
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Peat Pot Upcycle and Giveaway

I'm so weary of winter!!! We had a little more snow today and it is back down in the 30's, spring can not come fast enough. I've been looking through new garden magazines the last few weeks and making plans for my planting. I have piles of garden magazine and save them for a few years much to my husband's dismay. 

Since I can't plant yet I've been gathering supplies and thought I'd share some with you in a Garden Giveaway. I took a peat pot and gave it a new look, it is amazing what a little paint can do and a graphic from the Graphics Fairy.

One of my favorite magazines this season has been a Garden Gate issue on backyard retreats. I've included the magazine, peat pot, garden gloves, seed packets of alyssum, herb stakes for oregano, basil and rosemary.

The Garden Giveaway is simple become a Cottage and Broome follower (let us know you are now following) and leave a comment. If you are already a follower let us know and leave a comment. If you mention the giveaway on your blog come back and leave us another comment for an additional chance to win. Closing date for the Giveaway is Friday, March 22nd, midnight.

I hope you are a winner and this will give you a little jump start on your spring plans and planting!


  1. Not much planting happening up on the 5th floor but I love watching your garden grow!

  2. What a beautiful idea. Please count me in on your giveaway. I am a follower my email. Love your blog.

  3. You did a great job with that pot! A nice give away. I hope spring comes to your door quickly. It seemed to arrive here yesterday with some beautiful weather.

  4. What a sweet how the peat pot turned out!!


  5. I just found your blog and it's wonderful. What a wonderful giveaway. I'm following now. thanks

  6. Hello Laura, this is a beautiful Give-Away, I love what you did with that peat moss pot . . . so pretty. Oh, please count me in . . . this is so charming and just in time for Spring planting :)
    Connie :)

  7. First time here (via Savvy Southern Style) & new follower via email. What a lovely blog you have--I spent way too long here perusing ;-). Love the little peat pot & garden goodies--here in Chicagoland, spring is just a dream....
    Where did you find the adorable stamped copper plant markers?

  8. First time here (via Savvy Southern Style) & new follower via email. What a lovely blog you have--I spent way too long here perusing ;-). Love the little peat pot & garden goodies--here in Chicagoland, spring is just a dream....
    Where did you find the adorable stamped copper plant markers?

  9. What a cute giveaway..and I love the peat pot. I won't sign up, Laura, because I won several giveaways in the last year-so, I'll give someone else a chance- xo Diana

  10. I follow you on GFC as: Karen. Thanks for this great giveaway, I really enjoy your blog!

  11. Still a bit cold for gardening but I am repotting indoor plants which help my need to get my hands in dirt!

  12. I have been working myself into a frenzy in the garden. I love the peat pot and I follow of course. xo, olive

  13. Oh my... your peat pot is darling! I just posted on a project like this too! Little Bit from

  14. I too love working in my yard. Been doing it most all day. It is sunny and warm. Everything is coming out. I definitely got the fever to work outside. This would make a perfect gift as it is something I would definitely use. The winner should be very pleased. I am a new follower, 83 years old and still mow my yard.

  15. This peat pot is so cute and makes a great giveaway.
    I'm already a follower, Mary Alice

  16. I came over from your comment you left on my hare pictures. So glad I did. Love the peat pot. I am now a follower - GFC!

  17. Laura, your peat pot is adorable. Wonderful giveaway. We still have snow here, too. I'm a follower and regular reader.

  18. What a sweet giveaway--especially for all of us with spring fever! I am a follower :)

  19. I have been seeing peat pot decorations lately and I didn't know what a peat pot was. You did a great job "fancifying" (is that a word?) the pot.

    I am already a follower and can't wait to spend my spring break in the garden so I would love to win your giveaway.

  20. I love that peat pot, Laura! I have a few small sized ones that I like to paint up and decorate. I was thinking of trying some of the stamps I have on them next time.

  21. So pretty! I love the graphics fariy :) Your pot is really cute.
    I found you today thru the From My Front Porch - Treasure Hunt Linky. I hope you get a chance to stop by my blog and leave a comment, too!
    ~ Megin of VMG206

  22. what a delightful post - I'm a new follower visiting from time travel Thursday would love a chance to win your charming giveaway!

  23. Laura we did get our first peas in. but the weather will surely change soon. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity. Thank you for sharing your lovely blog at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop xo

  24. I'm a new follower, and would absolutely love to win your giveway. What a great idea to do with the pots!

  25. Beautiful giveaway. Love your peat pots!

    I just became a follower.


  26. Your give away makes a lovely vignette! Happy St. Pat's day from the enchanted oven.

  27. Wow, you're all ready!

    Hopping by from Pink Saturday.

    My PINK
    Your comment is always appreciated.

  28. Would love to win! I am so ready for spring! I follow!

  29. i follow by GFC (name is Realia Mazing)

    daniellex at gmail dot com

  30. So charming! Love what your did with the digi image. Nice giveaway. We have had temps in the 70-80's all last week and the upcoming week, so I need to get outside and plant some seeds. Hope you had a nice St Patty's Day :)

  31. Oh this give away is right up my alley sweet friend. Love what you did with the peat pot. I love garden magazines. May have to buy this one if I am not the Lucky winner. Thanks for sharing with SYC and for this charming give away.

  32. Hi Laura, I posted your sweet give away on my side bar. Thanks again!

  33. I am weary of winter now too. Sounds like we are having similar weather. Fun giveaway! I am following :)

    Kindly, Lorraine

  34. I highlighted this post on my log tonight for centerpiece Wed wrap up! Karin

  35. Oh my gosh, I just landed here for the first time. Love your garden pictures. We just moved into a new house last summer and are beginning the gardens here. Can't wait to see what develops. :)

  36. I love what you did with this peat pot! What type of transfer method did you use? Hope you are getting a little bit of spring!

    Laura from


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.