
Monday, September 12, 2011

Broome is back!

Helllllooooooo. It’s been so long since I’ve blogged; I’ve missed so much! My mom has been having all sorts of fun without me: crostada baking, sunsets watching, visiting carnies and determining giveaway winners! I feel like such a sloth in comparison. Though I haven't just been lazing about, avoiding the internet (in fact I don't have internet access right now, except at friend's apartments and coffee shops), I have valid reason for being absent so long. I’ve been moving! Away from Broome street! It’s so sad. BUT. My new place is actually the best. Minus, the showerhead falling on my roommate’s head. She’s ok, don't worry. It's bigger, has more brick walls and most spectacular of all, it's only a one floor walk-up instead of five.

The last few weeks have been occupied with almost exclusively with move-related tasks for me. I’ve spent my time doing largely un-fun things like buying trash bags, purging my closet (that seemed insurmountable at the time), creating cardboard boxes and doing an absurd amount of cleaning. I spent four hours cleaning the new bathroom and looked like orphan Annie scrubbing my tile floor. It sparkles now. 

Oh, then there was an earthquake in NY - super bizarre - and later that week - you guys may or may not have heard about this - there was a hurricane! Her name was Irene. This ended up not really affecting me nor most other Manhattanites in the slightest, aside from being marginally inconvenienced for a few days, but sadly there was severe devastation elsewhere in upstate New York, New Jersey and North Carolina. Water is a scarily destructive force and I cannot imagine how difficult it must be for those truly affect by it's path. 

NYC was on alert, but by the time the hurricane was supposed hit the general consensus was that it would rain and there would be wind. So I prepped for the hurricane by filling my pots and pans with water, buying eight two liter bottles of water, some fruit, bread, chips and salsa. And booze, obviously. Fortunately, my fellow New Yorkers and I dodged a major bullet and just had a fun night in, keeping dry. And my roommate and I packed. All day. This is the fruits of our labor:

 I know. I's not pretty. Hopefully in a few weeks once I'm all settled I will have something pretty to show you! Stay tuned......


  1. Have fun in your new place! It sounds so exciting to live in NYC! Oh to be young again!!

  2. For your Mom's sake, I hope you didn't put the dishes on the bottom! Look forward to following more of you're adventures in NYC.

  3. Have a lot of inspirations in your new place. I was in august too in NYC and admire new WTC. It was my first time in USA. It looks good but i preffer Europe:) take care!:)

  4. Welcome back Broome,have fun and enjoy
    the new place. Always lots of work when we move. Good luck and happiness. Thank you for visiting my blog....Lu

  5. Can't wait to see the new place. I know it will be fab!

  6. Anxious to see your new place! It will be fun watching it progress.

  7. Thanks everyone! Hopefully, I'll have some progress to show you soon. In fact, I may be coming to you guys for some decorating advice...

  8. Oh, I feel for you! I moved twice last year and it was a killer each time. Of course, I'm much older too. :-) Never have had any physical problems to speak of and my knees went out ~ makes for a rough time trying to unpack & get situated. Oh well...

    So glad you were fortunate to miss Irene's havoc...quite scary. Happy you're back and will look forward to seeing your gorgeous apt!



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