
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Last October Roses

 Last week up at the cottage I did a marathon garden clean up. But before I started I picked the last of  the fall roses. Fall roses are a little more raggedy than mid summer roses but certainly just as sweet.

Notice my tricky photography…. I managed to keep myself out of the mirror and captured the bouquet of hydrangeas on the back wall. Sometimes you just get lucky!

I love this vintage tea set, no longer usable but still so pretty.

This is the arrangement you see peaking thru in the mirror. I'm always amazed at the color of the hydrangeas. These will slowly dry over the winter and the bright colors will fade.

Halloween today and it is dreary and rainy here, I hope it clears up for the kiddies tonight.

Happy Halloween!

Linking to this week:


  1. Just beautiful my friend. As always your blog is amazing. LOVE the pics and the colors. NOT to mention your place is looking so beautiful. HUGs and blessing this Harvest season

  2. What a wonderful treat to see your bouquet of roses!
    I can smell the sweet perfume filling the air.
    Have a good day :)

  3. Oh my! This is the most gorgeous group of pictures. Lucky indeed! Your late roses are exquisite!

  4. Very nice pictures, so cheery on this dreary day. you did will with that mirror photo. These late roses tend to be so beautiful even if a teeny bit tired looking. Reality!

  5. Those are just beautiful photos, Laura. You did good-no you in the mirror and a back wall of hydrangeas. Can't beat it- xo Diana

  6. Your roses look perfect to me! And your hydrangeas are so vibrant!

    It's raining here, too, so we didn't see too many ghosts and goblins tonight.

    Happy Halloween!

  7. They are gorgeous, Laura. I can practically smell them from here! And those hydrangeas may be the loveliest I've ever seen.

  8. Your roses and your hydrangeas are gorgeous! I have never seen the fuchsia pink hydrangea before. Do you know the name of the cultivar?

  9. Lovely photos - the last roses are always the most precious ones! Like you a admire hydrangeas and when dry the make such a wonderful deco! Christa

  10. Your roses are gorgeous! I do like your tricky photography and I am pinning it! I just noticed some roses today and I was astonished that they were still blooming...a true fall treasure! Kim @ Exquisitely Unremarkable

  11. What beautiful, beautiful roses! Lol... love the trick photography! The hydrangeas are lovely as well.

  12. What lovely roses and hydrangeas, Laura. I like the arrangement beside the roses too. I forget what they are called but my friend used to have them in her arrangements. The tea set is nice too. There's just something charming about old silver. Lovely post and thank you for sharing it with us.


  13. Laura, what beautiful pictures. Love the roses and the hydrangeas. How do you get a red one? So pretty and so is that mirror frame. Love it..Happy Tuesday..Judy

  14. I don't know which is more gorgeous, your photos or your flowers!!! So pretty! LOVE that mirror!

  15. Beautiful flowers. Very charming arrangements!

  16. I'm your newest follower. Found you through the comment you left me and love your distressed mirror and roses. Can't wait to take time to look all around and tour your lovely home. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment on my blog as it allowed me to find yours.

  17. Beautiful roses photos!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  18. Beautiful flowers and photos!! Each one is like eye candy!

  19. The hues are Magnificent and your Styling of it all is superb!

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  20. I featured your pretty roses today on Mod Mix Monday at Mod Vintage Life.

  21. Oh so lovely roses.

    My rose bushes never produce many flowers at one time. I think my New Year's resolution will be to become a better rose gardener.

  22. The roses and hydrangeas are so beautiful. I love how you can see the back of the bouquet of roses in the mirror. The colors are so wonderful with your white furniture.

  23. Your roses look beautiful and I never tire of looking at them. I planted quite a few new bushes this year that I am now enjoying... Love your garden and your home.. take care, Maryann


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.