
Friday, July 12, 2013


I had an unintended blogging break….. Sometimes life just takes priority over blogging. I did some heavy duty gardening and took some great pictures with the intent of posting right away. But then my computer had a little watering accident, I thought I might need a new laptop which was not on my list of new purchases this summer. Luckily a few days with the battery drying or airing out seems to have revive it. Yeah!!! I hope my luck holds and it remains working throughout the summer.

Next my blogging partner daughter, Andrea was in from New York City for a visit over the holiday week. It is always wonderful to have her here, we enjoyed the beach, had friends over for a cookout, went antiquing and tried our hand at stand up paddle boarding. If you have not heard of SUP (stand up paddle boarding) visualize a board like a surf board and oars like a kayak. You are on the water carefully stand up and balancing on the board and using the oars to move you across the water. Luckily Andrea and I both do yoga and have good balancing skills. My hubby Cottage Guy found it a little more challenging and ended up in the lake a few times but was a sport and got the hang of it.

A few of my snaps, this one features our new white adirondack chairs, our bright pink ones finally had to be retired. I like the white ones, they look fresh.

The peonies bloomed really late this year but were still so pretty and sweet smelling.

We also had a loved one pass away, my godmother, Aunt Florence. At 91 years old she had a long and happy life, she will be missed. 


  1. We are kayakers, but our kids prefer SUPs. We need to buy some to have at the house when they visit.

    All of your photos are so lovely.

  2. Gorgeous - I think Peonies are my absolute favorite -
    Sorry to hear your sad news........

  3. Such pretty flowers, such lovely images! Happy Pink Saturday.

  4. How fun to have peonies around the fourth of July! Wasn't it beautiful up north last week -- it was tough to return back to Lansing and enter the real world again. Heavy sigh! Soon...

    From where the comment box is on your sidebar, it looks like you might have Johnson Bros. His Majesty dishes. I do too -- except your turkey looks pointed a different direction -- but the side is the same! I love dishes!

  5. Such lovely photos of beautiful subjects.
    Happy Sat.

  6. Absolutely lovely! Thank you for sharing your peonies with us :)


  7. So pretty!
    Sorry to hear about your loss.

  8. Thanks for Lovely pics of Gorgeous Peonies! Have a nice sunday

  9. Thank you for sharing this Lovely pics of Wonderful peonies!
    Have a nice sunday

  10. So sorry about your godmother. Your pictures are lovely. I like the white chairs. They do look fresh and crisp. Sounds like you had a great time over you unintended break.

  11. So sorry about your godmother.

    Your peonies are just lovely :)

  12. I'm so sorry to hear about your Godmother, Laura. She indeed had a long life. The peonies are such a beautiful color. You know, when I was taking pictures at the lake recently, I saw a stand-up paddler and just had to get a pic of her. My friend is really getting into this sport. As for me, I will just use my lens and photo them having fun hahaha. I hope you are enjoying the summer days, my friend.


  13. What lovely peonies. I must start growing them! I am sorry to hear about the loss of your Aunt Florence.
    Blessings from Still Woods Farmhouse

  14. Love your flags with the flowers! Especially the chairs:) Pinned to my americana board. I posted fabric flower refashion to make it pretty. Stop by

  15. What fabulous peonies!
    We don't have them in Central Texas...I have always had peony envy. We do have gardenias and I really enjoy their beautiful smell. I enjoyed your lake adventures. We have groups of stand boarding fans in both our rivers here in town. Looks like fun! Thanks for visiting Riverside Studios.

  16. Those peonies are gorgeous! I love the color.

  17. Beautiful peonies, and your chairs look like a great place to enjoy a summer chat with a friend. I'm sorry to hear about your godmother - it's hard to lose those we love.

  18. Beautiful flowers! I love the patriotic theme, too.

  19. Sounds like you had a busy and fun few weeks. And your peony photos are sumptuous. I planted a couple of peonies last fall. They didn't bloom this spring. I assume that's normal for new plantings . . .

  20. Such a beautiful setting and the peonies are stunning. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  21. I love peonies, too. Mine are a blush pink color. I love the vibrancy of yours.

  22. Beautiful pictures! Those peonies are stunning! What a fabulous colour. Happy summer!

  23. You had my attention with the Adirondack Chairs (we call them Muskoka Chairs) and the peonies. Gorgeous! Bravo on trying out the boards - I'd love to.

  24. Beautiful images. Love the peonies in that great pitcher. Take care, and hope your computer keeps working.

  25. Hi, love the Peonies-they are lovely. Stopping by from the Thursday Favorite Things Hop, I'm a new follower. Hope you'll stop by & say hi,

  26. Love the chairs, and old glory always looks amazing! Gorgeous flowers.
    Sorry to hear of your loss.

  27. Hi Laura
    I just say ....WOOW :)
    they are great. and a lovley colour,,,
    and do not miss.....


    it is FUN :)
    Håkan ( The Roseman)

  28. Adirondack chairs are one of my favorite things! Your peonies are lovely. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday favorite things hop xo

  29. Laura, so glad to have you back. You were missed! Your Peonies are gorgeous! Mine bloomed late and it was while we were on our trip to Spain and Portugal. Totally missed their beauty. Thanks for sharing yours. Love the new white chairs. I know your friend will be missed, but sounds like she lived a long and happy life. Thanks for sharing with SYC.


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.