
Monday, March 12, 2012

A Princess and the Pea or Pot Holders?

If I was going to be a princess, it would be the Princess and the Pea. I loved the idea of all those mattress piled high, they where always so pretty. But I guess the next best thing is a pile of pretty pot holders…...

 I love to collect these hot pads, they can be had for a few dollars. I always admire the labor of love that went into the making of these.

Sometimes they come to me with little stains, I don't think it diminishes their charm.

I was surprised at how many I had once I started to pile them up!

A few favorites, the patterns are so different or the same pattern but different colors.

It does make me sad to think that some women worked so hard to create beautiful little items for their home only to have them discarded. They might be happy that the pot pads ended up with someone who loves what they created and admires their skills. By the way, is it pot holder or hot pad at your house?


  1. Love those old-fashioned pot holders. I also like the little square ones that we used to make as children.

  2. Oh, I know. I have a collection of these, too. In our former house, I used them as a border in our kitchen. That won't work in this house, so I haven't been able to display them at all. Yours are lovely. I agree with all you've written about the work that went into them.

  3. They are so colorful! You have photographed these vintage pot holders so beautifully! I wish I could crochet such things but my work is not nearly so brilliant! Thanks for your comment on my blog and for following me. Happy Monday!

  4. I was lucky enough to have a few similar to these passed down from my grandma. She lived across the country from us my entire childhood and I only had a few visits with her. They mean so much to me now. :)

  5. Hi Laura, I love your clever idea of stacking these beautiful colorful pot holders and pads. They are a feast for the eyes and your are so right, someone put so much love and time into them. It's nice to see they have a home where they are appreciated.

    The French Hutch

  6. They are beautiful en mass like you have them. I have a couple and love them so.

  7. Those are so pretty, you have a wonderful collection of them! I remember my grandmother making them, wish I had a few of hers.

  8. Pot holders at our house -- but I usually use a tea towel.

    These are really works of art -- I love how you've displayed them. :)

  9. I love them stacked up and on the serving platters!

    I have you up on our page...thank you!...

  10. You have quite a collection1 My grandma and my aunt used to make these. I wonder what happened to them all.

    Thanks for stopping by -- I love to meet new blog friends.

  11. I'm attracted to these little beauties, myself. I really love the way you have them stacked on the cake plate. What a super idea! They look even more gorgeous.

  12. I love these too. I always pick them up when I see them. My favorites are the ones with the roses on them


  13. What a fun thing to collect! Great photos, too!

  14. You made me look at them in a different way! I usually do not pay a lot of attention to them till I read your post I hated them! But you are correct they are wonderfully handcrafted with lots of love! I'll look out for some next time I go to a market! I usually just take a towel to shift hot pots! Have a nice day! Christa

  15. Dear Laura,
    I love these pot holders.. Its great to see them hanging there.. each one can tell a hot tale or two..!
    Here in Portugal, the old ladies still crochet them and we can buy them too.
    I have a very old blue one that i use.. but now seeing this..i am encouraged to buy some more..
    a lovely blog..
    thank you for sharing
    happy tuesday

  16. What a pretty collection, Laura. I like the creative way you photographed them, stacked and hanging.
    Have a great day!

  17. Oh, I love these little pot holders. In fact, I have a few that were handed down to me from my grandmother, and they are so special to me. You have a nice collection, and I bet you know which one's my favorite - the red rose, of course.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  18. These remind me of my grandmother whom I adored. She crocheted sooo many beautiful items and a lot of these! She had 9 kids plus all the grands & greats. :-)

    It makes me so happy to know that you have so many and love them. I know their creators would be so pleased!


  19. Oh, it's a pot holder for me. Just looking at these brings back sweet memories!

  20. What a wonderful collection! I have 4 or 5, not nearly enough after seeing yours. lol! Mine would not make for a very soft mattress. Your color variety is great. I love all of the hand work. Some people feel bad when they find things at estate sales that their children didn't want. I know that my kids could not possibly use everything I have and I say, "If someone buys it and loves it as much as I did, then great". I cherish the found items I buy and wonder what the woman was like that made it.

