
Friday, September 16, 2011

The Beauty of Butterflies

I can not let go of summer in spite of the fact we had frost warnings at the Cottage last night! I recently walked to the library to return books, at the garden there a butterfly bush was being visited by what else, monarch butterflies. I was feeling disappointed because I did not have my camera with me, so I snapped shots with my iphone and hoped for the best. I was amazed at the the quality of the pictures and the detail on the butterflies I was able to get with my iphone. Butterflies are another one of nature's beauties.

Getting ready to take off for warmer weather!

That are you doing with your last days of summer??


  1. Beautiful!! I'm not ready to let summer go but it appears I will not be able to wear my flip flops for long.

  2. Beautiful pictures. Here in Sweden it's getting colder but I hope for a little more sun.

    Big hug

  3. What vibrant colors! Just lovely.

  4. Oh my gosh,
    Those photos on your camera phone turned out wonderful. You really captured the beauty of the butterfly in these photos. Have a lovely weekend.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  5. I'm not letting summer go yet either. Still lots of golf and beach walks left at the cottage. Fabulous photos as always

  6. Wow your phone took great pics. Love the orange and purple contrasts. What a lovely place your library has got to visit outside as well.

  7. Wow, these photos are exceptional! I don't think a professional photographer could have done better. Which iphone do you have? I'm trying to decide about a smart phone...I'm not a techie at all!

    Thanks for sharing. Oh, we actually had a high yesterday of
    77' and low 80s today with a bit of rain. Amazing, huh? :-)


  8. What gorgeous photographs! Beautiful. Thanks so much! And thanks for visiting!

  9. These are positively stunning photos!

  10. Gorgeous photos! It's always bittersweet at the end of butterfly season.

  11. Good Morning,
    Just wanted to let you know that Nel did a Fashion Post today, and your daughter might like to check it out. You know our daughters and their clothes. hehe
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  12. So beautiful! Hope they make it to Mexico before the first freeze! The leaves are starting to turn in Denver.

  13. Oh, that wasn't a picture of the girls when they were little. Just a picture I picked up that I thought was cute - although Jess is a blonde, and Nel's a brunette. Have fun shopping with your daughter. Are you going to New York to shop?? Lucky you!! When you come back, maybe I can see some of the wonderful things you bought.
    Sweet day,
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  14. What beautiful snaps! Love the butterfly. Thanks so much for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  15. Gorgeous photos! Such beautiful close-ups!

  16. Oh the butterfly pictures are so pretty! Just love having those beauties in my garden.

  17. Such gorgeous photos of the butterfly! So happy to be your newest follower!
    Hugs, Cindy


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