
Thursday, January 17, 2013

January Thaw

I have been on an unintended blogging break. I had to move all my photos to an external hard drive, I was running out of storage space on my computer. After four trips to the Apple store for help I finally have them moved and can access my photos again, yeah!!!! I hate dealing with tech or computer problems, always a little frustrating for me.  Anyway, I can post away now that I have my photos back….

Last week weekend we had spring time in January, the snow all melted and we hit 55 degrees. Anytime the temperature rises above 40 degrees in Michigan shorts start to appear on people, over 50 degrees and the sandals come out. I even saw two tank top sighting!!! But the best sighting of all was the buds on the Lenten Rose in my garden.

I looked back over my spring flower posts from last year and found the Lenten Rose post from last March 17th. It is hard to believe that in two short months the little buds will be in full bloom and looking like these beauties. I can hardly wait!!!!

To me Lenten Roses are magical, they are the first flowers to appear popping out of the snow. But I'll have to wait for those full blooms appear because back up at the cottage the snow is back and it is 15 degrees. I'm dreaming of spring flowers and starting the count down to their full appearance. Have a great weekend!


  1. Glad you are up and running again! Change is never easy. I know you are counting the days until spring planting.... It will be spectacular again!!

  2. Those flowers are beautiful--I don't think I have ever seen them in Oregon. I am one of those people who is in flip flops if it gets to 50 degrees!

  3. We also had signs of spring down here in the south but finally have a touch of winter again. Your lenten rose is the most beautiful shade of pink...and holds such promise of spring.

  4. Your pictures are beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

  5. Gorgeous pictures!!! Love them! I can hardly wait to get in the yard again!! :)

  6. Such beautiful colors! Looking forward to spring :-)

  7. What beautiful flowers! I love the color.

  8. That is such an exotic and beautiful rose! Thanx for sharing at THT. I have never heard of one before.

  9. Oh, I love this flower...I never knew that Hellebores which we have here in Seattle is also the Lenten Rose. I learned something when I googled Lenten Rose. Thanks so much for sharing this! Smiles, Maria from Seattle.

  10. Wow, my husband is from Michigan and I just read your post to him and showed him the photos. He smiled and said I bet she's got some cold weather Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop xo

  11. The flowers are gorgeous! It's hard to even imagine spring right now, because we are in the middle of a deep freeze.

    I've got to look into that flower and see if it would grow here. We're Zone 4, so I think it would.

  12. What a beautiful bloom. Thank you for such a lovely post.
    xo Jeanne

  13. Those are gorgeous flowers. I've never seen them before.

  14. The color of your Lenten roses is so pretty. Mine are popping their little heads up, too...mine are white or lavender. Love the darker color of yours. Hope they don't freeze.Thanks for sharing.
    Popping over from Make It Pretty Monday.

  15. Jealousy going on over here at my house. lol! I so want a January thaw. We are still deep in snow and it is so darn cold. I thin the last few mild years have spoiled me. I forgot how cold winter can be. I love Lenten Rose too. Your pictures are amazing! I took pics of mine last Spring. They did not look anywhere near as gorgeous as yours. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  16. These are so beautiful! Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!

  17. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous photos at Simple & Sweet Fridays. I love your Lenten Rose.


  18. I've never seen or heard of a Lenten Rose. Of course, I had to good. So pretty and such variety of color.


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