
Sunday, May 12, 2013

A Trip to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens

Last week I went to visit my daughter and part-time blogging partner, Andrea in New York City. On my list of places to visit was the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens which are only a few blocks from Andrea's new digs in Brooklyn. I had tried to visit there another time but found out like the museums, the gardens were closed on Mondays. So this time we headed out on Sunday and the weather was just beautiful, high 60's, sunny and for a change no rain. I always seem to visit when they have monsoon style rain storms, so this was delightful!

The cherry trees were all in bloom and were glorious.

Lots of people were out enjoying the day.

During Hurricane Sandy the Botanical Gardens lost over 100 mature and speciality trees. They are in the process of removing the downed trees.

They are repurposing some of the trees and built a tree house that you could walk thru.

The tulips were in full bloom too, beautiful groupings.

They also had Japanese style gardens and ponds.

The little fishes all swimming together.

 My only disappointment is I won't be there to see their extensive rose gardens bloom!

 Andrea and I had a great visit, meeting some of her new friends, touring the gardens, shopping, pop in at the farmer's market and lots of good eats. We had Korean style tacos from a food truck one day for lunch. The food trucks there are amazing, you can get lobster rolls, gourmet grilled cheese and specialty ice creams just to name a few. I also walked and walked and walked, over 11 miles in one day. If only I did that everyday!

A special thanks to Maria Elena at Our Home Away From Home for featuring our post on the washi tape cabinet. Stop by her party Tuesdays at Our Home.


  1. A lovely place to be in spring.

  2. so beautiful....I'm glad you and your daughter had a nice Mother's Day...
    Love, Mona

  3. Beautiful, Laura. Thanks for taking us along!

  4. Gardens are lovely anytime, but when they hit their stride and are in full bloom, what a haven! Your photos do it justice!

  5. I love to walk through any garden, Pure therapy. Thanks for sharing.

  6. What a lovely garden. I do wish that every child in NY could visit it. I have heard how many residents never get more that a couple miles of their own neighborhoods. It is marvelous that cities like NY have these wonderful places to visit.
    I can not imagine growing up surrounded by concrete. Everyone needs a walk in the park and a chance to experience nature at it's best.

  7. Some of those tulips are stunning! I love the darker purple. Thank you for sharing.

  8. The garden photos are amazing, Laura! The tulips are my favorite and I vow to plant some this fall!!

    How sad that so many trees were lost during the storm. Many areas of MN were hit with storms over the 4th of July last year, and thousands of mature trees were lost, especially the oldest and largest pine trees.

  9. Stunning pictures, wow, this is all so pretty. I love the fields of tulips. Thanks tons for joining Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  10. Laura,
    What a sight this must have been for you. I am in love with the little bridge. Everything about this place is so peaceful, and beauty surrounds its every corner.

    Thank you for the birthday wishes, dear.


  11. Hi, Laura -- this is so beautiful! Really the essence of spring! I especially love the Japanese sections which remind me so much of being in Japan!

  12. We don't get to New York often, but I will add the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens to my list. My daughter travels to NYC frequently to visit friends. One of them lives in SOHO and follows the lobster roll truck on Twitter. I have never eaten at a truck, but I know they are growing in popularity.

  13. Gorgeous photos, Laura. What a beautiful way to spend your day!

  14. The gardens are just gorgeous! Love all the pretty pink petals everywhere.
    The design is just so beautiful and soothing. Thanks for taking us along!

  15. What a fabulous place to visit at this time of year! WOW! You got some wonderful photos! Happy Spring!

  16. A lovely stroll through that fabulous garden! Thanks for taking me along! A pity that you will not be there for the rose bloom - it must be heavenly! Have a good start into the new week! Christa

  17. Such a beautiful tour! The food sounds good too! Glad you had such a great day!

  18. Beautiful tour, thank you for sharing! I've enjoyed looking through your blog. Check out Sunshine PenPals and join the fun, we'd love to have you!

  19. wow! what a lovely garden tour. Thank you for sharing at the hop my friend xo


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.