
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 9/11

Like many of you we will spend some of the day watching the coverage commemorating the September 11th tragedy. When Cotttage Guy and I visit New York we often go down to the site to review the progress on the new building being erected there. The area is fenced and it is difficult to see someone of the work being done and there are always hundreds of people visiting. These are a few pictures that Cottage Guy has captured of the progress on the building. 

August 2011

Fall of 2010

The images from that day will forever be seared in our hearts. Our thoughts and prayers continue for the lives lost and their loved ones.


  1. I've been watching special broadcasts here in Sweden today. Let's hope that there won't be need for more of those in the future ...

  2. Forever etched in my mind... thank you for sharing the pictures.

  3. And the most amazing thing about this building is it is already leased out and filled to capacity! Gotta love the moxy of New York!


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.