
Friday, January 25, 2013


Well so much for the January thaw I wrote about in my last post. I was up at the cottage to enjoy a little of the winter weather and got more than I bargained for. We were having lake effect snow with blinding whiteouts and it was 5 degrees and 15 below windchill. I started out to drive back home but had to turn back, the road conditions were too bad.  I love being in Northern Michigan in the winter except when you need be someplace else and the weather holds you back.

I did snap a few outdoor photos. Here is my sweet little shed nestled in the snow.

 And here it was the shed last summer! When the winter is long and snowy I need to go back and look at summer and gardening pictures to remind myself the snow will eventually melt away. The pink chairs, water cans and flags are packed away. The flowers long gone….. but this a sweet reminder of the summer to come.

Such a stark difference between summer and winter up here but the harsh winters make the summers more special. It is part of the reason I love to spend most of my time outdoors in the summer, you need to soak this up so get thru the long winter! What are you doing to help you get thru the winter?


  1. I love your cottage and the Michigan pretty! Even in the winter~~~Be cozy! Have a blessed weekend~~~~~~Roxie

  2. At least there's a beautiful up side! Love the photos! Stay cozy!

  3. Your shed is gorgeous. I could live in it! Be careful with this weather. Not fun driving around in it. xo

  4. Is that ever cute. I hope it is warm inside.

  5. Your cottage shed is charming no matter the season! I have many of the same vintage finds, but you have the touch when it comes to creating pleasing arrangements.

    Keep warm!

  6. Both views are totally charming! Stay safe and warm.

  7. The difference between summer and winter in your photos is really amazing. We don't get those extreme seasonal changes in southern California. It's kind of boring here.

  8. sorry to hear you are snowed in. what a beautiful little shed in the winter, but also in the summer. so picturesque. hope you get out soon.

  9. Holy Shed! I am so envious- what a wonderful and peaceful nook for you!

  10. The little white house in he snow is lovely. I loved the link to your fall dishes and fell in love with them!

  11. Oh my goodness . . . that is your shed . . . it looks like a sweet little cottage. Do you use it for storage, or do you have it re-done as a guest house, or studio. I would love to see photos of the inside :)
    I'm glad that being snow-bound didn't stop you from blogging. I love the photos.
    Thanks for sharing. Each post and comment that is shared between blogging sisters is a wonderful bonding of friendships.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  12. I loved your blog! I'm brasilian and it's not snow here.

    I loved snow!


    LU C.

  13. I could live there all winter beautiful..and serene looking..just my cup of tea!

  14. We spent a week in northern Mi. a few summers ago at my BIL's and I LOVED it. Especially that it stays light so LATE!!! The summer there is beautiful but no way would I be there in the winter. XO, pinky

  15. I love the looks of the summer and winter cottage shed. Our shed is covered in icicles right now. Hugs and happy pink Saturday!

  16. Love your pics:) I am enjoying our Michigan snow. The kids have been snowmobiling and riding the RZR having a blast. Even a little skiing has been done. Are you expecting the ice storm on Sunday night like we are here in lower Michigan? Im sure we will be without power again:(

  17. I love your beautiful shed in winter as much as in summer. :)

  18. I just linked up to follow...:)

  19. I love snow! We have a place up in Northern MI - and are going to build a home there in the Spring. We haven't had enough snow here in mid-MI for my tastes. I love the pic of that shed in the snow - absolutely lovely!

  20. It is so cute and charming! I heard today that Spring is 52 days away!

    Thanks for sharing!
    God bless....Brooke
    My home and garden site...
    My Vintage Art and Printables site...

  21. Hi!

    I'm hosting a PINK THEMED giveaway, and I would love it if you stopped by and entered your comment for a chance to win some handmade items.
    Hope to see you there!

    Ciao bella.
    Creative Carmelina

  22. How lovely! My goodness, what a difference!

  23. Winter can be really tough in the north country. I live across the line in Canada and the last two weeks were long and very cold with wind chills at 40 below 0 F. That is too cold to even think of going anywhere.
    Your shed is so pretty, in it's summer finery and in it's winter coat. Very picturesque.

  24. So different, than Georgia! We have to enjoy every tiny bit of cold that we get in the winter to help us withstand the scorching heat of summer. Love your little shed - just like a post card!

  25. Love the picture with the snow, as long as it is there and not here! It is an adorable little shed.

  26. Your shed looks great any time of year, but I know what you mean about missing being outdoors. To pass the time during the winter I read and peruse all the blogs on the computer!

  27. Adorable shed in the winter and summer! Would love to get more snow here in Northern Virginia.
    Mary Alice

  28. The shed looks sweet in both seasons! I'm a winter lover and we've had just about ZERO winter the last few years here in northern NJ - so I'm jealous!

    Enjoy the beautiful, blustery weather!


  29. It is a stark contrast but each season shows beauty. Your cottage is lovely. Hope it has warmed up a good bit since this post. I am a little behind visiting you.

    Hope your week is especially nice.

  30. I love your little cottage. Thanks for sharing the photo's

  31. How adorable! I wish we got snow like that here in Arkansas....we mostly just tornados.... :/

    Amber @ The Honeysuckle Bus Stop

  32. your cottage is just so wonderful!!! loved it no matter what the season!

  33. Glad you're safe, Laura. We had zero visibility fog here last week. Your shed looks adorable any time of year. Love seeing your pictures of it in the various seasons. Drive carefully in this wintery weather.

  34. Your shed is the sweetest! My aunt is from Holland Michigan and spends her winters here in Texas. and she tells me the winters up north are really long.. I love how you decorated it in the summer! that's a place I'd love to hang out.

  35. How charming. I love the way you used the wire gate, very cleaver!

  36. I love the shedding all the fun! Thanks for linking up and sharing this post. Karin

  37. Your sweet shed is so adorable, no matter the weather. It's a big girl playhouse, and I just love it!

  38. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop xo P.S. the new giveaway started yesterday :-)

  39. Your shed is darling bathed in snow! Thank you for sharing this at the Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see your prettiness again on Monday. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  40. I so adore your shed!! Thanx for sharing it at THT.

  41. Oh Laura, I drool every time I see your shed! It is gorgeous both Winter and Summer! I agree, we must get out and enjoy the beauty! I will be featuring you at Share Your Cup.

  42. LOVE IT !!!!!!!!especially with the snow

  43. I have never been to Michigan. I think I would love it. Your cottage is the sweetest little cottage ever...winter spring, summer or fall!

  44. Your garden shed is one of the cutest I think I've ever seen. I definitely pinned it. Your wintry scene makes me long to live somewhere that gets more snow. I live in east Texas, and we mainly get sleet and ice. Every 5 years or so, we'll see a little bit of snow, but by the next day, all of it has normally melted.


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.