
Monday, April 16, 2012

Spring Flowers - Round Three

It was close to being a summer day yesterday, high 70's and showers. I was an April showers bring May flowers kind of day. The clematis has big buds and should be ready to pop in another week or two making them summer flowers. So these may be the last of the spring flowers…. grape hyacinth, tulips, phlox and panies.

Did you know that grape hyacinth are part of the lily family and are often used in perfume?

After the rain I picked a few of the blooms for a small bouquet.

White phlox.

I have one lone but perfect tulip. Over the years I've planted others but they seem irresistible to squirrels or chipmunks who keep digging them up and eating them or moving the bulbs to some secret location.

As spring is close to wrapping up I'm looking forward to the first round of the summer flowers.


  1. What gorgeous flowers and photos! I can't even imagine what it's like right now to be out in the garden! Have a wonderful week!

  2. The grape hyancith is gorgeous. I have none and will enjoy yours. Lovely photos too.

  3. What gorgeous flowers! I love the grape hyacinth. Are they are northern flower? Would they grow in the south? Thank you for sharing.

    Happy Gardening!


  4. Beautiful ! I am SO jealous! The only thing I have had bloom so far are tulips and mini iris. My clematis got nipped by frost the other night so I'm sure they will be set back a while :( But I sure enjoyed your beautiful flowers !

  5. What beautiful photos! Nothing like fresh spring blooms.
    I'm a new follower and hope you'll stop by.
    Mary Alice

  6. I am looking forward to summer flowers too. I love your photos--they are lovely. I can't wait for peonies--and my burgandy ones look like they will be showing up soon! TFS your lovely flowers

  7. Lovely! I had terrible luck with squirrels vs. tulips until my neighbor told me to cover them with that black, garden plastic after planting and anchor it with small stakes. It's not that much work and it saves the bulbs! Your grape hyacinths are lovely as are the pansies!

  8. Beautiful flowers! You've inspired me to step out with my camera while the spring flowers are in bloom (even though it's freezing in northern Illinois!)

  9. Beautiful, Laura! Are you sure you're not a distant relative of Monet?



  10. Beautiful grape hyacinth! I didn't know it was from the lily family. Funny. And thanks for weighing in on the phlox question! You got some wonderful shots of your spring flowers!

  11. Beautiful flowers! I love the deep blue color. They always remind me of my mom. Thanks for sharing!

  12. WOW! Stunning! Their all just breathtaking!

  13. I so enjoyed looking at your beautiful photos. I absolutely LOVE the combination of purple pansies with the grape hyacinth. So gorgeous! :-) I've nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! Please stop by when you get a moment to check it out. Hope you have a great night!

  14. I love those flowers and I featured them at Cedar Hill Ranch's Facebook page so grab a featured button if you like.

  15. Your photos are getting better and better Laura.
    You are blocking the background and bring the subject to the fore.. love it .. such beautiful photos of the hyacinth and the tulip is deliciously divine.. so lovely.
    nice post.
    Happy days to you and Andrea

  16. Beautiful! The hyacinth and pansy arrangement is so very pretty. Stunning photos, all of them.



  17. Stunning photos! I love the plethora of purple, my favorite color. Thank you for sharing!

  18. Simply gorgeous! You really captured the essence of Spring. I'm loving all that purple!

  19. Lovely photo's Laura and a very sweet bouquet!

    Happy evening,

    Madelief x

  20. Love your Spring blooms Laura. My phlox is blooming beautifully also. Basket of Gold is just starting to open up. Soon Spring blooms will be fading and new ones will take their place. I love perennials for that reason. so fun to see blooms all season long. Thanks for sharing this with Share Your Cup Thursday!

  21. Happy PINK Saturday! Your flowers are very pretty. Down her in the South, we grow Pansies in the Winter as they can't stand up to our hot Summers. It's a shame because I love their sweet faces. Have a great weekend, Nan

  22. Beautiful blog! I'm a follower now. I love flowers, too. Linda in Connecticut

  23. Your flowers are beautiful! Isn't it nice to make arrangements from your own yard? I have the same problem with creatures helping themselves to my tulip bulbs and will need to replant this fall.


  24. Gorgeous photos and flowers. Have a great week!

  25. Lovely! I hope someday my garden is as lovely as yours!

    Thanks for sharing on Show Off Saturday!


  26. Beautiful spring flowers and photos! So bright and cheery.


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.