  21. Hi Laura,
    I am visiting you today from Wow us Wednesday.Its a pleasure meeting you!
    I collect crochet pot holders too! I love them...and I feel the same way you do, how could anyone discard these sweet beauties that someone made. Your collection is so pretty!
    I have become your newest follower and look forward to visiting again.
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  22. Amazing collection, they are so sweet, like the way you photograghed them,

  23. It is definitely a pot holder in my house. I often worry about the same thing when I knit something for much work goes into it and you want to know that the item is going to be used well and often and not just tossed in the corner or thrown away :0

  24. Oh what a wonderful collection! I am new to your blog.Glad I found it!

  25. All look so adorable stacked up--sweet idea for a lovely collection.

  26. They are cute all by themselves, but en masse, they are over the top!

  27. Pot holders for us! Labor of love is right -- especially since they were made with thread rather than yarn, and teeny tiny hooks! I love the rose one, and the look of them stacked on the cake server....yummy!
    (stopping by from Knick of Time)

  28. i actually had ancient aunts who sat made these sweet offerings. thanks for flooding me with memories of summer porches and a simpler time.

  29. Oh, they look sooo pretty stacked up that way! The old-fashioned crocheted pot holders have become quite popular again. I'm seeing newer versions all over Etsy.

    Thanks for linking to Time Travel Thursday again this week.

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage

  30. We're a pot holder household. And your collection is so colorful and filled with texture -- my collection of vintage handkerchiefs, most embroidered or edged with lace, is subdued and colorless by comparison. But then again, I wouldn't want to wipe my delicate nose on one of your pot holders!

  31. I have a few of those rose pot holders.

    Coming to you from Katherine's Corner Favorite Things Blog Hop. New GFC and Linky follower. Please come on over and follow me back: Royalegacy Reviews and More

  32. These are works of art!
    (visiting from Share the Joy)

  33. Blog hopping today through Ruby for Women. I have a blog that features vintage linen, come visit me sometime. I love these potholders. I have a growing collection myself. I recognize a few. Aren't they lovely?


  34. I use them for hot pads since they are not great for holding hot pots. There is some great work there for sure. Just realized that would be a great way to use up some stash yarn. What is new to me is the way you have displayed them. Great idea.

  35. How wonderful to see them all piled together like that ! Yes, the love, time and attention put into that kind of creation is pretty priceless.
    Enjoy you collection of pot holders ! ;-)
    Happy Thursday !

  36. Beautiful works of art! I'm reminded that my granddaughter is in the musical "Once Upon A Mattress" this spring. Now am really looking forward to it!!! Wishing you well! Cathy

  37. Just so lovely!
    Newest Linky Follower - would love for you to come by for a visit!

  38. I guess it depends how you use them...if they are pot holders or hot pads! If I set something on them then they are hot pads and if I use them for taking hot things out of the oven then they are pot holders! have a beautiful vintage collection. I envy you! They are all lovely but I really love the red, white and blue one with the blue star! That is unusual. Thanks for dropping by to visit me. I love your blog!

  39. They all are very pretty and each one of them is so unique. I like the picture of the pile, so cute.

  40. I've never seen such beautiful pot holders(that' what we call 'em). This is a cool post.

  41. these are beautiful- makes me want to start my own collection:)

  42. Thanks for linking this post to Share the Love Wednesday at Very Merry Vintage Style. You're featured this week! Stop by and pick up a feature button!

  43. I so appreciate this post. My grandma made dozens and dozens of that type of potholder. I still have many of them. While I put them to use, I'm careful not to spoil them, as they're beautiful to look at and I know what effort she put into them.

  44. You sure do have a lovely collection of what I call, pot holders! Yes, they are so charming and so much work put into them. They must be happy to be in your home! You have such a good variety and colors are vibrant. They look pretty stacked on the cakes stand.


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