
Monday, November 26, 2012

Faded Beauties

It is the Monday after Thanksgiving, my daughter Andrea is back in New York and I'm left to clean up the remains of the holiday. The turkey dishes need to go back in the cabinet and the trio of turkeys back in the box. Other folks are back to work and who knows cyber shopping perhaps. It seems like other bloggers have jumped into Christmas but I seem to be lingering on Thanksgiving. The bouquet of roses I had in the family room are fading but to me still so beautiful.

 OK, about right here my blogging partner daughter would tell me I have way too many pictures in this post. Sorry Andrea but it seems appropriate for the today, one holiday is fading out and another one is about to light up. I want to enjoy the last of Thanksgiving...

I think I like Thanksgiving the best because it is a holiday without the gift giving. I love to give gifts but hate the insanity of the upcoming holiday shopping. I have already shopped and wrapped gifts for the family that we anonymously adopt every holiday season, always a highlight. Now on with the festive decorating, baking, buying and wrapping…..but hopeful enjoying the upcoming holiday season.


  1. Your roses are lovely. It's good to hang onto the season rather than rush ahead. Time enough for that.
    Since we're Canadian, we don't have to worry about Thanksgiving so close to Christmas and I kind of like that.

  2. yes, agree with Lorrie -- I wish our two major holidays were farther apart. But your fading roses are so lovely and I enjoyed each photo! I'm sure you enjoyed photographing them too!

  3. Beautiful roses--I love Thanksgiving too--such a special time for memories with kids. Having teenagers they enjoyed all the food for sure!

  4. Oh, the roses are beautiful! I love Thanksgiving too. It is so much more peaceful than Christmas. Just family, friends and a very nice meal. We keep working on making Christmas less stressful. That makes me happy.

  5. those lovely dying roses, say so much

  6. So pretty, Laura. I believe in savoring every minute. And, I love roses in all stages.

    Happy Pink Saturday.♥

  7. Hi Laura! Love the color of your beautiful Thanksgiving roses! I love looking, but I never knock myself out with the decorating. I like enjoying the little traditional celebrations too. I sure don't shop much. I think I like the early part of the season best. Enjoy!

  8. Even faded they look beautiful!

    Madelief x

  9. Such lovely roses, I know what you mean, we anticipate the holidays so much, I just want to savor the moments. Glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
    Big hugs,

  10. Gorgeous flowers and nice to hear about how you savor Thanksgiving.

  11. They are beautiful. I have never had red roses keeping the color as well as yours when fading. They are lovely!

  12. creative, pretty, thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop.xo

  13. Love your pictures!! what setting in your camera are you using.. I love how the back is faded a little.. love it..

  14. Sure didn't mind all of the pictures. Each one was delightful. Just sad that they didn't come with a beautiful rose fragrance. Hey, the way technology is they'll probably figure out how to do that someday. I love the color. Really quite different. Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup.
    p.s. I love Thanksgiving also!

  15. Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful roses on Simple & Sweet Fridays. Have a wonderful week.


  16. Laura,
    I don't think there's such a thing as too many roses hehe. These are so pretty. Even faded, you make them look so special. I hope you are enjoying this Christmas season.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.