
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Hummingbird Cake - Sunday Baking

I love to bake but with only two of us at home and trying to watch our weight, I don't bake as often as I used to. So when my sister hosted a casual family dinner, I volunteered to make dessert. Sometimes the hardest part is trying to decide what to make, there are so many fabulous recipes out there. A favorite of my blogging partner daughter Andrea, is hummingbird cake. So even though she was not there to enjoy it I made her favorite.

If you have never had a hummingbird cake you are missing out. It is delicious, bananas, pineapple, pecans and the best part cream cheese frosting, yummmmm………

The cake plate pattern is Fostoria - American, I've sometimes heard this pattern referred to as tumbling blocks. This was gifted to me by my aunt along with place settings for eight. It was her wedding pattern. 

The pecans are toasted for extra crunch and flavor.

I'm sure there are many variations of this cake, the recipe I used is from the cookbook Country Living Great Cakes. Click here for the link to the recipe Hummingbird Cake.

I'm sending a big slice of the cake to Andrea visually! I wish she had been here to share a piece with us. You might remember a few weeks ago I went to New York City to visit Andrea. We had a great time, shopping, saw a Broadway show, lots of walking, good eating and more shopping. I also had a chance to take a few of her friends out to dinner, they were cute, smart, stylish and funny. As I always tell Andrea I'm t-minus and counting the days to my next trip to visit her!


  1. Laura,the images of your cake are magazine worthy. I made this recipe about twenty years ago and it is yummy. Plus the fruit must count for something. Right? hugs, olive

  2. Your cake looks delicious and the photos are gorgeous! Favorite dessert? Cake-any kind. I'm going to try this recipe, maybe for Easter. Thanks for sharing!

  3. WOW..this cake looks so much better than the Hummingbird cake in this edition of Southern Lady. When I saw for the first time a hummingbird cake it looked like a meatloaf cake..not pleasing to the eye..even made the cover but, yours, WOW I love it much better looking I will have to try one now..Thanks for showing that this is really a nice looking cake.

  4. Trust me it was as good as it looks!!

  5. That cake is absolutely gorgeous and so neatly iced! Very impressive.

  6. This looks so yummy and so pretty too! I am craving any kind of yummy sweet right now! Thanks for stopping by!


  7. Dear Laura, this looks fabulous and very professional! YUM! We have no family favorite with sweets - I must admit I like (nearly) anything! I am glad you had a good time in NY - it's nice that you are back! Christa

  8. wow!!!that looks so good!!!
    greetings from germany,

  9. Oh my, does it ever look good! Please tell me no hummingbirds were injured in the making of this cake! Any idea what the origin of the name is?

  10. Oh, that looks soooo good and pretty, too! Laura, please email me your address for your Pay It Forward gift!
    Hugs, Cindy

  11. I love Hummingbird cake and yours is beautiful!

  12. Here from Ivy and elephants. Wow, this cake is really something!

  13. Laura, this Hummingbird cake looks divine..
    It will be on the list for summer cakes for the family.

    I have to say that our family favorite is a rich soft chocolae cake.. and a soft fluffy lemon cake.

    Glad you enjoyed The big Apple.. and meeting Andreas friends.

    Nice to see you again.
    lovely blog

  14. Wow, your cake looks amazing!!! The ingredients sound delicious too. I never made anything like it before. Thank you for sharing the recipe. I will print it out!!

    Happy day!

    Madelief x

  15. YuMmY deeelish! =)

  16. I think I can actually taste this!
    Beautiful pictures, why is it called Hummingbird Cake?

  17. I love hummingbird cake, being from the South and all. Yours looks amazing! You should go into the business. Thanks for linking.

  18. That IS a gorgeous cake. I've never had the pleasure of tasting hummingbird cake, but I sure want to now! And, cream cheese frosting--NUM!

  19. I have never heard of Hummingbird Cake before, but it sounds yummy! Great photos!

  20. I love Hummingbird cake. Your cake is beautiful!! All those nuts!! My hubby only like coconut and apple pie! So boring! Hopped over from Katherines!

  21. That looks delicious. I love the simple decorative design

  22. Wow, I don't know which looked the best, the cake or those gorgeous flower shots!
    Thanks, Dorothy~~

  23. Such a beautiful Cake! I have never had it but now I will have to make one!

  24. Oh. I die. I'm your newest follower, I'd love if you followed in return and linked up to my little party:

    Hope to see you there!

  25. This cake looks wonderful!

    We like all kinds of cakes, muffins and brownies!

  26. I've never heard of hummingbird cake, but it sounds just divine! Would you mind if I link to you and this post on our CEO page? I like to find interesting recipes and link to them from our blogging friends. It's great to find you through Katherine's Corner...
    Here's our CEO page to see...

  27. Your cake looks really good....and this is coming from someone who hates bananas and is allergic to pecans.

    My family tends to like fruity type desserts, but for me, I love chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream. Yum!

    Just wanted to thank you for your comment on my spring table. Sorry it has taken so long to come by, but I do appreciate your visit!

  28. Hi!

    The Hummingbird cake looks divine. Baking is my passion an my hubby and kiddos love to be my guinea pigs!

    New follower from Mom to 8 blog. Looking to connect with other blogger mamas. I'd love for you to follow blog at

    Allison :)

  29. Hi Laura,

    Oh my word! That looks absolutely delish!!! I have never made a Hummingbird Cake before, but will now have to try it - looks sooo good! Wonderful job!!! :) Wishing you a wonderful weekend!


  30. Beautiful presentation. It looks so delish. This is one of my Mothers favorites Thank you for linking up to the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop linky party. Hugs and wishes for a lovely week ahead. P.S. The new giveaway has started!

  31. That cake looks fabulous! Thanks for linking up to Share the Love Wednesday!

  32. Well, Laura, my keyboard is ruined due to the drooling. :-) This cake is just beautiful and such a great dessert! I love seeing what others bake so thanks for sharing!

    By the way, do you still have my address? Perhaps Fed Ex would be in order the next time you bake?:-)

    There's nothing like NYC! Absolutely love that city and so much to do, see and eat until you're in oblivion.


  33. I have, indeed, tried hummingbird cake, Laura. I found the recipe in one of my Southern Living magazines, years ago, and it IS delicious!

    Your cake is beautiful perched atop that lovely cake stand. I just happen to collect cake stands, so yours caught my eye right away.

    Thanks for linking to Time Travel Thursday each week.

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage

  34. Wow, first time to your blog and I absolutely and utterly love the idea of your cake, it looks GORGEOUS! I bet it was so tasty!

    Kt x

  35. Hi Laura! This looks wonderful! I featured this on my post today about our That's the Ticket Blog Hop. Please stop by and grab a button!

  36. WOW! My daughter's specialty is the Hummingbird Cake but I've never seen it dressed up and so pretty :) Shhhh! Don't tell her I said so :)


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.