
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Side Door Flowers

 What is the old saying, backdoor visitors are the best or most welcomed? How about side door visitors? I love this side door with it's brick walkway and flowers lined on both sides. Here is a look at one side of the walkway.

A non flower eating bunny waits to greet you.

In the early summer I love to use pansies, violas and lobelia. Unfortunately I had a deer come up and eat all of these and pull the pansies right out of the planter. I've since replanted this with succulents something the deer don't usually eat.


Doesn't he look like he is winking at you……

It has been a crazy week here weather wise, 2 days of 90's, finally much needed rain, then a cool down.  It was 49 degrees at 7:00 this morning. It will be sunny and low 70's here today, a perfect summer day to me.


  1. That's what I call a beautiful and friendly welcome! From the sounds of things in so many places, the summer weather has been crazy. I'm from the sunbelt (SE U.S.) and we had 1 day hit 90 this month. It rains every day!

  2. That is a beautiful welcoming side door. I like the rabbit. xoxo,Susie

  3. Thank you for sharing the photos of your beautiful flowers. Very welcoming indeed!

  4. What a delight it must be to walk to your side door an be welcomed by those pretty flowers!

    Happy week!

    Madelief x

  5. Your flowers look beautiful, what a splendid way to be greeted at the door.

  6. Oh how absolutely divine - the colours are beautiful!

    I would come visit your side door ANYTIME!!

    So so pretty!

  7. My goodness! What a wonderful treat for the eyes when you near the door. Your gardening skills have paid off there. GORGEOUS!!!! xo Diana

  8. It looks so fresh and pretty. Love it.
    It's funny, our side door is off the driveway and it's the door I've used to come and go since the first day I bought the house. The only people who ever come to the front door are strangers. :)

  9. What a wonderful welcome. The colors are just beautiful and yourn photos are FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Your gorgeous side garden definitely says welcome...even to the deer, I guess! We've been through a week of sweltering heat and humidity and now the cooler temps have arrived. Ahhh....enjoy!

  11. We've had two weeks of unusually hot weather up here too, but it is a treat for us. Your garden bed is so pretty! The deer are a problem here too, but a couple of years ago we deer-fenced about 1.5 acres and now can plant what we like without fear of finding it all gone in the morning.

  12. Oh how beautiful and welcoming - so full of color :) Thanks for sharing with us. Have a blessed Monday!


  13. What a welcoming area. My flowers are dying in the heat but yours look beautiful! Have a great week.

  14. Sometimes the simplest things bring great joy and beauty such as you have illustrated here! Lovely photos.

  15. So pretty and 100 percent charming! Wasn't the cool-off nice this weekend? The lake never felt better!

    So delightful in every single way!

  16. OH I wish for your weather! since I cannot have it I enjoy your pics / post! :)

  17. What a beautiful welcoming entry! The flowers are lovely- such great colors!

  18. Oh my goodness!! Your flowers are gorgeous!! What a beautiful post full of color and many of my favorite flowers! Stopping by from Mosaic Monday!

  19. Country romantic!

    Great post! Thanks for sharing with us today at our Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop. -

  20. Such a sweet little spot whether you're coming or going! Very pretty.


  21. I'd be happy to use this door everyday, just to see all the pretty flowers!♥♫

  22. Laura,
    Your flowers are simply beautiful. They are so full of color. It's funny that you mentioned the deers, as my post today is about a deer.

    That purple flower is amazing! Have a peaceful weekend.


  23. Thanks so much for sharing you gorgeous have a beautiful blog!

    Cindy at Notes in the Key of Life

  24. Your garaden is absolutely A M A Z I N G ! ! !

  25. Your flowers are beautiful!
    Big hug, SK

  26. gorgeous! I love the rabbit statue peeking out too. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop xo

  27. Laura, your side yard garden is absolutely lovely. Thank you for sharing. You are one of the features today at the Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House! Pop on in and grab a feature button for your blog. Here is the link to this week's party. Hope to see your prettiness again at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  28. What a welcome to your side door visitors! Love your choice of plants and the colors. The little stone trough and hare are the perfect touches. LOVE, LOVE it all.

  29. Simply Stunning! Love, love the color and that winking bunny stole my heart! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  30. Hi Laura, just hopping back to let you know that I will be featuring you at SYC later today.

  31. How I'd love to have this splash of color along my walkway. This is stunning. I would love to come home to this. You should link this post to Alison's Favorites on the First at The Polohouse. This month's theme is Summer Gardens.


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.