
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Remembering the Garden

This was not the post I planned on but the computer ate my photos. I imported the photos and poof they disappeared. I hate tech problems! Another photo session tomorrow, hopefully there will be more sunlight than there was today. Low lighting today because yes, we had more snow. 

So when all else fails, browse last summer's garden photos! I found a grouping that I liked and had not posted before. It always helps to review last year's photos when planning for the upcoming spring garden.

These are the flower beds that line my driveway at the cottage. Pink petunias along the edge of the bed with snow crop daisies. Different varieties of roses next to the house.

There really is a walkway to get to the side door, it is lined with pots of geraniums, lobelia, alyssum  and hens and chicks.

A bunny peaking out….

The roses are up against the side of the house, they are happy there facing south.

This is a partial look at another flower bed on the other side of the driveway. The flowers are dianthus, commonly called pinks. I love these because they are easy to grow and reappear year after year.

The pinks are mixed with snapdragons, begonias, and zinnias. I also have lamium, the common name is spotted deadnettle, which comes in white, purple and pink of course! It is a wonderful flowering ground cover.

On paper, tomorrow is the first day of spring, in reality it still seems very far away. But these pictures remind me that summer will be here soon, I can hardly wait!

Please stop by our garden giveaway there are a few day left to enter, Garden Giveaway.


  1. Oh my! Your flowers are just beautiful. You must spend a lot of time out in your yard! It really shows. Can't wait to see what you do this year.


  2. Laura- That is so so so very beautiful that it looks like a fairytale garden. It is just gorgeous...a testimony to the work and planning that went into it.xo Diana

  3. Your gardens are just lovely!! It makes me miss summer!

  4. Your gardens are just beautiful Laura!

    I just saw your wonderful giveaway, but I've won too many over the past few months, so that's why I didn't sign up. Thanks for offering the sweet prize!

  5. Absolutely gorgeous! I miss my garden too. Everything here is still brown and bare.

  6. So pretty, I am ready for our snow to be gone so I can start gardening again. Thanks for sharing at the Cabin:)

  7. gorgeous. i wish i had that going on at my little home. we've got the curved borders as you do, but since i just planted things willy nilly, i don't have the space to line the curves like you did. i looove this. thanks for the inspiration!

  8. Wow!!
    I am not kidding I have studied your pictures for a while now just gorgeous!! I love, love your flower beds!! I bet you spend lots of time in the garden?.. these pictures have inspired me!

  9. Just what I needed to see; how beautiful and with all my favorite colors. I'm so ready for spring and early summer; gardening and mowing. well; maybe not mowing.

  10. Beautiful flowers and gardens. It's all so lush looking. Now I'm trying to decide if these are current photos--i'm not sure where you live, but they are a nice contrast to all the snow pictures being posted on blogs as winter continues to reign in many parts of the country.

  11. That is a maginificent flower bed. And the pictures on your side bar are wonderful as well. Your garden is beautiful.

  12. I bet you have screeching tires in the summertime just gawking at your flowers. They are just gorgeous.

  13. Stopping by from French Country Cottage. Your garden is spectacular. Love the pink petunias edging. I can just smell your pinks, love that smell..Happy Thursday..Judy

  14. Laura, I just left you a message but now have decided to be your newest follower. I'm anxious to see your beautiful garden for this year and from your sidebar, I see you are a lover of sunsets so that made up my mind. I'd love for you to visit my Cottage when you have a minute. You would be most welcome..Happy Thursday..Judy

  15. Laura,
    your garden is gorgeous! It reminds me of my Mama's when she moved to FL..she spent many many hours in that garden..I garden in a messy cottage style but surely appreciate the form of your beautiful a new follower...

  16. so fun and colorful! this will be my first summer with a yard and i can't wait!

  17. Your garden is a treat for the eyes!
    Sorry about your computer issues, but so glad you made this gorgeous post!

  18. Just what I needed on a cold windy day- a breath of spring color and I can almost smell the flowers!

  19. Oh my goodness, your flowers are gorgeous! I love the petunias and daisies -- the entire setting is so serene and peaceful. Wish I could share some of our spring-like weather, but I fear it will be short-lived and go quickly into Summer here!

  20. Hi Laura,

    Enchanting photographs of your garden!

    Happy weekend,

    Madelief x

  21. Stunning border of color!!The pinks look perfect as well as all the others. Your bunnys ears are so cute peeking out.

  22. Love the petunias, daisies and roses by the driveway. Wonderful height placement besides the beautiful color!

  23. Wow! What gorgeous gardens and in my favorite colors. Can't wait to see them this year.

  24. What a lovely variety of pinks and whites, Laura! Just gorgeous. The little bunny peeking out is whimsical and fun :)

  25. Laura - someone cares very much for this garden and it shows. How lovely!! The colors are so vibrant against the different shades of green. I am looking forward to seeing the photos this year!!

  26. What beautiful, beautiful photos of your flowers and so welcoming when all is drab here and more snow on the way. Thank you so much for sharing those lovely colors with us.

  27. Your garden is lovely. You definitely have a gift. I wish my gardens looked like yours. I am visiting from Time Travel Thursday and am your newest follower!

  28. Good grief! Such gorgeous flowers!!! I long for the day when I'm able to get out there and plant like this again! Hope you're able to resolve your tech problems soon. Hate it when that happens!

  29. what a glorious happy colourful garden you have.
    Oh dear I am sorry to hear your computer ate your photos. I hope you were able to get them back. I would be devastated!
    Have a wonderful week.

  30. Laura, your gardens are gorgeous! The perfect combinations to form a cottage garden. I can't wait to see more this summer. I am anxious for Spring here too. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  31. Oh my, your gardens could be shown in any glossy garden magazines and rate top notch. They are glorious and your colours are the ones that I would use, if only I had sunshine. I live in a mostly shaded 2 acre wooded lot.

  32. Wow, I sure wish my yard looked like this! You've done a great job.

  33. You have some beautiful photos to enjoy! I hope you've gotten your technical problems solved! Happy Spring!

  34. So very beautiful! Such a joy seeing the lovely blooms especially this time of year.

  35. Such wonderful flowers! You made me feel so happy to remember that there will be flowers here in Michigan again before we know it! You have inspired me to try pinks. I remember my mother used to plant them but I never have. I like that they come back.

  36. OMG! Your garden is soooo beautiful! Way to go, Ms. Green thumb. : )

    Sammy ~ Renew Redo!

  37. Your photos are just amazing and I am so thrilled to have won your garden Giveaway!
    What a delightful package of goodies awaited me on my doorstep! All will be put to good use! will post a photo soon!
    Thanks again!

  38. WOW! you have a beautiful garden! I am just starting to garden this year, So I know there will be alot of learning

  39. Your garden is SO magazine worthy! Beautiful color and design, and beautifully photographed.

  40. It's breathtaking! You will be one of the features from the Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Pop on in and grab a feature button. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  41. Your garden is incredible. I wish we had someone with your green thumb in our neighborhood, the property value would skyrocket:) Your flower beds are amazing.
    Please visit and join in on your anniversary give-a-way :)
    Have a lovely week and better luck with your photos and technology . . . I am happy that we got to see these photos :)
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  42. Really enjoyed your last years garden stroll ...Spring is about to embark on New England finally and I am giving a sigh of relief ~ so ready to garden.

  43. I have been happily perusing your beautiful blog and all the inspiration and creativity found here.
    I absolutely LoVe your garden and the photos, current and older both!
    Thank you for popping into my world and leaving the sweet comment, it has been a pleasure visiting yours!


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.