
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Peach Time

 Andrea (the Broome half of our blog) is still unpacking and trying to get settled in her new apartment, unfortunately she will not have internet service until sometime late next week. So while she is unpacking, I did a little baking which is something we both like to do. 

Fresh peaches have been available at the farmers market and are oh so delicious right now. I made a peach crostata. Crostatas are easy to make when you don't want to go to all the fuss of making a pie that requires crimping the edges. This recipe was modified from Barefoot Contessa's Apple Crostata, substitute peaches for apples, and nutmeg for allspice, plus add a tablespoon of lemon juice. 

 Always serve with pretty plates, these are Rose Chintz by Johnson Brothers.

Add a little scoop of ice cream.

Now it is time to enjoy!

Tell us about your favorite pie or fall item to bake.


  1. That looks incredibly delicious! Michigan is so great for all the changing seasons and in-season fruits we get to enjoy. Such an elegant table -- it's like I'm seated and ready to eat!

  2. Hi Laura! Thank you for visitng me. I think I might want to try your recipe. I am cookie baker. I didnt' do well with my old oven when it came to cakes. I'm hoping my new to me oven will do a better job. Have a great weekend.


  3. Hi, Laura. Thanks for visiting my post and commenting! I love your peach crostata post--the pie looks absolutely yummy, and I've always loved these dishes. And I love your "About Me"--it's so cute and lighthearted. How cool that you and your daughter share so many interests. Nice to meet you!!

  4. My favorite fruit and that sure looks good. Thanks for sharing at Wow.

  5. I don't bake!!!! I know. But in my defense, my hubby NEVER eats sweets so I would have to eat it all, and THAT is not good:):) This I would love though. My favorite is Costco's Apple Caramel pie!!!!!! Oh honey, it is magnificent! AND, a BIG pie is only $8.99!!!!!!! THAT is my all time favorite dessert. XO, Pinky

  6. Your peach dessert looks wonderful!! I have to say that my favorite Fall food is pumpkin pie.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  7. It looks so yummy! My birthday is in August and my mom makes me peach cobbler every year. This sounds similar. Beautiful photos too :)

  8. May I say this is just peachy keen! I've made a variation of this with apples, so I thank you for reminding me it can be done with peaches. My mind must not be working correctly. I prefer the peach version!

    I am so pleased that you linked to Potpourri Friday. Your participation certainly makes the party more successful . I appreciate you! I hope you will make this one of your regular stops each week!

  9. That looks delicious...the bowl of weetabix sitting in front of me is no longer looking very appetising! And those plates are gorgeous. My pie of choice is probably a rhubarb pie...a neighbour used to give us the extra rhubarb she grew when I was a child so our house was always overflowing with rhubarb pie and jam but I never got sick of it.

  10. Beautiful table, Laura. I'm a bluberry cobbler fan, myself, although anything would taste fantastic on those bone china dishes. Pour me a cup of Constant Comment and I'll be right over.

  11. Peaches sound sooooo good! I have several of these same plates and the peach color looks so pretty against the colors in the plates. Lovely presentation!

  12. I read this blog first thing this morning and thought to myself.... self, wouldn't a slice of crostata topped with a scoop of homemade vanilla icecream served on a pretty plate with a cup of hot coffee in a pretty mug, taste good right now?? Self told me it sure would... I've checked out the recipe. I'm thinking I will make this for my husband, errr and me too, this weekend. Thanks!

  13. Speaking from 1st hand experience....that first slice was tasted every bit as good as it looked. I guess the dishes enhanced the flavor, but I'll go with the baker being the main reason it was so delicious!

    Cottage Guy

  14. Looks very yummy, we love peach anything in my house!!

  15. That looks delish! Just found your blog and was intriqued by the name. My madien name was Broome and my extended family is all from Michigan. How funny!

  16. Your peach crostata looks divine! Pretty serving pieces, too.

  17. I love the rose chintz dishes. They are so pretty for showing off the fruits of your labor in the kitchen. That peach dessert looks heavenly!!!!!!!

  18. This looks so yummy! I have a Peach Betty that I make every now and then and a favorite Macadamia Nut Cheesecake. You have me thinking now, it's been too long since I made either one. I think I'll just have this for dinner:-)

  19. Yummmmm! Love the gorgeous plates too! So glad you stopped by my blog. Thanks for the kind comment.

  20. First off, this pie looks so amazingly delicious that I kind of want to eat my computer screen.

    Second, I've always been a huge fan of mixing fruits in pies. LOVE any mxtures of blackberry, strawberry, blueberry, or raspberry (though I know they're not fall items).

    As far as fall goes, apple butter pie!

  21. Wouldn't you know it? There's not one single peach left on my tree. I'll have to find some and try this out though. It looks so yummy!

    Thanks for linking to Time Travel Thursday last week. Hope to see you this week, as well.

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage

  22. Yum! That sure looks good and I am lovin your Rose Chintz with it. How much better food looks when it's served on gorgeous china. Wonderful post; thank you.



We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.