
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Woodland Garden

 I have been on a little blogging break while I was getting my garden planted at the cottage. Being back up at the cottage is great but warm temperatures have been slow in coming this year. The gardens are about 3 weeks behind normal, it is still really early spring in northern Michigan. I still have daffodils, bleeding hearts and primrose blooming. So I have been planting in chilly weather and my heat is still kicking on some evening. 

In sprite of the cool weather I have planted about 25 flats of annual flowers and more pots than I want to count up! I've planted petunias, begonias, violas, pansies, lobelia, alyssum, geraniums and fuchsia. I've added more perennials too new roses, clematis, lamium (spotted dead nettle), ferns and pinks. Now I just have to wait for the flowers to fill in and hope the deer don't eat everything before I can get pictures and show you.

One part of my garden that does look great right now is the shady or woodland garden. I have several huge trees that I under planted with hosta, ferns, woodruff, forget-me-nots and columbine. It looks so pretty right now.

Pink and blue forget-me-nots mixed together, they reseed every year.

Under the shade of the trees is one of our eating areas. The table is set on bluestone and there are several paths leading to it. The canopy of the trees acts like a giant umbrella which is great when the warm weather finally arrives.


Have you ever notice columbine from the side before it totally opens up, so pretty.

All the little white flowers are from the woodruff which is perfect ground cover for shady areas.

 I hope in the coming weeks I can share more of my garden with you. Let's just hope the deer stay away!


  1. Laura, so glad you did this post. It's delightful. Such beautiful photography of a lovely garden. It already looks lush. Hope you can enjoy it for a few good months!

  2. Amazing! You've planted a lot of flowers...most of my favorites. Are you sore? Your woodland garden is beautiful.

  3. Laura,
    just absolutely gorgeous. I do so love forget me nots..and everything else you have the toadstools too...what a beautiful garden you have...

  4. Those can't really be toadstools, can they? Tell me it is true! All the time in books you'd see red and white mushrooms, which one never saw in real life. I always called them fairy houses with their little dots on top... Tell me those are real and not adorable garden ornaments!

    You don't need ornaments in your beautiful garden. That's all in your space? We haven't been north yet -- I don't do much of a garden there because I'm not around to keep it up, but you are inspiring me! This is really quite the loveliest thing I've seen!

  5. Jeanie, the toadstools are not real, a little bit of garden art to add some whimsy! But it looks like a little fairy should jump out doesn't it? Laura

  6. So sweetly pretty Laura. We are absolutely deluged with rain. xo, olive

  7. Love the table under the tree!!!

  8. It's already looking magical! I've got to plant some forget-me-nots. I had them at our old house and just loved those sweet little flowers!

  9. My gosh, Laura- Your gardens are absolutely gorgeous. I just love all the sweet plants and colors you have there. I can tell it has been a labor of love for you. BEAUTIFUL!!! xo Diana

  10. What a lovely garden. Looks like a little fairly lives there. Beautiful flowers.I am your newest GFC.
    Have a wonderful week,
    @ Eclectic Red Barn

  11. lovely garden. Love the shrooms!

  12. What a sweet little blog - your photos are beautiful and I love the fact that you and your daughter are a "team." :) I am now following and I eagerly look forward to visiting again.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  13. SO pretty! I love that table and chairs. I could plop right down with a glass of wine. :) Looking forward to seeing more as the season progresses.

  14. We love to see the deer but do not love the damage they leave behind. I hope they let your flowers grow. Your pictures are beautiful. We are behind weather-wise in our part of Michigan too. We almost have all the garden in. It is so exciting to watch the seeds grow and bust through the ground.

  15. Your flowers are all so pretty...many of them dainty and sweet. I sure love those toadstools, too! I love summer time, don't you?

  16. Oh, dear, the deer! They wreak havoc on my garden every year. Your woodland garden is beautiful. I love the forget-me-nots. And the columbine is gorgeous. My columbine didn't winter well. Not many blooms this spring.

  17. Laura, this post is absolutely awesome, I want to sit in that garden and just breathe in the cool fresh air :) Just beautiful,
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  18. Your flower gardens are gorgeous! I am new from southern charm! I would love for you to check out my blog and hopefully follow me back. Nicole

  19. Your woodland garden is lovely. I like the whimsy that the toadstools add.

  20. Your garden is beautiful and I don't know where you get the energy planting all those must be the energizer bunny! Love your pink columbine, I have purple and am thinking I should put more colors mixed in and seeing the pink may make it hard for me not to run to the nursery! Thanks for sharing this...

  21. The garden looks so inviting and the toadstools are perfect. Blessed be, Jen

  22. Your garden is soooo beautiful. The blooming is fantastic. Love the pink forgetmenots. And we both adore the colombine I see:)

  23. Your garden looks beautiful and has inspired me to plant some Forget-me-nots!! You have worked real hard to get it this lovely and it shows!

  24. Hello! What a lovely cottage garden you have. So pretty and green. I am new to your blog and enjoying my visit.:)

    I hope you will come by and say hi!

  25. Lovely! I especially love the columbine! They are so sweet and bring such joy when they bloom! Envy you having such a large garden! Christa

  26. Laura,
    Your garden is wonderful with all the pretty flowers. The purple ones are my favorite. I would love to see the roses when they start to bloom. You have done a great job. It looks like some fairies should live here, as it is so enchanting.


  27. I would love to have you link up to Fishtail Cottage's garden party later this evening???? loving those mushrooms...xoxo, tracie

  28. Your garden is delightful. Love all the flowers and those decorative mushrooms. It looks like a fairyland!


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.