed

Oh my wallet, did we and it get a workout this weekend. As previously mentioned, Mom came to NY for a visist this week to help outfit my new pad with goodies. Now looks less like a barren set of rooms with child's furniture and more like an actual home where adults reside. It was a fabulous weekend. I'm still working out the kinks, trying to find homes for bags and jewlery hooks, so there are no post-shopping or redocrated pictures to show you quite yet. BUT there are some mid-shopping ones to present from (as promised) a few of our favorite home decorating shops in the city. However (not as promised), there are no secret shopping spots this time around; we couldn't make it everywhere. Just the big ones. Below are a few places we spent quite a lot of time at this weekend:

Behold the great hall of antique mirrors lining the entry way of Pippin Vintage, one of the fabulous furniture and jewlery thrift stores that happens to live just one block away from my new block.

 The basement of one of the three shops that Olde Good Things runs. Farm tables, old-school 
bar stools and 50's desk chairs galore.

 Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's that fool in the reflection standing not-so tall?   
        Why, it's me! Broome! Trying and failing to master the art of taking photos of mirros without catching my reflection.

Don't worry, I didn't forget about last week's blog and guess game. I'm ready to reveal the mystery. One of our old-time/all-time favorite places to shop that's not such a secret spot? Fishes Eddy! I got some fabulous jewelry dishes and make-up brush dishes here.



Proof of the mystery:

 If you had to guess between Cottage and Broome, who do you think favors these dishes most?

The infamous mystery in porcelain.

 On to our next, highly coveted shop where all of things we can't afford exist: ABC Carpet and Home. These pillows down below? Approximately $450 a piece. Absolutely absurdly fabulous. 

 How fancy do these chandiliers make you wish you were?

Side note: none of these glitz items went into my apartment. However, I did acquire some more practical, but slightly less precious items, all of which will be coming to you readers soon.

Linking to this week:


  1. The hands are so cool:-)

    Regards from Sweden

  2. Oh, what a glorious shopping trip. I am definately in the mood for some shopping. The holidays are just around the corner, and I always love to shop around that time. Have a lovely weekend both of you.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  3. Great photos - I want to check out the first place with the mirrors and also Fishes Eddy. Perhaps your mom would remember if she was in NYC years ago there used to be a store called Azuma that Fishes Eddy reminds me of. They had the best, cheap stuff!

  4. I am going to look up the couple of shops you mentioned... and the next time I visit my brother in NJ (and go into Manhatten) I'm dragging him there! It looks like you and your Mom had such a great time. I can't wait to see the before and after pictures!!!

  5. Wow! What great snaps! Looks like a wonderful time must have been had! :)
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. Wish I could have been a part of that shopping trip! Looked like a fabulous time. Thanks for your thoughts on my french armoire.

  7. Looks like lots of fun on that shopping trip- So many gorgeous inspiring treasures! Thanks for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday!

  8. What a fun day you had! Great photos! I love going to home decorating shops too. I don't always buy something, just wander around looking at pretty things.

  9. Good thing you guys brought a bucket of water to cool off those charge cards!

  10. Your pics are lovely! And, we'll be in NY in a few weeks. I hope we can check out this wonderful shop. We are helping our daughter and family move to Brooklyn.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    ~ Julie

  11. Great shops. I could get lost in either one for a while. Thanks for dropping by, and for the congrats.

  12. I really did not know what to expect when coming over with those hands. Very cool stuff. Thanks for sharing with the newie party, have fun mingling and making new friends.

  13. Really cool! If you get a chance, I'd love to have you link up. ( Thanks for sharing!

  14. Wow! What a shopping trip! I love those mirrors and all the pretty dishes! The stacks of different color ones remind me of Fiesta, which my sister collects. Love the cows! Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your comment. Nice to "meet" both of you!
    Hugs, Cindy

  15. Oh, I wish I could have gone along with you! That first place .... I could spend all day!
    Can't wait to see what you bought!

  16. loved all of the photos! wish I could go shopping! I'd buy those green and white coffee cups, and all of those hands? haha it reminds me of some pictures I took in an architectural salvage store..floor to ceiling manaquins! I should post those! funny. I found you at the newbie party.

  17. Like GIANT candy stores for grown ups!!!
    Loved your post! Thanks for popping over to my blog!


  18. Looks like a wonderful spot to spend a day! Thank you for linking it up to Home Sweet Home!

  19. Yikes! It looks like a person could get lost for days in that place! :-)

    Have a Great Week! :-)

    BTW, thanks for your comment on my "Don't Mess With Old People!" post. ~Ron

  20. Oh I wish I was with ya all just to see all those great things

    what fun shopping where there is choices

  21. The pictures were a delight to look at. Are those cushions actually for $450 a piece!! Gosh.. what are they made of.. gold, diamonds and emeralds :O :O

  22. Wow! What amazing shops! Looks like you had tons of fun!

  23. I'm drooling..... such eye candy! I want to go there ASAP!!

  24. Oh my! These are the kind of shops I could spend hours in.

  25. Love funky, artistic places! The hands are fun ~ I'd love to have one of those. Lots of great things...and I love mirrors too.



We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.