
Monday, February 25, 2013

Book Stacks

 Andrea and I both love books, mysteries, best sellers, history, biographies, classics, fashion, craft books of all kinds and gardening. Ok, there are not many fashion books at my house and I can assure you there are no craft books to be found in Andrea's apartment! But the books Andrea and I both love are decorating books. For the holidays Andrea gifted me two books I did not have the newer Rachel Ashwell, Shabby Chic Interiors and my new favorite by Mary Randolph Carter, a perfectly kept house is the sign of a misspent life. How can you not love a book about clutter!

This book stack is in my living room, piled on top of a vintage cheese crate.

Perched on top of the stack is a vintage green cookie jar or I think they sometimes called them biscuit jars. The marble grapes came from a trip to China by a dear friend there to adopt their daughter.

An interesting book in that stack is, Read My Pins by former Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright. We used to talk about her pins before we became obsessed with Hillary Clinton's hair. Another wonderful book gift from my sister.

From, a perfectly kept house is the sign of a misspent life, a page about clutter. I have been trying to reducing my clutter this winter or at least organizing it a little better. My office/craft room/studio has been one of my projects, I'm working up to the point where I can share pictures of it.

To view Andrea's book stacks from last year click here Andrea's Book Stacks.

Do you have a favorite book or decorating book? I'd love to hear about it.

Hope you have a wonderful week!

Linking to this week:


  1. Love your book collection. There are several I think I need to buy -- especially the one about clutter. I was going to do a before and after expose (that needs a little accent mark above the e but I don't know how to type that) about my garage clutter, but the "after" didn't look that much better than the "before." I think I need help! Three of my current favorite design books are "Hers" by J. deMontravel, "Patina Style" by Brooke and Steve Giannetti, and "Black and White" by Celerie Kimble. Happy reading!
    Heather from Friendship, Life and Style

  2. I always enjoy seeing what other people are reading! Love the vintage biscuit jar.

  3. I'm trying to go through storage bins and get rid of stuff, but it's so hard to let go!

    Your biscuit jar is lovely. I just bought one myself, but haven't found the right spot for it yet...but I will.

    I can't say I have a favorite decorating book. It's usually the most recent one I've purchased. I generally have several stacks of them on the lower shelf of my coffee table so they are at hand when I have a few minutes to sit and enjoy them.

    I love your old cheese crate!

  4. I have so many books I couldn't begin to tell you which is my favourite. I love them all! I particularly love biographies and dipping into other people's worlds.

    Have you every tried making a sentence out of a stack of book titles - so much fun!

    Have a wonderful week. I am linking up to you through Mosaic Monday.

  5. Love your books.. and how you displayed them!! I have more decorating magazines then books, and now I am thinking of buying some pretty books..

  6. The biscuit jar is pretty. It's always nice to see what others are reading, I've picked up some good books recommended by fellow bloggers.

  7. Your collection looks great how you have them displayed and the jar is the perfect topper:) Thanks for sharing at the Cabin!

  8. I have The Find and the Ashwell book and dozens more. I use them to elevate items just as you did.

  9. Beautiful! I love arranging books in stacks too, it's nice to always have inspiration on hand like that! I have the Design Sponge book too, it's in my stack of books on my craft room desk! :)

  10. I do enjoy decorating with books ... often old books, but your newer ones full of color look great. And the green jar!

  11. Love your book stack! You've given me some inspiration to try it out myself.

  12. Beautiful stacking. I love using books to raise lamps to a more usable height. Good work.

  13. I love that mother and daughter are blogging together!

    I love using books as a warm, lovely part of home decor.

    Coincidentally, my post today is about books too. Hope you'll stop by and say hello!

    Cindy at Notes in the Key of Life

  14. Your biscuit jar is beautiful! WOW! What a treasure. I love to stack books and have 3 stacked...what was I thinking? I need a bigger stack! I love any decorating with coastal or nautical styles is my fav!

  15. Beautiful display. Thank you for sharing.

  16. I love decorating books and have quite a few. I love how you have them stacked with the beautiful items on top. Very pretty!

  17. lovely stacks. I have some of these books too! Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop your participation is what makes it so much fun. Hugs!

  18. Love your stack...I have a few nice ones that I stack, too.
    Love your pretty blog.
    Happy Pink.....

  19. I have oh, about a million favorite books. ;) Hubby likes quite a few too. I like the display you have going on. The old cheese crate is neat too!

  20. Laura, I too adore books. Gardening and decor are my two favorites. I don't own either of these, but sound like one I could delve into for hours. Love your little biscuit jar! I found a cute pink jar with a glass lid at a thrift store that embossing just like that. It is rather small and I put it in my bathroom to hold the backs of my earrings. Wondering what it's original purpose is. Thinking it's too small to be a biscuit jar. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  21. I recently did a post about all the stacks of books I have around the house. I like them for decorating, but also, I don't have any more room for them on the shelves. Mine are mostly decorating books and I have several of the same books as you.

  22. I hate to say that I enjoy clutter . . . because I don't believe this to be true . . . and yet I have a hard time letting go of so many things. I know that the minute I get rid of them, I'll find a use. It's happen so many times :)

  23. I love book collections! Thanx for sharing your treasures at THT.


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.