
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sugar, Sugar, Yum, Yummm

So after pondering our last post for a bit, I decided it was dismissive of me to dedicate my entire half to ice cream without so much as mentioning one of my absolute favorite candy shops. So here it goes: it's Papabubble! Isn't that a cute name? The ultimate purveyor of hard candies, Papabubble sells delectable little drops of cooked sugar in bright colors and fizzy flavors like strawberry and lemon-lime. The shopkeepers (or candymen, if you will) sculpt the sugar into whimsical designs like red-and-white-striped hearts for V-day,  sandcastles for summer and sabertooth tigers just for the fun of it. I once asked them to craft a princess crown made of sugar for my friend's birthday (because how else would you celebrate a 24-year-old lady's day of birth?) and they didn't even flinch. They even had a giant candy squid in their window display for a while. It was awesome. Unfortunately, I do not have pictures of these fine masterpieces. I'm sorry for teasing you. But! I do have a few photos of one of their most popular treats - sugar drops! So look. Enjoy. If you ask nicely, I'll even send you some. 

To The 5 Boroughs - a jar of candies that the Beastie Boys would approve of. A super cute gift for new Manhattan transplants.

The Bronx, as stated. How sweet (pun-intended) are these? The writing is tiny...and my friend's nail polish is chipped. Don't judge her.


  1. Yum....I need some from my original hometown Borough....Queens!

  2. You take amazing photos. I love them. I really enjoyed the candy photos!


We would love to hear from you, Laura and Andrea.