
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Show and Tell Time

Burrruuuummmmmmm! That was a drumroll noise, because finally I am bringing to you some before and after pictures of my new apartment! Now in summary, the apt is bigger, older and has a few more architectural obstacles to overcome but most importantly, it is large. First, a couple a slightly depressing, under decorated before shots: 

Window grates and bare white walls. Wah wah wahhhhh.

All of my crap: all white, all on the floor. 

Ancient radiators and awkward outlet placements.  Enough before, you readers didn't come here to see the fug, you came to see the transformation of beauty! Here are the first few touches of magic.

The purple bottles! Do they look familiar? They should! Cottage and I picked them up at an antique market in Northern Michigan over the summer. We shared them with you. Remember? Right now, they're resting on my windowsill in front of the aforementioned visually affronting grate (which is there to protect me from being burgled), behind a beautiful set of drapes from West Elm. The drapes were the first major change we made, and they made the room.

I nearly made another pricy West Elm purchase on a chair identical to this awesome one above. Fortunately, with her eagle eye, my mom spotted the same slipper chair in a different slip cover pattern at Housing Works, for $75! It was a steeeaaal. 

We're entering my bedroom now, where there lives a wrought iron jewelry hook in the shape of key. Now my necklaces will always be able to find their way home.

One of my gallery walls, featuring framed note cards by Christian Dior, rabbit stencils from Tinsel Trading Co., one of my favorite Tim Walker prints, a Matisse calendar and masks!

And a naked lady mug from Fishes Eddy that holds my makeup brushes and eyeliners, and sets on my nightstand. 

I hope this wasn't too much of a let down for you, I didn't show off the complete space...but the complete space isn't entirely finished at the moment. So this may be more of a gradual show and tell of the new digs. I hope you stay tuned. And if you have any suggestions for me, please! Let me know! 

And today we're linking to...


  1. Awesome!! I remember the purple bottles and the chair is beautiful. I like your artwork and use of color. Can't wait to see the finished product ~ I know it's going to be gorgeous.


  2. I think it looks good so far. Great idea on the necklace holder. Great score on the chair. Can't wait to see more.

  3. Just me looking in. Lovely purple vases.


  4. Great use of color. That is right up my alley. Thanks so much for sharing with the newbie party. Nice to meet you and I look forward to seeing you again.

  5. What a difference. I love all the texture you added. It looks like you've been there for years and I love your jewelery collection. Patty

  6. I love the purple bottles. Purple is one of my favorite colors, and I used to have a room in it where I used to live. The hanging necklaces is such a great idea. Nel has been wanting something like that to hang her necklaces on. Everything looks so nice.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  7. Oooo, I like your warm colors. You've made some very nice changes so far. Can't wait to see more.

  8. Looks great! I love all the warms colors.

    Have a wonderful day,

  9. I love what you've done to your place... gorgeous colors and it looks genuinely cozy and inviting!! Can't wait to see more!

  10. Just saw your post on Wow Us Wednesday! Great post; and What a great blog you have! I am now your newest follower and i hope you will follow back! God bless!!

  11. Leave it to Cottage to score a bargain.....always like to maximize the shekels!

  12. Your new place is looking fabulous. I love how you use color. And I covet that chair!

  13. I am loving where your apartment is going. The colors are wonderful and that chair was an awesome deal. The best is yet to come.


  14. Looking good! I love your artwork. "Older" usually means more character! I also love the chair!
    Hugs, Cindy

  15. Wow! Nice composition, I like. If I told you what I pictured would stay disenchanted.


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.