
Monday, September 19, 2011

Hands Up! It's Shoppin' Time

What are those crazy colored hands doing there, you might ask? Well, as mentioned in my previous post, I have moved. My apartment is brand new, but barren. The walls are blank, frames un-hung and kitchen incomplete. I have furniture that was purchased specifically to fit the confines of my old baby digs and situated in the new one, looks like a doll's. It's as if an eight-year-old set up shop in my apartment and purchased a sofa and coffee table based on the dimensions of their Easy-Bake Oven. Polly Pocket had a larger TV stand than me.

Though it won't be this way for long because help is on the way - in the form of Cottage! Mom's coming to New York to help me decorate. Hooray! 

We're going to do some serious shopping: scouring flea markets, snapping up dishes and perusing home decor stores. Later in the week we'll show you some our favorite secret and not-so-secret spots. And because I'm an impatient person, I did a bit of preliminary scouting this weekend, which brings us back to the colorful limbs:

Can you guess which shop these hands are all popping up out of?

No? How about these tea caddies? I know, I know tea caddy isn't their official term, but I can't remember what they're called. 

Still don't know? Do you give up? Do ya? Well, that's too bad, because you'll have to wait until my next post to find out! Ha-ha! Now you having to keep reading the blog! I'm tricky, aren't I? But if you know it, guess in the comments!

Linking to this week:


  1. I haven't a clue where you found all those colorful goodies, but I can't wait to find out. The hands are especially intriguing. Happy shopping with Mom.

  2. oh no, a blog mystery... how many chapters?!

  3. Not to worry, I'll make sure Cottage is financially ready for this's just another service I provide!

    Cottage Guy

  4. Looks like you got the hands from the Playtex Living Glove factory! Perfect for draping your jewelry over, or, in my life, convenient bird perches!

  5. Oh, I love a mystery. You clever girl you, I'll definitely HAVE to come back. I'm guessing Anthropology????

  6. I'm guessing Fishes Eddy, but maybe because I'm just missing that store so. I told Cottage she needs to go there for me.


  7. I love the challenge of a new quirky space to set up! I hope you kids have a great time with it!

  8. I have no idea, but I love the vibrant colors.

  9. Looking forward to finding out on the next post.

  10. love those hands....are they glove molds, I have a white one that I keep jewelry on but I have never seen them in colors????

  11. What a great Mom you have to come and help you shop for your new apt. I also live in NY (on Long Island) so you've really got me curious about your secret places to shop! As Arnold says "I'll be back!"

  12. Oh how I'd love to do the shopping thing with you and your Mom. It sounds like so much fun. I hope you have lots of fun and hope that you will share pictures of before and after!!

  13. Beautiful colors! Interesting tease...will have to return now to find out!

  14. I can't wait to see all your treasures from your shopping trip!
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  15. I've got two guesses, Crate and Barrel, and Pier One, however William Sonoma could be the right answer? Love your blog!


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.