
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Last Shots of Fall

Last week I made a trip into New York City to visit my blogging partner daughter Andrea. It was a short trip filled with lots of shopping and wonderful food. I had hoped to be showing you some beautiful pictures from the Botanical Garden in Brooklyn. It was a beautiful sunny day and I was ready with my camera, but to my total dismay it was closed!!!! I forgot most of the museum and apparently gardens are closed on Mondays. Very disappointing….  So instead I have the last shots of the beautiful fall foliage from northern Michigan.

I was driving by myself and pulled off the road to snap these photos. To the left was the deep reds and oranges of the trees and the right was this amazing stone foundation barn.

The leaves are falling at a fast rate now and within the week most of the leaves will be down. In contrast NYC was still experiencing warm weather in the 70's, their flowers were still blooming and leaves not yet turning on all the trees. As I pressed my nose through the locked gate at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens I could see walk ways leading to beautiful late season gardens. I guess that just means another trip to New York in the spring and a visit to the gardens but not on a Monday!!! Hope you are enjoying the last days for fall.


  1. Beautiful pictures, Laura. Because of the drought, Denver has some great colors this year but our second snow storm is about to hit tonight. Fall never lasts long enough.

  2. Hi Laura, the stone barn is charming. The leaves never cease to bring me joy. Thank you, Olive

  3. Such pretty shots of northern Michigan. I think we had the prettiest fall we have had in a long time (I am a Michigan blogger too) Happy Wednesday :-)

  4. Amazing to hear it is so warm in NYC ! The fall color you have showed is just exquisite. Our color is just starting here, and once it peaks it goes quickly. I'm glad you had a nice visit with your daughter.

  5. Beautiful!! Sorry about the gardens. Next time. It will give you another reason to visit Andrea. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Such pretty pictures--thanks for sharing all that beauty!

  7. What's with closing on Mondays?! I've found during our travels that many antique shops close on Mondays, also. At least you got to enjoy the beautiful countryside. Lovely photos!

  8. That is a beautiful landscape of trees and great photos. Thanks for stopping by to see my fall mantle and my fall tree :)

  9. I'm sure the gardens would have been lovely but, I ADORE the photos you shared. Here in Texas we don't get much fall color. I just did a post about our trip to Tennessee where I HOPED to see a lot of color. But, they too are having late color & we were about a week to week & half too early. Like you said... next year. Thanks for sharing.

  10. beautiful photos, you can't beat the new england area in the fall.

  11. Beautiful! Too bad you missed the gardens. I'd love to do that too someday. My son lives ninety minutes away from the city in CT. We try to see some sights when we visit too!

  12. Autumn colors make me smile. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos. Thank you for joining in the fun at the Thursday Favorite Things hop. Happy weekend wishes xo

  13. I live in northern Michigan! Yes we are all done with our fall's all on the ground now!
    Too bad about the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens..bummer! Several years ago we drove up to the U.P. of Michigan to visit the Whitefish Point shipwreck museum and found out they closed the weekend before! What a drag that was!

  14. Thanks for sharing your beautiful fall photos on Simple & Sweet Fridays. Just gorgeous! Happy Halloween!


  15. Laura love these photos. That barn is amazing! Hope to make it to New York myself someday. Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup.


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.