
Monday, November 25, 2013

Get Your Turkey On

Halloween whizzed by and I never got my decorations up. I'm not letting that happen for Thanksgiving, my turkeys are on full display. Well one of the turkeys might really be a pheasant but I think he fits in quite nicely dressed up with some jewels.

I like to display my vintage postcards in a wire fan for all to enjoy.

Just a few more days and we will all be eating our turkeys with our families and friends. Also in a few more days my wayward blogging partner but full time daughter, Andrea will be home. So much to be thankful for! 

I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Linking to this week:


  1. Laura, your turkeys with bling look fantastic.
    Love the fan card holder. Is it vintage? I've a small collection of vintage Thanksgiving cards but haven't found just the right way to display them. Yours looks great! I'm going to pin it.
    Happy Thanksgiving! ~ Sarah

  2. I love that wire frame and all the. Intake turkey prints look perfect in the fan. Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. What a cute assortment of turkeys (and pheasant!) I love collecting vintage postcards, too. My grandmother kept 50 or so that she collected through the early 1900s. I love looking through them. Hope you also have a blessed Thanksgiving holiday!!
    Ann @ Cairn Cottage

  4. The turkey display looks lovely and I think the bit of bling is delightful. I can't get over how many turkey cards YOu have.. they look great on that wire card holder!
    Forgot to mention thanks for the tip on how to attach my lace.. will definately give it a go. I'm following you too.. take care, maryann

  5. Hello Laura, your turkeys look great and I love the card holder. Wishing you and your family a happy Thanksgiving!

  6. I don't think I have any Thanksgiving decorations in all my storage bins. I'd like to find a few vintage ceramic turkeys like yours, and your collection of vintage cards is fabulous displayed in the wire fan! Happy Thanksgiving, Laura!

  7. I love all those decorations! So festive and pretty!

  8. Laura, your cards are fabulous! I collect postcards, too, and the Thanksgiving ones always have the best art! Your home looks terrific! Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. What a neat fan! I have never seen anything like it. It has a vintage air and looks great with your postcards! Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. Everything looks so festive and ready to go. Love the way you display your vintage postcards. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  11. Great decorations! I love the pheasant! He looks so cute amongst the turkeys! Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. This is such a lovely post, Laura! The turkey (or pheasant?) is fantastic and the colors of the cards blow me away! Even over here people start to roast turkeys although we do not celebrate Thanksgiving but somehow it swapped over to us! I have not tried it yet... but I always glimpse at the turkeys in the shop... who knows one day... So glad Andrea will visit you - I bet you will have a wonderful time! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! CHrista

  13. Girl .. Turkeys and bling ..WHO knew ? ? I thought I had all things bling. I am on it sister !!! LOVE LOVE LOVE it as always. SO FUN

  14. your home is looks so pretty, cozy and inviting. have a great holiday with your daughter home.

  15. Lovely turkeys, and your displays are so charming...Very Nice. Happy Thanksgiving!

  16. Happy Thanksgiving! You have some really wonderful decorations! I spent a few years in Michigan and know how short the flower season is, so that's why I enjoy Florida so much.

  17. Your turkey decorations are beautiful!

  18. Hi Laura. I love the big white phesant. I think he fits right in. I did get some Halloween up, but then skipped Thanksgiving and went right for Christmas. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family..Judy

  19. Super cute turkeys you have Laura. I love the added bling and the sweet looking postcards.

  20. LOVE your turkeys and postcards! Hope you'll stop by and see my Thanksgiving décor too. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

    Amber @junkaholicsunanimous.blogspot

  21. So many lovely vintage cards, and I love the way you have displayed them, gorgeous! Have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving.

  22. Love all of your Thanksgiving decorations! Hope you and yours had a wonderful day.


  23. Love your turkeys and all the bling. How fun. Thanks so much for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  24. I so love the postcards-the holder looks like the feathers of a turkey!!! Love the bling also.

  25. Love all your turkeys and vintage postcards!! Thanks so much for sharing! Happy December 1st!!

  26. What a beautiful post. I'm so glad I didn't miss it. I love Thanksgiving, turkeys, pheasants and vintage postcards. I hope you had a wonderful holiday!

  27. Laura,
    Your pheasant is so pretty, and I love all the vintage Thanksgiving cards.

    I hope you are enjoying the Christmas season.


  28. We wish you a Merry Christmas,Laura!
    RW & SK


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.