
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Summer Blooms in Charlevoix

 Welcome to a partial tour of the gardens at the Cottage! Over the years I have developed a love for gardening and devote a large part of my summer days working in them. I like the cooler colors of the garden, lots of pinks in every shade, purples, blues and white to keep things calm and to brighten dark shady spots. To name just a few of what is planted, we have: Roses, Clematis, Begonias, Snapdragons, Petunias (a Charlevoix speciality, they line the streets in town), Bee Balm, Peonies, Zinnias and my new favorite, Hydrangeas. My other favorite - beautiful green grass! I also have shady areas that hold a variety of Hosta, Woodruff, Foxglove, Astilbe, Ferns and Primrose. Like a lot of gardeners I do battle with the deer, they ate a whole flat of Petunias before I could even get them in the ground!

 This post primarily focuses on the Hydrangeas (which are glorious right now). Somehow I missed taking great pictures of the Roses, there is always next year. Enjoy the tour!

This was not color enhance, isn't this a beautiful shade of blue!!

Again the color of nature, is it any wonder that I love pink!     

Hope you liked the 50¢ Garden Tour, I think it might have been worth at least a dollar! Thanks for visiting! Tell us what is in your garden.


  1. Your flowers and phots are just beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Oh, I would've paid a $1!!! WONDERFUL garden/floral photos!!!! The blue/pink blooms are fabulous as is your tablecloth!!!

    You've done a wonderful job! I would love to LIVE here!!!!

    Lana In Italy

    PS I hope, please, that you get a chance to drop by my blog & leave a comment for a chance to win my 1st Giveaway! THANK YOU!!!

  3. Just think how lucky some people are (me) to have this beautiful garden as part of their everyday life. All your hard work is so appreciated. The pictures are spectacular, and really captured the essence of your gardens.

    Cottage Guy

  4. So beautiful! I feel like I'm looking through the pages of House & Garden magazine but with more warmth. It amazes me how a place that came be so harsh and barren in the winter can bloom like that in the summer. It MUST be the gentle tending of the gardner!

  5. love love LOVE your garden! gorgeous shots, pretty table~

  6. Your Hydraneas are my favorite.

    Mine is not bloomimg this summer ? maybe they are hungry? I will feed them again


    I found you on Bewtween naps on the porch

  7. I love your are both sooooooo talented!

  8. Just gorgeous. Your pictures are stunning.


  9. Ok thanks for telling me about coffee grounds and Hollytone I will stop at the hardware store to see if they carry hollytone I like using organic fertilizer

    My hydraneas are just not blooming and last year they were large as a dinner plate and a beautiful blue which i love


  10. One of the nicest tours I have been on in a long time. I envy you of this beautiful, heavenly garden.

  11. By the way..I LOVE the little white painted it handmade?

  12. Thanks. It is Jo Moffit. If you go to this year's Charlevoix Art Fair, grab her business card for me. I can't find a web site for her. Who would have thought when we started working together 30 years ago we would be "blogging?" Is this a great country or what!

  13. Oh, for heaven's sake....what beautiful flowers!!! The hydrangea...magnificent!!! The deep blue and pink...unbelievable!This is just an all 'round beautiful setting!

  14. Wow, your garden tour was definitely worth more than 50 cents! Thanks for the color fix. If you have angels in your box springs does that mean your dreams are sweeter?

    Stop on over to if you want to see what is in going on in my garden. I won't charge either!

  15. Thanks so much for all the lovely comments on our flowers. We were so glad to share them with you.

  16. So glad I had a chance to make your acquaintance and get a personal tour of your beautiful gardens! A real delight! Thank you for sharing these pictures.

  17. have some of the most beautiful pictures I have seen in Blogland. Stunning.


  18. Your garden is absolutely gorgeous. And your hydrangeas. OMG, they are beautiful! Lovely table in your garden too. Definitely worth the 50 cent tour!

  19. Loved my tour, of course the pink tea pot set everything off!!!
    Thanks for visiting my blog....loved the visiting New York...Looks like this heat is killing everyone! YUCK!!!


  20. Fabulous photography that really captures the natural beauty of all your flowers! Your hydrangeas are amazing!!!

  21. I'm enjoying the uniqueness of your blog. Mother/Daughter and the contrast of your daily lives. It is very interesting.


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.